Confessions of a Recruitment Consultant: Yes, I Still Pray to the Recruitment Gods!
Dan Franklin
Tech Recruitment Leader | AI, Crypto, Blockchain, & Digital Assets | Hiring for Emerging Tech & Entertainment Industries
Dear fellow recruitment consultants & recruiters
Do you remember when we used to pray to the recruitment gods?
I'm talking about those moments when we felt like we were up against a wall, when nothing seemed to be going right, and we desperately needed a miracle to close a deal.
It might seem crazy, but I know some of you still do it. Maybe you rub your lucky charm, make a wish, or even whisper a prayer under your breath. I won't judge you - in fact, I'm here to reassure you that it's okay.
I know firsthand how stressful and unpredictable our job can be. We're dealing with people's careers, their livelihoods, and their dreams. It's not just about filling a role - it's about finding the right fit, the perfect match between a candidate and a company. And sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it just doesn't seem to click.
That's where the recruitment gods come in. They're our last resort, our Hail Mary pass, our secret weapon. When we've exhausted all our resources, when we've analyzed every resume, when we've interviewed every candidate - that's when we turn to them.
It's a strange and ancient ritual, one that dates back to the dawn of recruitment. We offer up our hopes and our fears, our doubts, and our ambitions. We beg for a sign, a signal, a glimmer of hope.
And you know what? Sometimes it works. Sometimes, just when we've given up all hope, a candidate appears out of nowhere. They have the perfect skills, the ideal experience, and the right attitude. It's like they were sent from above, a gift from the recruitment gods themselves.
Of course, it's not a guarantee. Sometimes our prayers go unanswered, and we're left with empty hands and heavy hearts. But even then, there's something comforting about knowing that we're not alone. That there's something beyond us, something greater than us, that we can turn to for support.
So I ask you, my fellow recruitment consultants: do you still pray to the recruitment gods on occasion?
Do you still believe in the power of the unknown, the mysterious forces that govern our world?
Do you still hold onto that glimmer of hope, that flicker of faith, that keeps us going even when everything seems impossible?
If so, I salute you. Keep on praying, keep on believing, and keep on hoping. Because in this crazy, unpredictable, and ever-changing world of recruitment, sometimes a little bit of crazy is exactly what we need.
One of your own