The Garraf mega-landfill has polluted all the groundwater, aquifers in the Garraf karst massif (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain):
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The Garraf mega-landfill has polluted all the groundwater, aquifers in the Garraf karst massif (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain):

Year 2025

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, Vice President of the Institute of Penedès Studies (IEP). Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

Between 1995 and 2005, he was the university research scientist and inventor who successfully applied, for the first time in the world, the technique of extinguishing large internal combustions in urban mega-dumps with deep injections of high-pressure cryogenic liquid nitrogen. The technique was published internationally in his doctoral thesis in 2006 at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). The technique is openly licensed to facilitate its application in underdeveloped countries and it is only mandatory to cite the author and the university each time it is used somewhere in the world.


“1972 – 2022, FIFTY YEARS OF THE MEGA-DUMP, GARBAGE LANDFILL, OF THE GARRAF MASSIS, Garraf Natural Park (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain)”

Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho


The massif of Garraf (Barcelona) has a hydrological basin of about 233 km2 on Cretaceous and Jurassic limestone rocks up to about 1,000 m deep. The Garraf massif landfill, of urban solid waste without any prior sorting, designed in 1972, opened in 1974 and definitively closed in 2021, contains more than 30 million cubic meters of rubbish and occupies more than 87 hectares of waste from Barcelona and its metropolitan area. It is a unique and unique case in Europe of serious pollution in calcareous karst. The official analyzes of 2021 confirm the severe contamination of groundwater and by toxic biogases in the chasms near the landfill.

This research provides updated data and shows that Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho already published in 1974, just after the landfill was inaugurated, in a specialized symposium held in Barcelona, a paper in which he already predicted each and every one of these consequences of environmental pollution, especially with the aim of 'avoid the environmental disaster that could already be seen coming. The second edition of it, which you now have in your hands, will allow you to know in detail everything that is essential about this urban mega-dump and its long-term environmental consequences.


Controlled deposit of the Vall d'en Joan, Vall d'en Joan, Garraf landfill, AMB, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, USW, Urban solid waste, urban garbage dump, landfill, La Falconera, Environmental engineering, Barcelona, Hydrogeology, Biogas, Biogas plant , Definitive closure, Definitive sealing, Landscape restoration, Energy use of biogas, Pollution, Natural Park of the Garraf, Karst, Groundwater, Garraf Massif,?, , , , , , , , Falconera,


Friday, March 22, 2022. At 7 p.m. Aula Magna of the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Av. Víctor Balaguer, 1, Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)

Since the announcement of the installation of a landfill in the Massif delGarraf to provide service to Barcelona as the Montju?c landfill did not give more than yes, the journey and the consequences of choosing a space like this began then, but the consequences are still being paid, even though they ended up in the landfill spills in 2006.

Background and newspaper archive:

On August 8, 1972, the front page of the newspaper El Noticiero Universal He reported: “Barcelona already has a landfill. A huge natural pit of the Garraf massif has been the chosen place ”.

About the situation that generated not only the location but also the way to manage the waste was expressed by Dr. Ramon Folch i Guillen (Doctor of Biology, who was UNESCO Environmental Consultant (Paris), Secretary-General of the International Advisory Board of the Latin American Forum of Environmental Sciences (La Plata), Executive President of ERF - Management and Environmental Communication S.L. (Barcelona)) in the magazine no. 20 of the Department of the Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya (June 1998): “The project was technically catastrophic (it consisted of dumping and ready, without any waste treatment, without waterproofing, without collection station leachates or anything) and the place, the most inappropriate: a karst massif of great beauty. ”

