Concluding, the situation, the event and the phenomenon called NIGERIA

Concluding, the situation, the event and the phenomenon called NIGERIA

Did I say NIGERIA will not remain as it is(?) that it must....

Yes that was how I ended the introductory part of this paper, but it is so nice I made no pronouncement, one way or the other because I do not have the resume of a fore teller of the future, a prophet I mean, but that of an ordinary Nigerian, though with solid experience of life's journey - again just like any other Nigerian. So may we continue with the subject of our discuss: the situation, the event, and or the phenomenon we call Nigeria.


Nigeria is indivisible1, yes it truly is. Much praise might go to the ruler of Nigeria at a time in history the Mr Go On With One Nigeria oh no Major General I should say, even Dr – his most appropriate and current title when a section of this great nation considered the nation too large and so wanted to commence the action of chopping it up into pieces; because if a tribe should go another might or will follow – forgetting that divided we fall but united we stand. The Biafran first insurgence and the possible resurgence is not the only divisibility crisis facing beloved Nigeria. Of recent is the boko haram malady that is even worse than mere breaking away, but none should be tolerated, which the Central Government ought to tackle and demolish. Just hoping that our current President will be endued with the wisdom and fortitude to tackle all these problems, but should he be unequal to to the task, may the right (wo)man not fail to get on in as our next president in 2019. Any citizen that says because of the gigantic problems that Nigeria faces, it should break up is being deceptive, but if really sincere he or she should be taken to Dr Lambo for an appointment as we say in Lagos ni Yaba apa osi. Even though the horizon of Nigeria right now looks very blink, but she has a glorious future, only that its citizens should learn or inculcate some vital and crucial lessons concerning the working of democracy.


Nigeria is not an accidental creation as some think 2 Yes people do or take glory for things done in this world and those that said it best say God cures but it is the doctors that get the credit. Who is Lord Lugard? He was not even a Nigerian, but merely a visitor or stranger in the Land, never mind, he occupied a very high position in the Land, but was he the first that attained to such a position? Certainly not, As he was appointed, so was Daniel also appointed in a land that was not his birth country. There are many more but one more example will do of a man that was brought out of jail to rule the whole land where his (ancestors) first entered as a slave (here I mean Carlson). Can we imagine what people will say of Joseph that he was not an Egyptian but a foreigner? Yet he did not just prevent the country from spitting into two or more fragments, he actually stopped the country from being a desert and ghost land without any human or even animals! Anybody or a group of people – like a political party can engineer the development of a nation be they foreigners or native born but the onus of development lies with the citizens of that country. Yes language has been a divisive factors in Nigeria from time immemorial for which we should forever be grateful to the Queen and her United Kingdom for giving us a language of unity. Of course we owe U K much more than the gift of language but I shall not be addressing that in this essay. And so wherever the the topic of the breakup is being debated or discussed: whether by teenagers, professors, or whoever they may be in the society - these should be viewed alike and pitied for they are both sick and so do not know what they are saying. The least one can do to such people is to correct and enlighten them if they will listen but if not just leave them alone, though I also hear the slogan often “if you see something or hear something then say something. It is treason so Report”.


It is a force in Africa3 to reckon with in the world, yes and a very big force at that, in whatever area or angle you want to look at it: the educated class, the huge population, the natural resources and agricultural products and in particular the crude oil reserve, which Somebody placed underneath our soil without telling anybody what he put there other than the one single command he gave when he first created man after the war in heaven where Satan was cast out and man was created to replace the devil and the wicked angels that joined him in rebelling against God – when he said: “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it” If we just look around to some other countries in the African continent or in other continents like Asia and South America we no doubt will realize that Nigeria is really endowed, other countries like Ethiopia, what about India with so much people but not enough food to feed them all, so that they prostitute around the whole world as the educated class sharing or selling (part of) their bodies, their brain to the whole world. In America, for example, Indians dominate the top of the medical profession as doctors. So brothers and sisters of Nigeria, we are a force to be reckoned with in the world even though currently we are stinking dirty and foul smelling before the entire world. But the power to improve is in our hands.


