Confessions of a Communications Specialist: 10 Things I Look Forward to Doing When I Leave My Day Job
2. Taking My Other Day Job More Seriously: Who knew freelance copywriting for artisanal pickle companies could be so lucrative?
3. Mastering the Art of Daytime Napping: I've become a connoisseur of the power nap, but I'm ready to elevate it to an Olympic sport.
4. Finally Wearing Peanuts-themed Pajamas to "Important Meetings": Zoom calls, you've been warned.
5. Launching My Own Podcast: It's called "The Overcaffeinated Communicator," and it's going to be legendary.
6. Pitching Daily Show-Worthy Jokes from My Bathtub: Move over, Jon Stewart, there's a new comedic genius in town, and she's armed with nothing but a rubber duck and a killer punchline.
7. Becoming a Professional Netflix-Documentary Binger: I'm accepting applications for binge-watching partners. Must have a strong Wi-Fi connection and an endless supply of snacks.
8. Writing Novel 1 of 10 that I've Been Putting Off: It's a thrilling tale of a communications specialist who quits her job to become a cat meme mogul. Spoiler alert: it's based on a true story.
9. Travelling the World and Documenting It All on TikTok: Because who doesn't want to see a middle-aged woman attempting to learn the latest dance craze in exotic locations?
10. Starting a Cult Dedicated to the Oxford Comma: We shall be known as the "Guardians of Grammar," and our motto will be "A comma a day keeps the confusion away."
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to crafting a press release about the groundbreaking new flavour of kombucha. But rest assured, the moment I hit "send" on that last email, I'm off to pursue my true calling: pyjama-clad, joke-slinging, cat meme-loving, comma-obsessed world traveller.
Disclaimer: The author may or may not actually pursue all of the activities listed above. She may also develop an unhealthy obsession with kombucha-fueled brainstorming sessions.