

THE LORD BUDDHA WAS ONCE STAYING IN A FOREST in Kosambi, India, where he took a few leaves into his hand, and asked of his disciples: “What do you think, O bhikkus? Which is more – these few leaves in my hand or the leaves in the forest over there?”

“Sir, very few are the leaves in the hand of the Blessed One,” a disciple replied, “but indeed the leaves in the forest over there are very much more abundant.”

The Buddha continued, “Even so, bhikkus, of what is known to me I have told you only a little; what I have not told you is very much more. And why have I not told you these things? Because they are not useful, they are not fundamentally connected with the spiritual holy life, and will not lead you to Nirvana. That is why I have not told you these things.”

The Buddha was not interested in discussing unnecessary metaphysical questions that might create imaginary problems and endless speculation. He considered such topics?“a wilderness of opinion”. Similarly, and for two very good reasons, this present work leaves out much that is being avidly discussed, researched, written about and taught today with regard to the dawning New Age of Aquarius.

Firstly, even a thousand treatises of encyclopaedic magnitude could not convey all that is transpiring in the world, the solar system and beyond, and which is directly related to either Servers or the Divine Plan for planet Earth at this time. Consequently, an outline of a subject such as the one taken up in this book must necessarily remain synoptic and, therefore, in a sense, incomplete.

Secondly, much that falls within the very wide parameters of New Age thinking today, while often fascinating and quite thrilling, tends to be superfluous with regard to the immediate needs in the world. Amongst the plethora of new information that is currently available, there exist all kinds of very colourful enticements, and these may conduce toward restless excitement, convoluted perception, contagion and, therefore, unnecessary distraction from the most essential and pertinent issues of the day.

The Truth is, has ever been, and always will be – simple; indeed, its essence is contained in one very fundamental yet profound statement, namely that?Love is the greatest aid to healing and spiritual progress.?In compiling this somewhat technical volume we have, on occasion, found ourselves wondering if its exposures might pose certain risks to some minds that may tend to become idealistically attached to the ideas and ideals which it contains. We have experienced some concern at the possibility that we might be unintentionally responsible for helping to create new conceptual prisons for seekers of Truth. With this in mind, the following wisdom is offered from the Tao Te Ching:?“That which can be conveyed in words is merely a relative conception; although names and concepts have been applied to it, the subtle truth is indescribable.”?–?Lao Tzu.

Lest certain individuals fall into those identical entanglements that have obstructed clear and true spiritual vision in every age and culture, it is tempting for us to suggest that once the reader has understood and become inspired by the factual concepts expounded within this book, they might do well to forget about them altogether and simply practise unconditional love in their lives, for as the Buddha has averred:?“All is Samsara?[illusion]. To the unveiled eyes of one who has become enlightened by the simple Truth, and so who sees, with perfect clarity, things just as they are, phenomenal life is recognised to be but an intricate network of moving energy patterns, rising and passing away; nothing in this world is permanent or, therefore, Real.

It has been said before that philosophers die confused, separated from the Truth by their own grasping minds. Complex philosophies and ideas serve to scatter one’s energy and focus in the moment, and lead to confusion. However, when we cease in our struggling, when we unreservedly trust life’s processes and abide in acceptance and unconditional love for other life-forms, all that which is pertinent in the present instant is revealed to us; perfection of the moment is realised, while all our past mental constructs, subjective identifications of matter and phenomena, and of all conditioning factors relating thereto are seen as empty, devoid of substance, like ripples on a lake or moonbeams reflected in a looking-glass.

Wake-up calls, imitation egos, veils, portals and programs – these are all conceptual tools that attempt to confer an idea of certain esoteric dynamics that are ultimately beyond intellectual grasp; they are but indicators, signposts upon the way to the Greater Life. It should be remembered always that while such realities may be relevant on certain levels of?Samsara, they are also ephemeral and so cease to exist upon others, as the developing point of consciousness – the soul – moves ever onward and inward upon its journey of progressive spiritual attainment and emancipation from all conceptual creations and transitory illusions belonging to the lower worlds.

It is our earnest prayer that the elucidations herein revealed are recognised for what they are, and that they do not become yet another substitute for Reality, which can only be?experienced, never conceptualised. It is our wish that the principles and ideas that we have described will not be seen as an excuse for ceasing the necessary, joyful and eternal process of seeking further and higher, and it is our hope that our vision will ultimately help Servers and humanity alike to reach that most sacred place of pure, unconditional love where time touches Eternity, where the individual heart synchronises and beats with the Universal Heart, and where the simple and unchanging Holy Truth may be?known.


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