Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur - Chapter 3. It’s Not What You Know..!
In this chapter I touch on the INCREDIBLE POWER and critical importance of cultivating Your Business Relationships... and why this single PROFIT-DRIVER can lead to your biggest pay-off for all your hard work.
GROWTH Profit-Driver No.3.
After 30 years in business, I have come to recognize ONE critical reality above all others - the BULK of your business income flows from a small number of KEY business relationships.
On analysis I found that these are generally your BEST clients, your TOP suppliers, leading industry associates and close personal friends. They are all Top Performers who take an interest in helping you and your business.
I am reminded of the early '90's when I developed South Africa’s first-ever Protected Investment Fund - with ZERO downside risk..!
It was a no-brainer of a financial product developed from my studies of Derivatives Trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the late ’80’s.
In my simple-minded 'highly-educated' naivety (I spent a good couple of years in matric), I knew I had a winner for the banking sector.
All I wanted was for local banks to keep my local investors money SAFE in their vaults.
After all, what is a bank for, if not to keep our money safe?
Six months and SIXTEEN banks later, I realized that these bankers knew nothing about using derivative instruments, and therefore were unable to make a simple banking decision.
So, I shared my secret with a FRIEND.
My friend introduced me to his friend - a MERCHANT BANKER..!
Two weeks later we launched the fund which raked in MILLIONS in investor funds.. and traded over R2.1 BILLION in total transaction value in local derivative markets.
Not one of our clients ever lost a cent of their original capital invested..!
This fund was the forerunner of today's myriad of GUARANTEED funds offered by most banks, albeit not as exciting as our original fund.. ;-)
My own experience, coupled with insight into many clients, listed companies and friends businesses I have watched closely, is that often you can have or develop the greatest product or service in the world and still starve!
Look around you. Despite all the MBA’s, university degrees, business colleges, high-powered business consultants, and advisers.. why is it that only 4% of ALL businesses survive past 10 years?
Yes, that’s right!
Michael Gerber – author: The E-Myth – showed that 80% of all businesses fail in their first five years.. and 80% of the remainder fail in the next five years.
And, in South Africa, business is no different..!
The shocking truth for many - especially those academics armed with piles of theoretical economic textbooks - is that the REAL WORLD of business is NOT just about what you know.. but more often, who you know!
For me, the world of business is ALL about RELATIONSHIPS.
It is all about TRUST.
Decision-makers won’t do long-term business with you until they know you, get to trust in you, get to like you and/or RESPECT you, and get to feel that YOU really care about their needs too!
So here's the point: if the bulk of business income flows from a small number of KEY business relationships.. what strategy do YOU have to INCREASE and develop your number of KEY business relationships?
Do you have a formal business NETWORKING strategy?
Do you meet regularly with other business LEADERS in YOUR inner circle?
Do you help them with new business leads.. and do they help you?
These questions led me to developing a formal business-networking forum to show business entrepreneurs just how exciting and advantageous it is to build your relationships in your own business inner circle.
The Inner Circle Business Forum – - (now developed into & ) is designed as the perfect base for building business relationships and sowing seeds of trust amongst your peers in your area - you just never know when you will need them!
Just ONE meeting a month is designed to deliver a multitude of immense benefits to every Business Owner, Director, and Decision-Maker.
I share with you our copy of the 14 good reasons for you to join your inner circle of business decision-makers and BUILD RELATIONSHIPS in your area:
1. Expand your customer base.
There are only three ways to grow a business.. one of the most critical of which is to find NEW customers.
Inner Circle members are potential customers for their business and personal needs, and key centres of influence in their families, communities, business associations, and church. They reach a lot of people and are an important source of referrals.
2. Keep yourself fresh.
Inner Circle members come from a multitude of business disciplines in varying industries and walks of life.
They may be LARGE listed company directors, MEDIUM-sized retail merchants, or SMALL business entrepreneurs.
Each has a unique perspective on business, and each has a unique strategy for generating profits in business.
Nothing is more pitiful than a bored business executive who has closed him/herself off solely to the dull, blinkered input of a limited market.
3. Increase the market value of your business.
Inner Circle members are by their very nature – the cream of the crop.
They represent potential financiers, venture capitalists, investors, shareholders, and stakeholders.
They have the potential to grow their businesses through mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures.
Sooner or later you may want to ‘cash in your chips’.
No business can be too complacent about the future.
It is easier to get financing and investment from people who know you and trust you than from parties you have to cold call, especially when a crisis hits – which it will!
4. Invokes the Master-Mind Principle.
Napoleon Hill’s study of Andrew Carnegie’s secret of success revealed: ‘Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of men who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid in a spirit of perfect harmony.’
Napoleon Hill went on to suggest that: ‘No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third invisible, intangible force.’
Carnegie’s Master-Mind Group consisted of fifty men as his Board of Advisers to whom he attributed his entire fortune.
