Concepts in the verses of the Noble Quran that we have published (Glossary) 43
This glossary has been taken from ?a?ī? al-Bukhārī for the benefit of the reader. It covers the words which are present in the Noble Qur’ān.
Ma‘āfirī ( ?????? ) A type of garment of Yemen origin.
Mā shā’ Allāh ( ?? ??? ???? ) An Arabic expression meaning literally, “What Allāh wills,” and it indicates a good omen.
Al-Madīnah ( ??????? ) Well-known city in Saudi Arabia, where the Prophet’s mosque is situated. It was formerly called Yathrib.
Maghāfīr ( ???????? ) A bad smelling gum.
Al-Maghāzi ( ??????? ) Plural of Maghza, i.e. holy battle; or the place where the battle took place; or the deeds and virtues of Ghāzi (fighters in Allāh’s Cause).
Maghrib ( ?????? ) Sunset, evening ?alāt (prayer).