Concerns over Trump's handling of Turkey-Syria crisis
Music to America’s ears
For all the adolescent journalists impatient with Speaker Pelosi’s pace, it would serve your collective interests to remember that you, collectively, provided the several billion$ in free media to Duckass Donny that kept the contest close enough for him to game the Electoral College with the analytics that the Russian Kleptocracy hacked from the Clinton campaign. That singular hack should be the lodestar of your personal map of 2nd Amendment Journalism, in an Ernie Pyle kind of way.
It is imperative that the American voter understand exactly what the constitutional complaint Speaker Pelosi is assembling is. She is in no hurry. She will string it out until the day after Labor Day 2020 and then drop a big constitutional turd in Moscow Mitch’s re-election punch bowl and let him decided whether to vote to convict without a trial or let the voters throw him to the sherriff.
Let me explain it this way: I remember the Republican outrage, iincluding mine, when the Democrats cut off funding to Saigon in the last months of the war, but it was termpered by the knowledge that the war was over, even though we has lost it when the Diem brothers were assassinated.
Duckass Donny just gave up the Kurds to pay Erdo?an the vig on his two Trump Towers in Ankara. That’s the headline MSM is either ignoring or lack the wit to recognize the treachery.
Or has been paid off by the GOP Deep State or are too afraid to speak truth to power.