Conclusion: To understand Animals Issues
Me Bernard T. Raymond
Chief Passionate Attorney at Me Bernard Twyford Raymond inc, Attorneys & Mediators
Clanimal is convinced that after having put in place the measures and solutions proposed in this editorial series (with any improvements that can be added as well!), we will be able to say that we have started to clean up, once and for all, our act, and that finally Quebec can start to be considered a place where animals are sincerely respected and treated properly, and only then Quebec could serve as a role model for other jurisdictions!
Now, a "small" existential question:" What is the logic behind having the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (nb: loose translation) responsible for the management of animal issues in Quebec? Other than being a fish, verifying cleanliness in restaurants or the price of milk or soy, and saying that it is the same thing as the protection and the respect of the animal well-being in society, we do not see any logic in this government thinking process!
Seriously, has an inspector going from one restaurant to another, has the time and the interest, to go to the countryside to flush out the puppy mills hiding there? Clanimal would see the wildlife protection officers from the Ministry of Forest, Fauna and Parks (whose number requires a major increase!) as the real people to do the job (and their philosophy is to: Protect, Educate and Prevent). What is the government waiting for acting appropriately? What are we doing to change things? It is our responsibility to do what is necessary, and that is what Clanimal proposes to all of you.
No one has ever approached, like Clanimal is doing now, the animal situation with a good dose of pragmatism, realism and a business approach, like Clanimal has done and is doing. It cannot be just the "emotional" approach, as being to often the case (nothing gets achieve...hey it's been like that for the last 25 years...right?)
It is imperative to calculate the cost in veterinary services, in time/men to manage these issues (at the civil/criminal and administrative levels) and in taxes (and income tax) that are not collected, and last but not least, in terms of time and money spent by everyone working for the cause of animals!
Not being actuaries or economist working for us, Clanimal would be seriously interested to build files with people in these disciplines to establish, for the authorities: A) costs incurred by these problems (we have identified), B) costs of implementing the solutions Clanimal sees, and, C) how much revenue would the measures before would bring in the government coffers?
Finally, a solid structure is required to be put in place, not to lose control and miss our targets to , once and for all, resolve these problems!
Count on Clanimal to lead the charge...with you!
Now, has we have been inviting you in the last 2-3 weeks to do, we invite you to read the different editorials written on the present matter that you can read at the Learning Center/human/editorials (click here), or start your animal education by completing Matchmaking Dogs with You and please share it with your friends and family to help a dog and its future guardian!
Until next time, please send me your comments à "[email protected]" or on any of our social media venues (FB, LinkedIn (bernard t raymond, entrepreneur) and on Twitter @weareclanimal
Bernard Raymond, Founder & Chief Passionate Officer, ([email protected])