Conceptus by Brian Herskowitz
??Laura had been running for a long time. It didn't matter how hard she ran or where to, the nightmares followed. Her nightmares kept her on the path, never wavering until they brought her full circle.?Now what would she do?
???This is a powerful book.?Yet another look at how a split second can change your life in so many ways. The meat part of the book is fantastic. It really is a page turner. The characters are fleshed out and engaging.?It will have you looking over your shoulder for awhile. This one also shows us how once again religion is molded to fit what you want it to be. I think you'll like this one.
??I found a few issues inside the bigger issue. The bigger issue is the lead in story to start the book with doesn't need to be there. There are many other ways to bring the information into the meat of the book. The smaller issues have to do with perception more than they are misleading information. It's an easy fix.
??I gave this one 4 cheers out of 5 because of the above issues.
The author provided a copy of the book but I chose to review it.