Confidence ?
When stressed, looking ahead, thinking "oh my gosh" how will I get through this.
You have successfully accomplished this task at hand before.
Each cookie represents a previously successful outcome from a situation you are currently stressing about.
You have successfully been presented with, figured out, took action on and over come other similar challenges before.
We have to remember this in the middle of the time we are feeling over whelmed about what is at hand.
Pull from the cookie jar.
Say it. I have done this successfully before. I got this.
A meeting, a presentation, a workout, hosting a big group, planning something. You name it. Anything.
I have previously done this successfully before.
My confidence comes from having done it well in the past.
As a friend said to me recently, paraphrasing: the track record for you failing about the thing you are worrying about just isn't there.
Fighting a live Gorilla? Likely take cover. Unless you have done that well before.
Doing a job interview? Pursing fitness? Something industry related for your career?
Yeah. You got this.
So, when feeling anxious feelings approach about an impending doom from a situation that is perceived to maybe fall apart remember the cookie jar method.
I have successfully accomplished this task before. I got this.
No real cookies were used in the creation of this article.
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Dan Rogers, what's your secret to overcoming stress and doubt?