This article then describes the protests and warnings of the existing risk that the in 1972, they were first undertaken with reports from the Catalan School of Speleology, with Joan Raventós and Pau Pérez at the helm and to which were added botanists from the University of Barcelona (UB). The result was finally a manifesto published in October 1972 signed by one twenty university professors. The dissemination he made on this subject and the problems derivatives continued to do so over the years, as can be seen when in 2008 it prefaced a book on the landfill (Pérez de Pedro, P. (2008): "A record of nonsense. Between 1972 and 1974, the nonsense of a hasty and misplaced project; of a bad project, in short. Between 1974 and 2006, the nonsense of a management full of improvisations, at least in the early days .... We must remember that Catalan environmentalism was born with the landfill of Garraf .... Speleologists put their hands on their heads when they learned that the City Council from Barcelona wanted to dump rubbish in a karst massif and we were already there be ... The Garraf landfill closed at the end of 2006. That’s a saying. Keep on emitting methane in bulk and conserving 25 million cubic meters of rubbish alone half mineralized. In plant, it occupies more than 86 hectares (it should not have reached the 62). He is far from dead. It will be showing signs of life for a long time time because it was a poorly managed project translated into a mortgage endless amortization territory "

For the seva part, Dr. Ramon Margalef López, also published in the Tele-Express newspaper in 1972, he warned: "The problem of pollution is the lack of return to nature of what that the man extracts from her for his needs .... extract money from therubbish is a utopia. It must be faced from the reality of a service public. On the other hand, scientific knowledge must help us to prevent future, anticipating events”. Himself Dr. Margalef also published in the Correo Catalán on February 6, 1973 on the Garraf landfill: "The lack of planning is general." Inside the same line Dr. Felip Soler Sabarís, in the same newspaper and date, referring to the same: "I think there is a danger to public health," he said.

On April 3, 1974, the first spills began and some were officially inaugurated weeks later. The IV Biospeleology Symposium is being held this year 1974 (Barcelona), among the papers presented by the author of this conference (Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho) is entitled "The Garraf garbage dump and its possible consequences in it”, there were basically two hypotheses: one inadequate geological location and resulting environmental pollution.

Decades later, in 2006, the same author completed his doctoral thesis at the UPC Manresa on environmental engineering of complex landfills, taking as example of Vilanova i la Geltrú, and where he rehearses for the first time in the world, and successfully, the extinction of the internal combustion of landfills with deep nitrogen injection cryogenic liquid. The full doctoral thesis is published in the IEP in December 2020. His technique was also applied in 2020 at the Garraf mega-landfill (Barcelona. Spain)

The Garraf landfill remained in operation until 2006 when the spills, and in 2021 it was declared definitively closing and closed.

However, on October 11, 2018, after a strong episode rains, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA), exercising environmental authority, detects in periodic analytical samples of public bathing seawater at the mouth of the underground river of the Falconera (next to the small population center of Garraf), a fort water pollution and prohibits bathing on nearby beaches and sea coasts. The hypothesis is the possible contamination from the Garraf landfill.

Subsequently, on November 27, 2018, the Metropolitan Council of the Area Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), approves and publishes a Situation Statement of Environmental Emergency, allegedly derived from the landfill. A study is tendered very complex analytical and geological data that will last more than a year.

Finally, in June 2021, the AMB published a voluminous analytical study on its website on the effects of Garraf landfill pollution on the environment, which despite its euphemistic title: "Smells of the rise of the Falconera. Study to analyze the causes aimed at minimizing its impact on the people of Garraf ", he acknowledges first time the Garraf landfill is the source of pollution in the rest of the Garraf massif.

The issue of landfill consequences and the solutions that need to be addressed they are still open.

The speaker: Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor (PhD) of Environmental Engineering (Polytechnic University of Catalonia - UPC), Master in Environmental Administration and Management from Territori (Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB), Postgraduate in Territorial Management Instruments (Polytechnic University of Catalonia - UPC), Degree in Biological Sciences (Barcelona University - UB), Botanical (Barcelona University - UB), Former Head of the Environment Service of the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), Former Coordinator of the Garraf Natural Park (of the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú - Barcelona Provincial Council), Landscape Coordinator (Institute of Penedés Studies - IEP) and Vice President, co-founder and principal researcher of the Institute of Penedés Studies - IEP.

