Confidence is Such a Captivating Attribute!
I don’t know about you, but when I see a confident person, I can’t get enough of them! I want to spend more time with them, I want to become more like them, I want some of them to rub off on me!
Confidence is such a captivating attribute! I don’t think there is anything more attractive and sexy than that! When someone is confident they are assured, secure with themselves, and clear. What could be more appealing than possessing those qualities? Keep in mind that I am talking about being confident…not cocky! There is a HUGE difference!
I know so many people who appear to “have it all together”…but they lack confidence. They have every reason to be self-confident, but for some reason they are insecure and self-doubting. Why is this? I think it boils down to old negative beliefs and childhood baggage.
Here’s an example: You have a pretty good singing voice but somewhere along your life someone told you something negative about your singing. From that point on, every time you sing, those words repeat in your head. A belief is a thought you repeat over and over again until it becomes a truth for you…BUT that doesn’t mean it is true!
There are unlimited examples of this:
Someone tells you your legs are too skinny to wear shorts, you are too fat, you are not an artist, you are a bad driver, your hair is unmanageable, you are a liar, you can’t do this or that well, etc.
When we hold onto these negative beliefs, it causes insecurities and results in our not being confident.
How do we break this cycle and let our true, beautiful selves emerge and shine brightly?
First we need to be aware of the “truths” that we believe about ourselves. When a thought comes into your mind, like “I’m so stupid!”, you need to evaluate that belief. Are you?
I almost guarantee that the answer is no. So why do we continue to put ourselves down and believe these non-truths? Because it’s a habit. Let’s break it! Next time you hear yourself telling yourself something negative…stop…and replace it with a positive and cover that lie with a beautiful truth. That gives you the freedom to open your mind and heart to improve in that area.
Years of focusing on flaws can distort your self-perception. You reach a point where you are no longer able to see yourself the way others do.
And when that happens, you stop owning your beauty.
You no longer look out at the world with a sparkle in your eye. Instead, you interact with the world as if you’re looking through the lens of the one feature you don’t like about your face or figure.
The effect can be devastating to your natural beauty.
You could argue and say, “Well, that’s just an expression, I don’t really think I’m stupid.” But, thinking and saying those negative things is detrimental.
Would you let someone talk to you like that?
Would you talk to someone you love like that?
I don’t think so…so don’t talk to yourself like that…it breaks your spirit, self esteem, and ultimately your confidence.
What does confidence look like?
If you observe confident people, you are very likely to see the same traits:
~They do not worry about what others think.
They are so sure of themselves, that they do not need others’ approval to feel good!
Do you wonder and worry what others think about you?
Remember…what other people think about you is none of your business!
~You can see it in their body language. They walk with a purpose, they don’t fidget with their arms and hands. They stand tall, their head held high. They move in closer when conversing, and are comfortable to give a loving touch. They shake your hand with a strong assurance.
When you walk into a group setting or into an unfamiliar setting…what does your body language say about you?
~Their facial expressions scream confidence.
They smile, their eyebrows are happy and expressive, they make eye contact.
They look forward, as they know where they are going.
They do not look down and try to be invisible.
What message are you sending just from your facial expressions?
~They speak in a pleasing way.
They speak highly of themselves and others.
They do not use bad or harsh language.
When you are truly secure with yourself, you don’t need to put down others to feel good about yourself!
Here is something I heard long ago that rings true to me…maybe it does for you too:
“Intelligent people talk about ideas.
Average people talk about things.
Small people talk about other people.”
What do you talk about?
You may not be the best at everything or have the perfect this or that. Being confident is not that…it’s being honest with yourself and comfortable with who you are.
It’s accepting your feelings and opinions and yourself. It’s being your authentic self and loving YOU! I’ll say it again, being confident is Loving You!
Your thoughts on this article …………………?
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Thank you … When you lift your head up and be the first person to say “Hello” and act confident in who you are, a ripple effect starts in the positive direction. at practice
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Yük.Müh.(Electronics Engineer, MSc in EE)
7 年Always stated in a plain yet impressive language and intructional English Language.