Condensation vs Chemical

Condensation vs Chemical

Just finished listening to the West of Centre podcast hosted by Jason Markusoff and just had to share this excerpt from my newsletter which dropped Saturday. morning. Erika Barootes, CEC tried her best to defend Premier Smith, but it sounded somewhat strained. Thank gawd for Emma Graney who called it out.

That we should humour such outlandish theories as a quality of good leadership just does not wash. Leaders should lead from a position of truth and knowledge and not from a position of keeping everyone happy.


There are contrails and there are chemtrails. Contrails are “condensation trails” seen as a cloud line behind jet aircraft engines, usually at high altitudes. They are a matter of science. Chemtrails on the other hand are the stuff of conspiracy theories which claim they are chemical or biological agents intentionally sprayed to sterilize us, shorten our lives, or control our minds.? The hype and hysteria goes back to the 1990s through early internet forums and became a talking point on late-late-night talk radio such as the Art Bell program and Coast-to-Coast. Having been a CompuServe SysOp at the time, and later a talk radio producer I have heard (and discussed) the theories online and with listeners over the years.

Despite one being real and the other considerably less so, the Premier of Alberta seems to have muddled them up when asked about the (unreal) chemtrails at a UCP forum.? Danielle Smith’s reply was

“What I have been able to do is talk to the woman who is responsible for controlling the airspace, and she says no one is allowed to go up and spread anything in the air . . . if anyone is doing it, it’s the U.S. Department of Defense.”? She then went on to say she would do what she could to investigate.

As opposed to simply saying they do not exist.

As if Albertans shouldn’t be embarrassed enough at the response, the discussion has made it all the way to Washington, DC. When contacted by reporters, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) replied that “NORAD and US Northern Command are not conducting any flight activities in Canada that involve the spraying of chemicals,” according to a PressProgress story .

It is also worth noting that Premier Smith said she had talked with the woman responsible for controlling the airspace. Controlling airspace is not like contacting the customer service desk at your local grocery store and talking to “the woman responsible” for the produce section to find out when the next organic apple shipment is expected. Our airspace is managed by Nav Can and Transport Canada and Nav Can has said it had not been contacted by the premier , leaving me to wonder just who the premier phoned.

Assessing public opinion is – and should be – an important part of governance and to have any value is conducted in a manner to ensure the best possible information is collected. That means polling or surveys of all kinds done with proper random and representative samples. Not, as an Alberta Government spokesperson, said “sharing what she has heard from some folks over the summer on this issue,".? That approach leaves government chasing their tails based on whoever has made the latest phone call or sent an email. In this case that appears to be the UCP membership who will be voting on Premier Smith’s leadership at the November 2nd party convention.?

As the premier has not said how many people it takes to cause her to “investigate” as she put it, the truth is now out there, and I guess she has someone to call to settle the matter quickly. Then say publicly it just isn’t so.


