Confidence never goes out of style
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
For our esteemed clients in IT sector, we are currently hiring extra ordinary talent: Java Spring Boot Microservices Developer, Pega CDH Decisioning Architect, Adobe Campaign Manager for Bangaluru /Chennai locations
You feel confident by instilling the notion that clothes are not meant to look good on you. Clothes are there to make you feel comfortable and protect you from harsh weather. Further, you feel confident by understanding that “looking good” has squats to do with feeling confident. I think I am confident because I don’t tie my self-worth on materialistic things such as clothes, cars, and phones; let alone other people’s thoughts and actions.
You are neither the fancy car that you drive nor the smart-ass phone that you flaunt. You are your ideas. You are the thoughts that you share. You are what you write and you are what you act and you are certainly not the stupid and colorful pieces of cotton that you cover your body with.
Wear the knowledge proudly. You know you don't look great, so let people know that you are aware of that fact. This makes it more difficult for anyone to make any jokes and gives you the ability to laugh at yourself and your situation; probably know of the best abilities a person can have. Strut down the hall laughing at the scene and you'll find that wearing unflattering clothes becomes more of a game.
That confidence shouldn’t depend on your clothes, I also know one tends to feel better and stand taller, and look more confident in clothes that you feel look good on you. I don’t think it takes a lot of money to do this - just some good advice. Ask someone who has some clothes-sense, or find a good salesperson whom you tell you are looking for things that look good on you. Don’t buy anything you aren’t very happy with and you feel looks good. Shop around. Ask people. Try different looks. Don’t be shy about asking. Anyone, no matter what their body type, can look good in clothes that suit them.
On the other hand some people can look past that. It's you. Your demeanor, your confidence. Can you get past what your wearing? Lately i forget that i had quit wearing make up, gained weight. And yes sometimes I'm dismissed. And other times not. Depends on who I'm talking too. Choose who your talking to. If your dismissed because of your clothing, well kind of shallow isn't it. And you know it right away.
It is difficult to feel confident when you know for sure your clothing does not look right . There aren't many fixes for that except hopefully you are engaged and occupied enough wherever you are dressed like that to forget what you are wearing . It helps not to buy clothing that does not suit you . Like when I borrowed clothing due to some problem and feeling awkward you just have to grin and bear it and remember to focus on wherever you are as that is the important thing in life and will take away from thinking about yourself . If asked you can always explain a time constraint or emergency . For the most part you should keep in mind that many people will barely notice as much as you do . Everyone has probably been in the same situations for one reason or another . And truthfully you are probably making a bigger deal about it because you know you aren't looking your best .
The ultimate truth is that the clothes I wear have nothing to do with how much I’m worth. My employer pays me the same amount of money regardless of whether I’m dressed business casual or dressed to the nines in a suit and tie. They’re more interested in the quality and quantity of the thinking processes that go on in my brain and come out on the computer in the form of source code that is then deployed to the production servers.
I feel confident when I’m in the zone, cranking out code at work. I’m also confident when I’m in the zone out on a long bicycle ride, or accomplishing a task that needs taken care of at home. That task could even be as mundane as washing the dishes or mowing the yard. I’d be lying if I said other people’s opinions don’t matter at all, but the opinion that matters most in your self-confidence is yours.
Let us have a little story here. A couple years ago I confessed to a friend of mine that I like to wear short shorts. These would be shorts of the length that were normal for guys to wear back in the 1970s and 1980s. I also told my friend that I hadn’t yet worked up the nerve to wear them in public. Now my friend has some self-confidence issues of his own, but thought that I should try wearing the short shorts the next time we went out for a bicycle ride together.
Something about “getting me comfy in what I like to wear.” I thought “Why not. It isn’t like I’m going to run into anybody I know, other than my friend, who was encouraging me to (as the Nike commercials say) just do it.” This was a huge step for me. We went for about a 35 or 40 mile bicycle ride that day. I was wearing a T-shirt, my cycling helmet, the short shorts. I didn’t have room to store any longer shorts in the handlebar bag on my bicycle, so I had to leave them back at my friend’s place. No changing into longer shorts when we stopped for lunch! I had to finish the ride wearing the short shorts. No safety net!
Do you know how many people said anything bad within earshot of me about my attire that day? Do you know how many bad things happened to me that day while I was wearing those short shorts? None! Talk about a confidence booster! I’ve since worn the short shorts out to eat at some nice sit-down restaurants as well as fast food places. I’ve worn them to the mall, a large discount retailer’s store in the area, out for a walk, hiking in a crowded state park on a holiday weekend, and other places too. Sure, some people have laughed, but hey. I’m wearing what I like, and I think I look good in it. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit
For our esteemed clients in IT sector, we are currently hiring extra ordinary talent: Java Spring Boot Microservices Developer, Pega CDH Decisioning Architect, Adobe Campaign Manager for Bangaluru /Chennai locations
4 年Beautifully said dear friend Himanshu stay blessed
confidence is what individual needs! Kishore Shintre
Proprietor, Priya's Vision Academy
4 年Being comfortable in one's skin is always better than worrying about what others are saying! Even if you dress up, dress for yourself and not to please others! Wear your confidence on your sleeve and wow the world in style! There will of course always be some shallow people who will judge you based on what you are wearing or where you are living and working. Care two hoots about them!