Today's devotional is from What Would Jesus Ask You Today?
"Simon son of John, do you truly love me?" - John 21:16.
Jesus had a one-on-one with Peter to help him face up to and move on from his denial of the Lord. From this question, you see that Jesus knows your name, your family background, and with which spiritual issues you are struggling. There is no need for you to hide, but you can run to Him with your sins and problems instead of running away. At the same time, He will not let you avoid facing difficult issues, even if it involves your failures. This is not to berate you, however, but to help you move on and grow.
Are you being less than forthright in your communion with God these days? What are you afraid of or trying to hide? Where are you hoping you won't have to face your failure but for your own good need to confess, learn, and move on? Read 1 John 1:8-10 and then confess your sins with the confidence that He already knows and is ready to forgive.