It is an awful fact that the phenomenon Nigeria has made some costly and expensive mistakes4 in the past and may still repeat some, but I think it is in our power to right every wrong that some or many of our leaders have made with some outside the political class have committed. Democracy gives us the power to do this, in particular the Judiciary. But this choice of the Judiciary may be my bias as it does not make our laws, they only with the police enforce the law. It is just unfortunate that Nigeria's legislature do nothing but only just talk and inflate their salaries since the effect of what they do cannot be easily measured. But all arms of democracy are crucial and the most important component of it all is we the people – your vote for the wrong candidate can and will sink this country into the abyss of hell. On the contrary your vote for the right and or best candidate will heal and restore Nigeria, and mind you these human saviors, may not have all the monies or have money at all, and neither may they have all the brain. I am really glad that the level of education required to run for any office in the land is the High School Diploma SSS 3 which to me is nothing but let it be. There are thieves among us that think the citizen's vote can be bought, but they are mistaken, for mine can never and has never been bought. What about yours? Let us prove them wrong. Should a politician smooth talks himself or herself to office, show him or her the way out at the ballot box in 4 years time. We can halt armed robbery and bribery too. Though dealing with diseases be a harder work but we can find cure to diseases too. What about election rigging that can derange all we are saying so far? – if proven, the candidates and election officers involved and others involved – they should without the option of fine be sent to jail for n – 1 years so that they will not be out to rig in the next election cycle but will only be released a year after the next election with adequate lesson of say 5 years imprisonment for rigging an election. So that they would never dare do it again irrespective of the carrot being dangled across their faces as bribes to help rig some more.


Nigeria like any other country on earth has men and women5, but ours are unique and special. How many Nigeria have you seen in your life? Let us beat it down, how many Nigerians do you see or hear with your eyes and hear each year – including on television and the radio? When you look at their eyes what can you imagine is going on in their hearts. Yes many may be dirty, 419ers - our most permanent name abroad But boy, there are still good people in this country, at any standard of goodness you. may set for yourself – who will then in turn successfully run the affairs of this country around when voted into office with zero naira bribe. Besides it is the function of the electorate in any country, not only to vote for the candidate of their choice but more importantly to dig up the past and and present of candidates and expose them so that each voter could make a more informed choice on election day and produce the best choice of candidates at any time for the nation . A fanatic whatever that means should not be allowed in office. Religion is good, but it is the effect on the adherent's life in the work place that is needed and not evangelization nor jihad!


Nigeria is specially blessed by God6 and this we can see in many ways, but the number of churches or mosques doesn't necessary prove this. It is the life these adherents live when outside the church or mosque that really matter. I know a man who I met several years ago – in the last century. He was the Director of Personnel of a bank the foremost bank of the land, Seidu Mohamed by name, and he is an Alhaji. He did not talk religion at work but lived it. I think that is what Nigeria needs since the prevalent argument is that the State and the Church (or Mosque) should be separate! But in this section we are talking about God and the land and not about men even though He is is interested in good men and women leading the people in any and every nation of the world. But I speak of the rain from heaven, the fishes in the seas and rivers all our numerous crops and petroleum resources. But wicked men and women embezzle the income accrued from these resources and enrich themselves: money laundering. Do you know what, there should be a minimum flat term of 10 years in jail for any that steal the money of the government which is meant for all Nigerians and the money confiscated from them! Though other forms of stealing is not mentioned here but none should be tolerated: whether home robbery or highway robbery. We need a change in Nigeria and we can bring about that change, and it squarely begins on the next election day, but for now just open your eyes and look.


