Confidence is Key
A common theme I come across in much of the Mentoring I do with Executives & Individuals is “ Building confidence”.
Executives often seek out a Mentor or Coach because – without knowing it - they lack confidence in one aspect or another of their work or lives. Low self-esteem and self-efficacy often underpin behaviour.
In my experience, there is more than a direct relationship between performance, success and ‘confidence’ . Successful leaders are confident full stop. People are drawn to and inspired by those who are confident. Building confidence involves working on several steps and actions over time that include :
When Executives and Leaders are ‘confident’ they are happier, build better relationships, are more motivated and ambitious, open to risks, open to criticism, better able to think for themselves, lead others and navigate the problems and challenges ;in business and life.
“ If you don’t have confidence …you will always find a way not to win ” Carl Lewis - 10 x Olympic Gold Medalist