Confessions of an Art Collector…
Linda Sale FRSA
MD of Motivational Maps, supporting unique motivational businesses in the UK and internationally. Mixed Media artist exhibiting individually and with groups. Student of Tai Chi.
Sue Kerr: Confessions of an Art Collector…
What was the first painting you acquired from Linda E Sale?
‘Inside the Whale’ – acrylic on board
This painting is the original artwork used for the cover of James Sale’s book of poetry called ‘Inside the Whale’. The poems are about a three month stay in hospital where he experienced revelations and visions as he strove to recover. He also received remarkable demonstrations of care, support and love.
My husband Sandy had also endured a serious illness and we had just returned from Scotland where we had spent a week inside the NHS visiting his mother. Within a few days of returning we attended the launch event of Inside the Whale. After hearing the poetry and James’ story the painting came to life for me. It is the first painting I have looked at that I felt emotionally attached too. It had a special poignancy for us.
(Like many artists I find it hard to put a price on my work. But this painting meant so much to me and reflected the experience I had shared with James I found it easy to value it highly – not necessarily expecting to sell it. Not even sure I wanted to sell it. And then Sue started to talk to me about how much it also meant to her and it felt so satisfying to know that it was being bought by someone who related to it so strongly)
Which is your favourite artwork?
I find it hard to pick one as they all mean different things to me. The commission for Sandy’s 60th birthday is special. Linda seemed to immediately ‘get’ what I had in mind. She said it felt as if I was ‘channelling’ the image to her! She does not usually do commissions but said that this one felt as if it would be ‘natural’.
I love the life drawings because of the fluid lines. In particular the ‘Seated Man’ (charcoal) looks as though he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. I felt drawn to this when Sandy was going through a difficult time with his health and it seemed to reflect how he was feeling. They all have emotional attachments. I buy them because they have meaning.
(This echoes my desire to create work that has meaning that can be felt by others and reflected on and enjoyed or be comforted by)
Which piece do your friends/family/visitors like best?
The piece people are often drawn to is a digital painting that Linda did to celebrate my taking part in the local Business Come Dancing charity event! I love it because it reminds me of a very special experience which I thoroughly enjoyed but everyone else seems drawn to it too. They often remark on the flowing limitless lines, the energy and the movement.
Most of the paintings are hung in our hall way – so everyone who visits gets to see them! They also usually get ALL the stories about why I chose them!
Thanks to Sue Kerr for her on going enthusiasm and support of my work and for sharing her thoughts about the work she has collected. Sue and Sandy Kerr currently own 9 works – including life drawing, acrylic, oils and digital pieces.
Linda E Sale February 2017
Creator/Licensor of Motivational Maps, helping develop unique motivational businesses for over 1400+ mappers in 16 countries. Routledge author, feature writer The Epoch Times, and producer free monthly poetry newsletter
8 年One buys art for the love of it; but it's nice to think it's also an asset that can appreciate in value too, and Linda's art is superb.