He has been part of the drafting teams of the current Garraf Natural Park, Foix Natural Park, Olèrdola Natural Park, Collserola Natural Park and the Protected Nature Reserve of Les Deus de Sant Quintí de Mediona (Barcelona). And as a landscape specialist, also for the Observatory’s drafting teams of the Landscape Observatory of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya?and the County Councils, in the Landscape Charter of the Alt Penedès, the Garraf Landscape Charter, from the Landscape Catalog of the Region Metropolitana de Barcelona, the Camp of Tarragona Landscape Catalog and the Penedès Landscape Catalog (in preparation), as well as the teams of the Strategy of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity of Catalonia 2030 and the Coastal Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan Region of Catalonia, and the Garraf Project: roads, heritage, nature. Des since 1986 he has been the Vice-President of the Garraf Natural Park Advisory Committee, representing to scientific institutions on behalf of the Institute of Penedés Studies – IEP.

Friday, March 25, 2022, then, at seven o’clock in the afternoon, in the Great Hall of the School Polytechnic of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG), of the UPC, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho will talk about: “1972-2022, fifty years of the landfill of rubbish from the Garraf massif ”.

Quite an interesting topic to remember about what should never have happened and how we have to deal with the consequences.

Thank you for your cooperation in spreading the word!

World Water Day, 22 March, UNITED NATIONS:

The Garraf mega-landfill (Barcelona. Catalonia. Spain) has polluted all the groundwater, aquifers and drinking water supply wells in the Garraf massif and various surrounding towns.

Link to the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) where all the analytics are posted:

Lecture: "1972-2022: fifty years of the Garraf rubbish dump", by Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera i Sancho. On Friday, March 25, at 7 pm, in the Aula Magna of the Polytechnic School of Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) of Vilanova i la Geltrú. (EPSEVG). Address: Av. Víctor Balaguer, 1. 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona).

It organizes the Aula d'Extensió Universitària del Garraf (AEUGG) with the collaboration and support of the Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP).???? ????????????????????????????????

El Dr. Felip Soler Sabarís, al mateix diari anterior i data, afegia:?" Creo que sí?que hay peligro para la salud pública", referint-se al mateix abocador.



Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho

Friday, March 22, 2022. At 7 p.m. Aula Magna of the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Av. Víctor Balaguer, 1, Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)

?Since the announcement of the installation of a landfill in the Massif delGarraf to provide service to Barcelona as the Montju?c landfill did not give more than yes, the journey and the consequences of choosing a space like this began then, but the consequences are still being paid, even though they ended up in the landfill spills in 2006.

Background and newspaper archive:

On August 8, 1972, the front page of the newspaper El Noticiero Universal He reported: “Barcelona already has a landfill. A huge natural pit of the Garraf massif has been the chosen place ”.

About the situation that generated not only the location but also the way to manage the waste was expressed by Dr. Ramon Folch i Guillen (Doctor of Biology, who was UNESCO Environmental Consultant (Paris), Secretary-General of the International Advisory Board of the Latin American Forum of Environmental Sciences (La Plata), Executive President of ERF - Management and Environmental Communication S.L. (Barcelona)) in the magazine no. 20 of the Department of the Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya (June 1998): “The project was technically catastrophic (it consisted of dumping and ready, without any waste treatment, without waterproofing, without collection station leachates or anything) and the place, the most inappropriate: a karst massif of great beauty. ”

