Concepts in the verses of the Noble Quran that we have published (Glossary) 60


This glossary has been taken from ?a?ī? al-Bukhārī for the benefit of the reader. It covers the words which are present in the Noble Qur’ān.


Qārin ( ?????? ) One who performs ?ajj-al-Qirān.

Qarn-al-Manāzil ( ??? ??????? ) The Mīqāt of the people of Najd. It is situated on the way to Makkah. (Now it is known as As?Sail-al-Kabeer)

Qa?ab ( ????? ) Pipes made of gold, pearls and other precious stones.

Qa?īfah ( ??????? ) Thick soft cloth.

Qattāt ( ?????? ) A person who conveys information from someone to another with the intention of causing harm and enmity between them. (?a?ī? Al?Bukhārī,Vol. 8, ?adīth No.82).


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