Confession of a Seth Godin Groupie

Confession of a Seth Godin Groupie

The busy life of an entrepreneur doesn't leave much time for reading all of the valuable information shared on the Internet; so I don't always get to read Seth Godin's daily words of wisdom.

(How he comes up with something new to share every day continually awes me.)

But I must confess that I thought that he left something really important out of his recent post on The four elements of entrepreneurship.

He stated that entrepreneurs need the following 4 things, paraphrased from his blog:

  1. To make decisions
  2. To invest in activities and assets that aren't a sure thing
  3. To persuade others to support a mission that isn't a sure thing
  4. To embrace the work of doing things that might not work

But for myself, at least, there is one more essential item that keeps me keeping on through all the challenges and delights of building my own business.

That one thing is a strong sense of a personal mission, that I am doing my part to help make this world a better place through helping people find their own voice, so that they can fulfill their own mission in the world.

Henry David Thoreau observed that, The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.

It is my belief that people feel desperate because they are afraid to speak up and speak out about what is important to them. As a result, they go to their grave, knowing that they have lived a much smaller life than they could have, had they been able to overcome their fear of speaking up.

Seth's last two sentences are particularly perceptive: Entrepreneurial behavior isn't about scale, it's about a desire for a certain kind of journey.

Thus my mission is to enable people to bust out of the jail of their comfort zone, to help them find the courage to create and share the messages that can propel them along on their own particular journey.

You can find the complete version of Seth's blog post here.

Please share your thoughts about item #5 that I have had the courage (or the gall) to add to Seth's insightful list.

If you would like to chat about how I might support you on your particular journey, simply click here to apply for a complimentary conversation with me.


Named Top Speaking Coach of the Year by the International Association of Top Professionals, Marjorie Saulson is the Go-To Keynote Speaker and Public Speaking and Messaging Mentor.

She empowers reluctant speakers and entrepreneurs to feel calm and confident in any speaking situation, whether they are talking to one person or to a thousand; so that they can attract all the leads, clients and cash that they want.

Her clients benefit from her extensive experience in public speaking, networking, messaging, marketing, sales, fundraising, and team building.

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