This article then describes the protests and warnings of the existing risk that the in 1972, they were first undertaken with reports from the Catalan School of Speleology, with Joan Raventós and Pau Pérez at the helm and to which were added botanists from the University of Barcelona (UB). The result was finally a manifesto published in October 1972 signed by one twenty university professors. The dissemination he made on this subject and the problems derivatives continued to do so over the years, as can be seen when in 2008 it prefaced a book on the landfill (Pérez de Pedro, P. (2008): "A record of nonsense. Between 1972 and 1974, the nonsense of a hasty and misplaced project; of a bad project, in short. Between 1974 and 2006, the nonsense of a management full of improvisations, at least in the early days .... We must remember that Catalan environmentalism was born with the landfill of Garraf .... Speleologists put their hands on their heads when they learned that the City Council from Barcelona wanted to dump rubbish in a karst massif and we were already there be ... The Garraf landfill closed at the end of 2006. That’s a saying. Keep on emitting methane in bulk and conserving 25 million cubic meters of rubbish alone half mineralized. In plant, it occupies more than 86 hectares (it should not have reached the 62). He is far from dead. It will be showing signs of life for a long time time because it was a poorly managed project translated into a mortgage endless amortization territory "

For the seva part, Dr. Ramon Margalef López, also published in the Tele-Express newspaper in 1972, he warned: "The problem of pollution is the lack of return to nature of what that the man extracts from her for his needs .... extract money from therubbish is a utopia. It must be faced from the reality of a service public. On the other hand, scientific knowledge must help us to prevent future, anticipating events”. Himself Dr. Margalef also published in the Correo Catalán on February 6, 1973 on the Garraf landfill: "The lack of planning is general." Inside the same line Dr. Felip Soler Sabarís, in the same newspaper and date, referring to the same: "I think there is a danger to public health," he said.

On April 3, 1974, the first spills began and some were officially inaugurated weeks later. The IV Biospeleology Symposium is being held this year 1974 (Barcelona), among the papers presented by the author of this conference (Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho) is entitled "The Garraf garbage dump and its possible consequences in it”, there were basically two hypotheses: one inadequate geological location and resulting environmental pollution.

Decades later, in 2006, the same author completed his doctoral thesis at the UPC Manresa on environmental engineering of complex landfills, taking as example of Vilanova i la Geltrú, and where he rehearses for the first time in the world, and successfully, the extinction of the internal combustion of landfills with deep nitrogen injection cryogenic liquid. The full doctoral thesis is published in the IEP in December 2020. His technique was also applied in 2020 at the Garraf mega-landfill (Barcelona. Spain)

The Garraf landfill remained in operation until 2006 when the spills, and in 2021 it was declared definitively closing and closed.

However, on October 11, 2018, after a strong episode rains, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA), exercising environmental authority, detects in periodic analytical samples of public bathing seawater at the mouth of the underground river of the Falconera (next to the small population center of Garraf), a fort water pollution and prohibits bathing on nearby beaches and sea coasts. The hypothesis is the possible contamination from the Garraf landfill.

Subsequently, on November 27, 2018, the Metropolitan Council of the Area Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), approves and publishes a Situation Statement of Environmental Emergency, allegedly derived from the landfill. A study is tendered very complex analytical and geological data that will last more than a year.

Finally, in June 2021, the AMB published a voluminous analytical study on its website on the effects of Garraf landfill pollution on the environment, which despite its euphemistic title: "Smells of the rise of the Falconera. Study to analyze the causes aimed at minimizing its impact on the people of Garraf ", he acknowledges first time the Garraf landfill is the source of pollution in the rest of the Garraf massif.

The issue of landfill consequences and the solutions that need to be addressed they are still open.

The speaker: Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho is a Doctor (PhD) of Environmental Engineering (Polytechnic University of Catalonia - UPC), Master in Environmental Administration and Management from Territori (Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB), Postgraduate in Territorial Management Instruments (Polytechnic University of Catalonia - UPC), Degree in Biological Sciences (Barcelona University - UB), Botanical (Barcelona University - UB), Former Head of the Environment Service of the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona), Former Coordinator of the Garraf Natural Park (of the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú - Barcelona Provincial Council), Landscape Coordinator (Institute of Penedés Studies - IEP) and Vice President, co-founder and principal researcher of the Institute of Penedés Studies - IEP.

