Concrete Cares
Concrete Cares was founded over 6 years ago with the idea lets use the worlds best building material as a theme to help families and children dealing with cancer. At first thought, one may ask " how could concrete possibly help someone with cancer"? If you look at Websters Dictionary one meaning is "formed by a coalition of particles into a solid mass" This is what Concrete Cares is attempting to do, bring our industry members together into a solid caring group of individuals committed to helping families and children dealing with the reality of cancer in their lives.
We are not a support group although we use our fundraiser events to help support organizations such as the Candlelighters Childhood Foundation of Nevada ( which we have supported at World of Concrete for 3 years and at the Solomon Colors Decorative Concrete Fair. What we do is use concrete related events to help a family or child whose life has been impacted financially when diagnosed with cancer.
This is what Concrete Cares does raise funds on a local level to help those who through no fault of their own are now dealing with one of the most costliest medical conditions cancer. Their survival is now not dependent upon their job or paycheck but rather from their ability to afford medication and treatments which can easily run 10.000-30,000 per month on average often 1/3 is uncovered by insurance. Life choices may now be feeding their family, keeping up with car, rent, mortgage & utility payments. Or worse yet set aside their medicine or treatments to meet the financial burdens inflicted by cancer. This is where Concrete Cares comes into play at events hosted by industry we use our people talents and compassion to help families and children on local levels as we continue to fight cancer the concrete way "1 yard at a time"
Our next event takes place March 8-10 in Hot Spring Arkansas with the Arkansas Ready Mix Concrete Association where we will be working to help McKenzie West on October 23 she went from a student-athlete with a straight A average while also being a youth volunteer at a local hospital where she is now undergoing chemotherapy treatments.
There are many groups out there so why support Concrete Cares? If you are involved in construction and care about others and wish to make differences in your community check us out and make the difference in your city or state with your friends and neighbors. Mike or Donna Murray 913 634 2267 or 913 634 2531 [email protected]