Confessions of a Pragmatic Shopper
Don't I have enough clothes? I have been friends with naturists and whenever I call they are always doing laundry. There's always towels and sheets. Before recalling too many men and not enough women; I noticed Christmas clearance items.
This is the time to buy a winter jacket or Christmas decorations. The older you become, the faster it is to next December. One item that caught my eye was a watch case. It was leather and could hold four watches. The markdown was good.
Yes, when you save seventy-five percent on an item you are still paying twenty-five percent. Kohl's always shows how much I saved. It is a little like being in a fight and saying "You should see the other guy".
Never pay retail. I did not pick this up because I don't own four watches. It could be easily rectified. While some men talk about the guilt of spending too much time looking at internet pornography; I probably spend too much time looking at watches on the internet.
So far I haven't made a purchase. My functional watch needs a battery. I have actually thought "Should I replace the battery or buy a new watch?" It is possible I shall do both. No one would care whether I wear a Patek Phillippe or fix that Legion watch which was a doorbuster at Belk.
The theory is buying a watch will cause me to buy different watches which can be showcased for no one except me. Maybe I need to make friends. I know men who enjoy watches. Have not met women who are into them.
They have watches which were gifts. Most of my early watches were gifts, too. Pity I cannot go to Best or Service Merchandise where my earliest watches were purchased. One was purchased on I have not logged on there since Bed, Bath and Beyond took over.
I broke that Invicta on my job. So many watches were broken on my job I not only stopped wearing them to work; when I retire they should give me a watch. Along the lines of Citizens or Bulova. They don't need to gift me an Omega. They could afford it.
Chances are when I retire they will give whatever is in the prize closet. The only gift from working the entire pandemic was company branded hand sanitizer. Spare no expense. Should I buy the watch case? It feels like a down payment on four watches that would merit a proper showcase. It could happen.
The watches would be enjoyed and possibly start conversations. Would this be a way to invest in myself? Would I feel the need to dress better with upscale watches? I have the means. Whether this is the best use of my time and money remains to be seen. If a watch is purchased it will be worn and enjoyed.