He has been part of the drafting teams of the current Garraf Natural Park, Foix Natural Park, Olèrdola Natural Park, Collserola Natural Park and the Protected Nature Reserve of Les Deus de Sant Quintí de Mediona (Barcelona). And as a landscape specialist, also for the Observatory’s drafting teams of the Landscape Observatory of the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya?and the County Councils, in the Landscape Charter of the Alt Penedès, the Garraf Landscape Charter, from the Landscape Catalog of the Region Metropolitana de Barcelona, the Camp of Tarragona Landscape Catalog and the Penedès Landscape Catalog (in preparation), as well as the teams of the Strategy of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity of Catalonia 2030 and the Coastal Strategic Plan of the Metropolitan Region of Catalonia, and the Garraf Project: roads, heritage, nature. Des since 1986 he has been the Vice-President of the Garraf Natural Park Advisory Committee, representing to scientific institutions on behalf of the Institute of Penedés Studies – IEP.

Friday, March 25, 2022, then, at seven o’clock in the afternoon, in the Great Hall of the School Polytechnic of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG), of the UPC, Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho will talk about: “1972-2022, fifty years of the landfill of rubbish from the Garraf massif ”.

Quite an interesting topic to remember about what should never have happened and how we have to deal with the consequences.

Thank you for your cooperation in spreading the word!

L'autor d'aquesta conferència, en el IV Simpòsium?de Bioespeleologia de 1974, a Barcelona, publicava una ponència sobre "L'abocador de brosses del garraf i les seves possibles conseqüències bioespeleològiques".?Bàsicament plantejava?dues hipòtesis: un empla?ament geològic inadequat i una contaminació del medi natural derivada. Dècades més tard, al 2006 realitza la seva tesi doctoral a la UPC de Manresa sobre enginyeria ambiental del abocadors complexos, prenent?com a exemple?el de Vilanova i la Geltrú, i a on assaja per primera vegada la món, i amb èxit, la extinció de la combustió interna dels abocadors amb injecció profunda de nitrogen líquid criogènic. La tesi doctoral íntegra es publica a l'IEP al desembre de 2020. La seva tècnica també va ser aplicada al 2020 en l'abocador de Garraf.

El dia 11 d’octubre de 2018, després d'un episodi de fortes pluges,?l’Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (ACA) exercint d’autoritat ambiental, detecta en mostres analítiques periòdiques d’aigua de mar de bany públic, arran la desembocadura del riu subterrani de la Falconera (a tocar del petit nucli de població de Garraf), una forta contaminació de les aigües i prohibeix el bany a les platges i costes marines properes . La hipòtesis és la possible contaminació derivada de l’abocador del Garraf. El 27 de novembre de 2018 el Consell Metropolità de l’àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB), aprova i publica una?Declaració de Situació d’Emergència?Ambiental, presumptament derivada de l’abocador. Es liciten un estudis analítcs i geològics molt complexos que duraran més d'un any.?

Finalment, el juny de 2021, l'AMB publica a la seva web (Olors a la surgència de la Falconera - àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona ( un voluminós estudi analític sobre els efectes de la contaminació de l'abocador de Garraf sobre el medi ambient, que malgrat?el seu eufemístic títol:?"Olors a la surgència de la Falconera. Estudi per analitzar les causes encaminat a minimitzar el seu impacte al poble del Garraf",??reconeix per primera vegada a les conclusions finals que l'abocador de Garraf és l'origen de la contaminació a la resta del massís del Garraf.

