With No Conditions
Andrea Nicole McGibbon
CEO, Life & Leadership Development Strategist; Author; Helping Leaders uplift their Performance & Productivity.
Is there anything beneficial in this world that comes without some condition? There is one thing - but, it comes from someone who is beyond the limitations and intimidations of our world, and who also offers us a way?to superior life.?This phenomenal and superior thing is called love - agape love. This is a special?kind of love that?is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional, contagious and righteous. It goes beyond the boundaries?of emotions, preservation, and reasoning, and is the key to?the mystery of life and living.?
Open your eyes and look around, humanity is in desperate need of the injection of superior?life and love. Everything in our world is being tainted, destroyed or?smudged by anti-love. Time is confirming how much God's pure, out of this world, kind of love, is the answer?to all our salvation needs. Salvation from sin, addictions and death; salvation from stress and a whole heap of mess; salvation from fears, tears, and cares; salvation from greediness, meanness?and selfishness; salvation from killing, stealing and destroying our children.?His?Love is salvation from every intent, trap,?and scheme?of the evil team.
Christ died for us while we were sinners and that is the crux of this wonder. -?A love with no conditions - the only way to?truly escape. It took me a while to get this but now I am totally convinced. What led Him to sacrifice Himself for us was something that was bigger, greater and higher than our sinfulness and death sentence. It tells us that because of His love, we don't have to stay the same and can now shift?to a bigger, greater and higher plane.?It also tells us that if we allow ourselves to be overtaken?by Him and His love, we will testify and become a?conduit?of?the bigger, greater and higher way. His love is the key, but it is only activated when we?receive and experience it for real.?
"But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 AMP
I bless you to be consumed by the love and truth of Christ, and to freely spread to others, His love and life!