Concord Privacy News: 9/12/23
Six States Have Enacted Data Privacy Laws This Year
While the U.S. still does not have comprehensive national data privacy legislation, six states have stepped up so far this year and enacted their own laws that protect the privacy of their residents’ personal data: Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee, and Texas. This brings the total number of states with data privacy laws to 11 (the first five are California, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, and Connecticut).
Each state’s law is different, but they all are based on the same premise: to provide protections for the collection and use of personal data. Many include mandates that businesses provide specific rights and protections to individuals concerning their data, including the right to access and control their data, the right to opt out of targeted advertising, and the right to opt out of the sale of their personal data.
The big challenge facing companies with these new regulations coming online is twofold: the differing effective dates of each of these laws and how to ensure compliance once the laws take effect. Fortunately, Concord’s solutions can help companies easily comply with data privacy laws and confidently navigate the modern data landscape. Find out more at?
Other Privacy News of Note
Pennsylvania Lawmakers Consider Data Privacy Bill
Lawmakers in Pennsylvania this week began considering a data privacy bill that would allow consumers in the state to opt out of having their data collected online. The Consumer Data Privacy Act, or?House Bill 1201, was introduced in May and was heard during an informational session on Wednesday in the House Commerce Committee. Read more.
Carmakers are Failing the Privacy Test. Owners Have Little or No Control Over Data Collected
Most major car manufacturers admit they may be selling your personal information — though they are vague on the buyers, a new study finds, and half say they would share it with the government or law enforcement without a court order. The proliferation of sensors in automobiles — from telematics to fully digitized control consoles — has made them prodigious data-collection hubs. But drivers are given little or no control over the personal data their vehicles collect, researchers for the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation said Wednesday. Read more.