Per altra banda, extraiem i avancem ara uns fragments d'una propera publicació del mateix autor, el Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho, que apareixerà en el pròxim número de la revista "Del Penedès", que publica l'Institut d'Estudis Penedesencs (IEP):

"Finalment, també a l’any 1974, la ciutat de Barcelona resultà escollida per celebrar el IV Simpòsium de Bioespeleologia, coorganitzat pel l’Escola Catalana d’Espeleologia (C.C.B.E. de la F.C.M.) i el Grup Espeleològic Pedraforca. Resultà escollit comissari i president del mateix el Dr. Francesc Espa?ol i Coll, eminent entomòleg i autoritat científica de l’època en bioespeleologia, i alhora director del Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona. A Vilanova i la Geltrú, en el Centre d’Estudis de la Biblioteca-Museu Víctor Balaguer, ja existia des d’abans de la dècada de 1970 una Secció d’Espeleologia Científica i Tècnica (arqueologia, geologia, topografia,...) i dins la qual, sota la seva direcció (del Dr. Espa?ol), es va crear una subdelegació vilanovina de bioespeleologia, i encomanada a l’autor qui això subscriu. De les 20 ponències presentades al IV Simpòsium, només una d’elles reflectia els possibles problemes mediambientals de l’abocador del massís del Garraf amb conseqüències, també, bioespeleològiques. Es publicà amb el títol original que ja coneixeu d’aquesta publicació, ja més desenvolupada línies avall.

Bàsicament presentava, sobre un anterior plànol geològic i tectònic de l’empla?ament de l’època que s’acompanyava, dues hipòtesis: un empla?ament geològic inadequat i una contaminació del medi natural derivada.

La primera hipòtesi estimava un empla?ament geològic inadequat per l’abocador del Garraf, i es documentava, redibuixat, sobre conegut plànol geològic-tectònic de l’any 1947 del geòleg i espeleòleg Noel Llopis i Lladó. Els tres punt principals consistien en escollir com empla?ament dos fondos - canons càrstics calcaris, articulats quasi a 90o, verticalitzats, amb fortíssimes pendents, amb 5 avencs, amb grans falles i molt tectonitzats, plens d’orificis, diàclasis, fissures, microfalles,.... El segon punt insistia en que ambdós torrents, ara subterràniament, estaven connectats hidrològicament amb la surgència o riu subterrani de la Falconera. Finalment, el tercer esmentava que la impermeabilització prèvia del fons dels torrents abans d’abocar els residus era insuficient i inefica?. Només cal detallar la resposta del 6 de mar? de 1974 a l’Ajuntament de Begues provinent de la Delegació de Serveis i Cooperació Metropolitana, adjuntant un informe de la Sots-unitat de Neteja, en la qual s’explica que:?“....las tierras se obtendrán, en general de las propias márgenes del vertedero”.?Mostres recollides in situ i analitzades pel Departament de Geologia de la Universitat de Barcelona el 10 de juny de 1974 , donen com a resultat que la fracció argila + llim només arriba al 5%, quan el desitjable seria superior al 30%. Resulta doncs del tot evident que aquestes no reuneixen els requisits necessaris d’impermeabilització, ni la plasticitat necessàries, ni es va aplicar cap sistema efica? de compactació de les mateixes (assaigs Proctor modificats i/o equivalents:?Ensayo Proctor Modificado: ASTM D-1557 y UNE 103-501-94. Per exemple: un màxim de corba òptima de compactació de 2.323 Tn/m3 i d’una humitat òptima de 6,7%?).

La segona hipòtesi preveia la inevitable contaminació del medi natural, i que aquesta resultaria ja perceptible als 3 – 4 anys d’iniciar-se els abocaments. Bàsicament es desplegava en cinc punts. El primer, que la contaminació odorífera per fortes pudors de l’abocador s’estendria en gran part del massís (segons brises i vents) i poblacions colindants. El segon, la contaminació per acció de rosegadors, d’aus (gavians i còrvids) i d’insectes atrets pels milers de tones de residus urbans estesos a cel obert (a més dels seus paràsits (ecto i endoparàsits) i excrements contaminats). El tercer, la perillosa contaminació per biogasos dels avencs i coves de l’entorn de l’abocador. El quart, la contaminació microbiològica d’aigües subterrànies (bacteris coliformes totals i fecals, estreptococs fecals, enterococs, espores clostridis,... i virus patògens). El cinquè, i últim, la contaminació de la?fauna cavernícola (ja reconeguda inclús al propi?Projecte de l’abocador (7 d’octubre 1972), punt 4, apartat 5, Mesures correctores, Informe Unitat Operativa Serveis Municipals, Pàg. 13).

