Confidence is a byproduct of action.

Confidence is a byproduct of action.

“IT F*ING WORKS! I can’t believe it f*ing works!”?

I was between sets at my CrossFit gym when I got the text that made me smile from ear to ear.?

It was from a client who had come to me because she wanted to feel more confident on sales calls.

But she pushed back on almost every suggestion I had shared with her up to that point.

It seemed too structured to follow a sales call format.?

She wasn’t sure it could work for her.

She hemmed. She hawed. She hesitated.

But she finally went for it anyway. And after months and months without a sale, her actions paid off!

Yes. Action f*ing works.?

This client was like so many of the entrepreneurs I’ve worked with.?

When she stopped making excuses, quit analyzing all the reasons her approach to sales calls wasn’t working for her…

When she finally just jumped in and made the calls even though she was uncomfortable…

She started to see the sales come in.

Visualization is a first step.?

Of course, I’m not saying you shouldn’t think things through before you get potential clients on a call.

I teach people to have a plan and imagine how great things will turn out when they follow that plan.

Think about how Michael Phelps. When he trained for the Olympics he famously visualized each stroke.?

Planning, preparing, and visualizing are all incredibly powerful tools for building confidence.?

But too often people stop there.?

Confidence is a byproduct of action.

Michael Phelps didn’t simply visualize himself winning. He spent countless hours training and practicing, too.

You can’t expect to make 3 calls and become an expert any more than you could take a few swim lessons where you blow bubbles into someone’s backyard pool and expect to qualify for the Olympics in the Breaststroke.

So why do people expect to feel confident on sales calls after just a few tries??

There’s no way around it. If you want to feel confident at selling (or anything else!) you have to practice.?

You have to get out there and do it enough to realize that it’s not so bad.?

Then, you might see that you’re competent in it. And your confidence will grow from there.

Be Courageous

I recognize it takes courage to take action—especially if it feels like getting thrown into the deep end when you haven’t mastered a basic dog paddle.?

Courage isn’t the absence of fear.?

It’s acknowledging the fear. Saying: I see you, I appreciate you. But I’ve got this.

And taking the action anyway.?

What action can you take today—small or large—that will help you become better at sales??

Need some ideas?

Click here now to get your free guide—Transform Your Sales in 3 Minutes a Day.

I promise, it F*ing works!


Jaime Foster, ACC, DISC Certified的更多文章

