The confidence game.
Marnix Pauwels ??
Coach | Schrijver | Gids bij spiritueel ontwaken | Begeiding tijdens en na psychedelica
What struck me in a new way, recently, is how certain and confident everybody seems to be.
It's not just the perfect pictures all around, but the perfect everything.
When you wander around on social media it's nothing but cool promises and sharp statements and unique selling points.
Wherever you go there are endless winning methods, amazing programs, powerful solutions, and bright futures.
It's like every single person we encounter online knows exactly what they're doing.
That must be SO confusing for normal people (like you and me)!
It makes total sense that in a world where we're constantly confronted with this kind of extreme confidence and certainty and perfection, we feel like losers all the time.
And even most of the ‘imperfection’ we encounter is still amazing and good-looking and often used to impress more than as an act of true vulnerability.
Just saying.
I discussed this phenomenon today with a client, and they agreed, sighing deeply.
Of course.
It's a universal thing.
A problematic thing, really.
Because even if we're aware that it's all subjective, tailored, polished bullshit, and a fierce distortion of reality, it can still be painful.
Everybody seems to know.
Everybody seems to go in the right direction.
Everybody seems to be improving and shining and hustling and winning.
But let me tell you this:
As a coach, I talk to everybody, so I know what's really going on.
And nobody has a fucking clue.
You're welcome.
(Photo by @patrickperkins, for Unsplash)