Tots els punts, de les dues hipòtesis plantejades, han resultat confirmades en aquests darrers cinquanta anys de funcionament de l’abocador. També ho podeu comprovar repassant tots els estudis hidrogeològics i nombroses analítiques d’aigües subterrànies que, al novembre de 2021, l’AMB acabava de penjar a la seva pàgina web i que ara són de públic accés.

Continuem però, a l’època, a l’any 1974, i la participació de l’autor en més fòrums acadèmics i universitaris. Just desprès del IV Simpòsium de Bioespeleologia, al desembre de 1974 es celebra el?1r Fòrum universitari sobre l’abocador del Garraf, organitzat per les Comissions Culturals de Ciències Biològiques i la de la Facultat de Ciències Geològiques i la de a l’Aula de Graus de Facultat de Biologia, de la Universitat de Barcelona (UB), a l’ala de Ciències de la seu de l’edifici històric de Pla?a Universitat de Barcelona. Es publica un manifest per la plataforma de catedràtics i professors universitaris de les Facultats de Geologia i de Biologia de la UB, liderats pel Dr. Ramon Folch i Guillen, i a on s’integrà l’autor que aquestes línies subscriu, com a alumne avan?at, per la seva anterior publicació al IV Simpòsium de Bioespeleologia. Aquest manifest exposava i plantejava que l’activitat (l’abocador) no complia els condicionants tècnics i, també, enumerava les hipòtesis anteriors de l’autor al IV Simpòsium, però ara molt més àmplies i millor documentades tècnica i científicament.

L’any següent, al 1975, es celebra amb gran desplegament de mitjans informatius, el?2n Fòrum universitari sobre l’abocador del Garraf. Va tenir lloc el dimarts, dia 18 febrer, a les 19h, a l’Aula Magna de la Universitat de Barcelona, i coorganitzat per las Comissió Cultural de la Facultat de Ciències Geològiques?(UB), l’Escola Catalana d’Espeleologia, i l’Associació de Geòlegs d’Espanya,?a la mateixa seu històrica de la Pla?a Universitat de Barcelona. Intervenen a la taula presidencial els catedràtics universitaris: Ramon Folch, Ramon Margalef, Joaquim Montoriol, Carles Gràcia. També formava part de la taula per l’Escola Catalana d’Espeleologia: l’alumne de Geologia Pau Pérez. I per part de l’Associació de Geòlegs d’Espanya, Joan Antoni Raventós (advocat). Finalment, també en Joan Senent-Josa (biòleg). Es projectaren diverses diapositives de l’abocador i de presumptes incompliments de l’ajuntament. Al final de llarguíssim acte es va llegir i aprovar un manifest final en contra de l’abocador i del menysteniment dels científics i la ciència al nostre país. Es va produir un ple total de l’Aula Magna, amb més de 600 assistents.

De fet, aquest dos fòrums vists ara amb la perspectiva històrica dels 50 anys transcorreguts, es poden considerar l’origen del primer moviment conservacionista i ambientalista a Catalunya (Dr. Ramon Folch i Guillen, pròleg de la publicació: "1972 - 2006 Olor de podrit. El despropòsit del Garraf" de l'autor: Pau Pérez de Pedro (2008). Barcelona)"


Prof. Dr. Josep Antoni Herrera Sancho (PhD.EnD.MSc.LLM.MArch.MBLandArch)的更多文章

