Concurrent DevOps: The new way of doing DevOps
Presently organizations are achieving DevOps by adapting the tool chains. And we have numerous tools to choose from. Creating a DevOps platform by integrating many of them (for e.g. git, Jenkins, Junit, SonarQube, Ansible, Docker, K8s) can really be a cumbersome job and again making the entire setup a complex to manage and slows down the over all intention of transforming to DevOps, creating a possibility of failure towards the organizational transformation.
There is no doubt that the new set of tools have improved for specific areas like continuous integration, configuration management, infrastructure management, container orchestration. If a deeper thought has to be put, undoubtedly there are new challenges brought by this way of implementing DevOps by creating an opaque data management, New silos of tools, uncontrolled security.
In fact, many teams might have adopted DevOps (Tools, Processes and Culture), they still work sequentially baring the overall achievement of the true DevOps benefits.
In a nutshell if the barrier between tools can be removed and the team works concurrently without any hand-offs the achievement will be different.
The Concurrent DevOps
#GitLab comes with the idea of using a single tool and bridging all the gaps in the present #DevOps hand-offs.
It creates a new way of thinking how a product can created and shipped using Concurrent DevOps. Rather than organizing work in a sequence of steps and hand-offs, which creates silos, the power of working concurrently is in unleashing collaboration across the organization. In a concurrent world, people have visibility into the entire workflow, process, security, and compliance across the DevOps life cycle.
Concurrent DevOps makes it possible for Product, Development, QA, Security, and Operations teams to work at the same time. Teams work concurrently and review changes together before pushing to production. Everyone can contribute to a single conversation across every stage, and developers see all relevant security and ops information for any change. Under a Concurrent DevOps model, traditionally disparate teams that work on software development and delivery work together from a single application, sharing a single co-debase, data-store, installation, interface, overview, and workflow. This removes the need for messy integrations, requesting access to each tool, and context switching. All the tools needed, from issue tracking and project management to code review, continuous integration, and release automation are all inherently connected into a single, uninterrupted, and concurrent workflow.
The Principles of Concurrent DevOps
Concurrent DevOps provides complete real-time visibility of all projects and relevant activities across the expanded DevOps life-cycle. Stakeholders should be able to easily see changes, cycle times, security, and operational health.
The Concurrent DevOps model eliminates the need to manually configure and integrate multiple tools for each project. As soon as you push your first code change, the language of your code should be detected, your project packaged, security tests run, code quality reviewed, and deployed with a review app automatically.
Embedded automated security, code quality, vulnerability management, and policy enforcement keep things moving quickly while remaining compliant. A single permission model where user authentication and authorization is enforceable and consistent removes the need to manage multiple authorization schema across several applications and enables consistent user rights across all product categories.
Benefits of using Concurrent DevOps
Benefits to the business
- Faster financial results improve time to value.
- Fewer projects in flight reduces the number of cancelled projects.
- Rapid iteration based on feedback improves customer experience.
Benefits to the IT organization
- Small steps reduce coordination overhead.
- More interactions increase information and creates predictable progress.
- Increased decision points prevent all-or-nothing situations, creating more project control.