The Condition of God’s People Depends on Their Leaders
The Condition of God’s People Depends on Their Leaders
Zac Poonen | 23 May 2021
In the book of 1 Kings, we find that it begins with David, the man after God’s own heart, and ends with Ahab, the worst king ever to rule over Israel. Israel begins as a powerful nation and ends as a divided nation and with many evil kings ruling over both kingdoms – especially over Israel.
“In every generation God needs godly leaders."
The condition of God’s people depends greatly on the spirituality or the lack of it in their leaders. Whenever Israel had a godly leader, they moved forward in godly ways. When they had a carnal leader, they moved away from God into carnality. The great need among God’s people has always been for godly leaders.
Jesus looked out at the multitudes in His day and saw them as sheep without a shepherd. He told His disciples to pray that God would thrust forth shepherds into the midst of His people (Matt.9:36-38). When God looks at the churches today, He sees the same need for godly leaders. The challenge that comes to us then, is to satisfy the heart of God in our generation by being the type of men and women He is looking for.
In every generation God needs godly leaders. We cannot depend on the wisdom of the leaders of previous generations. David could not rule over Israel forever. He would die, and someone else would have to take over. What would become of Israel depended on the type of person that the next king would be.
God raises up a godly man to start a work in one generation. He becomes old and dies. Will the leaders in the next generation have only the founder’s knowledge and his doctrines, but not his godliness and his knowledge of God? Then the people will certainly go astray. God needs Davids and Deborahs in our day.
The purpose of the election of Israel, together with her leaders was
to exhibit to the “pagan“ world; the holiness & decrees of the living GOD!
In which it failed miserably; to the extent that
Jesus actually pronounced 8 woes on its then spiritual leaders!
Mathew 23:13-29
Today Israel is
A cut off, cursed & withered fig tree
Mathew 29:13
& a cut off olive branch & we - Ecclesia were grafted into the tree!
(because of disobedience & unbelief Israel rejected THE MESSIAH
even crucifying HIM, through the then world Roman government:
calling his blood on them & their children
Matthew 27:25
They in their present rebellion will now receive
a false messiah – the anti-christ; with the mark of the beast a small remnant will repent, weeping as a child & be grafted in again.
When Paul encouraged us to imitate him as he imitated CHRIST
1 Corinthians 11:1
he is NOT encouraging us to imitate him; BUT to imitate the way - he was IMITATING CHRIST.
We have The Holy Spirit through faith in JESUS our ONE MESSIAH.
WHO teaches & guide us PERFECTLY unlike
frail worldly teachers or “wolves in sheep’s clothing.
We now have THE UNLIMITED Christ as our leader
& the Infinite power of The Holy Spirit, enabling us
TO DO all that God has prepared for us, for our generation!
John 14:6
Hebrews 8:11
John 14:26