But the Devil is equally alive and kicking in Nigeria7, by the way did you see him yesterday before you went to bed or even earlier this day. Unfortunately many that see him or feel him operating in their lives say there is no devil, but sooner or later you will stop deceiving yourself when the devil is your actual neighbor in burning hell. Many bad things that happened around us like armed robbery, rape, drug addiction, including burglary alcoholism and even other forms of lack of self control like smoking – whether cigarette or Indian Hemp it makes no difference – these are all works of the devil, and lets I forget including divorce and or hatred and unforgiveness Is the devil your friend or is he your enemy? What kind of association do you keep with him?


No body will solve Nigeria's problem from outside but you and me8; nobody! If there is anything you gain from this essay let it be this, that you are important but how can you solve it? you may wonder just ask yourself: What do you do that you you feel is bad even if nobody tells you that, for example smoking cigarette – people see me and ask do you have a lighter? But with the constant response: I do not want to go to burning hell. And what are you doing now that you can do better? Set goals on how you can achieve this and begin to strive. Have a mind set of service to your nation and not that of looting her dry should you get there. I have had men say: ema bawon wi, bobaje iminoni mashe ju beyen lo just don't blame them, if I were them, I will do worse. Dear reader, you can join me rescue Nigeria – we can do it. You really do not need to join me but we can all, even while working apart, but with the same service heart deliver Nigeria from its continuous decline to destruction. Let us begin now.


And the only tool we have for changing the fortune of Nigeria for good is democracy9

Actually you do not need to join a political party but you should if you want to run for office. Yet you still could even if not running for an office and you really do not need to be present at every meeting. You can just pick and choose, which to go and not to go. The most important thing is to vote your conscience on election day and not who others convinced you to vote for. But this requires some work effort on your part – in that you should compare candidates before election day and choose who you think is more honest and competent. TV adverts can be expensive and elaborate, they can even be superior and or perfect since professionals could be hired to do this which does not reflect the candidate's true self or ability; while for some others this could be inferior or even none existence especially TV advert. As a result of all these, the best time or arena to make and informed decision is watching them on TV debate and reading bad records that are circulated about the various candidates though some of this news may be false, distorted, or even fabricated! The point being made is that in democracy, all have work to do especially in the campaign season: either to be informed or to inform. You don't need to spend a naira really, your most important duty is to go and vote early. But should you decide to spend your money in election, you will be doing a great thing not only to yourself or your candidate but for the entire nation especially when and if (s)he wins. There is the problem too of your candidate embezzling money, while in office or even also going to jail for that – what do you do then? What about those that prevent people from voting, burn people alive or even maim and or kill them all in the name of election? The least sentence for this should be a minimum of 3 years in jail with hard labor But what is democracy, I ask again? Just you me him and her – no more no less.


Is our hearts abilities and intellects the same10? by no means. But we are all Nigerians and so all are qualified to vote if (i) 18 or above. Then those that want to run for office should do so provided they meet the (ii) basic qualification of SSS-3 and 18+ years and do not have (iii)criminal background in their records. Money should have no place in this at all, and (iv) always listen to a politician when he wants to tell you what he would do if voted into office. Asking for your money is a different matter. Really politicians don't ask for money everywhere and from all people. They prefer few rich men who could buy their conscience, but sincerely (v) little naira and kobo from many is the best as it is said little drops of water makes the mighty ocean. Of course once in a long time a candidate may emerge that does not need a dollar from anybody, not even from his party like millionaire Donald Trump of the American republican party who has sustained leadership in the polls – who to me, is really not the best candidate in the Republican pack, for there is a black Surgeon that is way above them all, but can he win the party's nomination, and even he does, will he be able to defeat the possible first American female president who I thought was going to get the democrat ticket 7 years ago – the Republicans were even afraid of her not Barack Obama, but Obama just shot up like a rocket claiming he is black when he is neither white nor black – but Other (Re. White Black and Other ? 2013 Printed in the United States of America)! I am sorry, we were discussing about the phenomenon, the situation or the event called NIGERIA, but how did we get into American affairs? Only because America is the greatest democracy on earth, any talk on democracy that does not include the United States may be deemed incomplete.


Where do we go from here now? It is in your hand and mine - go register to vote in 2019 and do just one thing more. Thank you.


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