Conceptual Architecture for using common pages for collecting sensitive data for multiple sites/web applications.

Conceptual Architecture for using common pages for collecting sensitive data for multiple sites/web applications.

There are times when we have multiple web properties and want to perform common tasks that involve collecting restricted data and performing operations on that (e.g. payments, collecting credit card data). Instead of building this functionality into each web application, maintaining it and making each app PCI compliant, this operation can be externalized. This architecture lays out how to do that securely while allowing individual applications be maintained by diverse teams and lobs (individual application does not maintain payment data or participates in payment processing).

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Conceptual Architecture

Note on GET acccesToken API (2): The call from server side of WebApplication to Get Access Token API uses permanent AWS credentials (accessKey and secret) that are periodically rotated. Token Manager uses developer authenticated federated identities of AWS Cognito to generate per user short lived access token. This access token has very limited privileges limited to invoking Payment Process API and has a very short expiry period, typically few minutes.


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