5. Multiplies the synergy of quality relationships.
Buckminster Fuller – America’s super-inventor, of Epcot Centre: Geodesic Dome fame – gave scientific meaning to Napoleon Hill’s claim: ‘A group of brains coordinated in a spirit of harmony will provide more thought energy than a single brain.’
Adapting Fuller’s formula for Synergistic Relationships (replacing N with P): (P2 – P)/2 = S (where P stands for the number of People in a group and S stands for the resultant potential Synergistic Relationships) - showed that 10 people at a table have 45 possible relationships, 100 people in a room have 4950 possible relationships, and 1000 people in a business forum have 499 500 possible relationships.
Inner Circle ( & ) brings these multiple new relationships to you.. to capitalise upon.
6. Mix with positive, passionate people.
Inner Circle members declare their desire to grow their businesses and profit.
They are passionate about what they do.
Their enthusiasm for life and business is uplifting and infectious.
All meetings are designed to provide insight to current business challenges and to stimulate input for profitable solutions.
It is a fact of life that you become like those you mix with.
Negative people are discouraged from joining and generally disqualify themselves by default!
7. Facilitates transfer of ideas & innovations from industry to industry.
With the representation of many and varied industries and businesses, Inner Circle members are encouraged to share and discuss ideas and innovations in their industries that can be transferred into other industries.
Be first to test new ideas and innovations in your business ahead of your competition.
8. Keep one foot on the ground.
All business leaders get sucked up into the day-to-day concerns of managing crises in their businesses.. this leads to myopic, insular perspectives limiting the scope of possible profitable solutions.
Inner Circle members are constantly reminded to get back to the basics of quality business principles by Guest Presenters, Panel Discussion Groups, Business Brief Collector’s Series – business development articles, Web Site links, and email alerts and reminders.
9. Keep one finger in the wind.
Business owners need to be constantly aware of shifting market conditions to make instant decisions to ‘trim their sails’ or to aggressively ‘tack into the wind’ in keeping with their overall business strategy.
Inner Circle ( & ) is an entire Research and Development ‘department’ for every business entrepreneur to keep his finger on the pulse of local market trading conditions, business confidence of peers, and to test-market and research customer perceptions of a potential new product.
10. Keep one eye on the future.
Inner Circle members are kept abreast of new technologies, global economic conditions and rapidly changing markets through Guest Presenters, Business Briefs, Web Site and email alerts.
The entire format helps to keep you informed and in touch.
11. Saves you time and money.
Nothing is more time consuming and costly than trying to break through the clutter and stonewalling built up around decision-makers whom you wish to contact and do business with.
From breaking through the disinterest of stony-faced receptionists, to playing the game of telephone tag and frustrating voice messages that never get returned, to breaking the firewall protection of your prospects PA.. you are no different to any one of the thousands of other sales-people that are trying to capture your prospect’s business.
Inner Circle ( & ) raises your status amongst business decision makers as a peer, puts you directly in front of them, and creates an unwritten ‘brotherhood’-type obligation to hear your proposal.
12. No beating around the bush.
Inner Circle members are encouraged to make decisions based on your input with the minimum of fuss and time wasting.
The Member’s Credo recognizes that every member is in business to profit and that every member’s time is precious.
Quick, informed decisions – whether YES or NO - become the aim and prized objective of all Inner Circle members in seeking to develop profitable business relationships.
13. Enormous value for money and cost effective.
Inner Circle members get access to some of the finest minds and insights in local business, direct business contacts, new business leads, ongoing education and update information.. all for the effective cost of a simple dinner.. or a single game of golf each month.
Each meeting is designed, in part, to impart information and business solutions that are presented in private consultations and seminars - priced in the thousands of rands.
You cannot afford to miss this ONE business appointment each month for fear of losing your entire year’s profits!
14. One day you will need your inner circle contacts too.
Remember that one day you are going to need the best people in various businesses in your local area.. that you know and trust.
When you sell your home you will want a real estate professional you know and trust for the best deal.
When you invest your profits you will want a financial adviser you know and trust.
When you sell your business you will want the best business broker.
When you have a medical emergency in your family.. the best medical professional.
When you have a legal crisis.. the best attorney.
When you have a tax problem.. the best tax specialist.
When you want the best people that you know and trust.. you can turn to your personal contacts made in the Inner Circle Business Forum.
Phew.. quite a list. But, I must smile.. in this chapter is the key to making a FORTUNE through your business relationships, yet I know that only a FEW will have taken the time to read it.. let alone, apply the information.
Aaah well, that's why only the FEW really succeed in life.. ;-)
In my next chapter I will touch on Profit-Driver No. 4 - the importance of simplifying your Business Operating System, and give you the BEST WAY to ensure that your Procedures and Processes are systematised to allow your business to run, grow and profit while you are away traveling around the world.. :-)
Trevor Nel
FOURWAYS Community Chamber of Commerce
SMS/WhatsApp: 084 332-4421