Concepts of Neural Network with AI and Python.
Sankhyana Consultancy Services-Kenya
Data Driven Decision Science (Training/Consulting/Analytics)
Neural Networks: Main Concepts
A neural network is a system that learns how to make presages by following these steps:
Taking the input data
Making a presage
Comparing the prognostication to the desired output
Adjusting its internal state to prognosticate congruously the next time
Vectors, layers, and linear regression are some of the building blocks of neural networks. The data is stored as vectors, and with Python you store these vectors in arrays. Each layer transforms the data that emanates from the antecedent layer. You can cerebrate of each layer as a feature engineering step, because each layer extracts some representation of the data that came anteriorly.
One cool thing about neural network layers is that the same computations can extract information from any kind of data. This betokens that it doesn’t matter if you’re utilizing image data or text data. The process to extract paramount information and train the deep learning model is identically tantamount for both scenarios.
In the image below, you can visually perceive an example of a network architecture with two layers:
Diagram exhibiting a Neural Network with two layers
A neural network with two layers
Each layer transforms the data that emanated from the precedent layer by applying some mathematical operations.
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The Process to Train a Neural Network
Training a neural network is homogeneous to the process of tribulation and error. Imagine you’re playing darts for the first time. In your first throw, you endeavor to hit the central point of the dartboard. Conventionally, the first shot is just to get a sense of how the height and haste of your hand affect the result. If you visually perceive the dart is higher than the central point, then you adjust your hand to throw it a little lower, and so on.
These are the steps for endeavoring to hit the center of a dartboard:
The steps to throwing dart
Steps to hit the center of a dartboard
Notice that you keep assessing the error by visually examining where the dart landed (step 2). You go on until you determinately hit the center of the dartboard.
With neural networks, the process is very kindred: you commence with some arbitrary weights and partialness vectors, make a prognostication, compare it to the desired output, and adjust the vectors to soothsay more accurately the next time. The process perpetuates until the distinction between the prognostication and the correct targets is minimal.
Kenning when to stop the training and what precision target to set is a paramount aspect of training neural networks, mainly because of overfitting and underfitting scenarios.
Vectors and Weights
Working with neural networks consists of doing operations with vectors. You represent the vectors as multidimensional arrays. Vectors are utilizable in deep learning mainly because of one particular operation: the dot product. The dot product of two vectors tells you how homogeneous they are in terms of direction and is scaled by the magnitude of the two vectors.
The main vectors inside a neural network are the weights and partialness vectors. Loosely, what you optate your neural network to do is to check if an input is kindred to other inputs it’s already optically discerned. If the incipient input is akin to anteriorly visually perceived inputs, then the outputs will withal be kindred. That’s how you get the result of a prognostication.
The Linear Regression Model
Regression is utilized when you require to estimate the relationship between a dependent variable and two or more independent variables. Linear regression is a method applied when you approximate the relationship between the variables as linear. The method dates back to the nineteenth century and is the most popular regression method.
Note: A linear relationship is one where there’s a direct relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable.
By modeling the relationship between the variables as linear, you can express the dependent variable as a weighted sum of the independent variables. So, each independent variable will be multiplied by a vector called weight. Besides the weights and the independent variables, you withal integrate another vector: the inequitableness. It sets the result when all the other independent variables are equipollent to zero.
As an authentic-world example of how to build a linear regression model, imagine you optate to train a model to presage the price of houses predicated on the area and how old the house is. You decide to model this relationship utilizing linear regression. The following code block shows how you can inscribe a linear regression model for the verbally expressed quandary in pseudocode:
price = (weights_area * area) + (weights_age * age) + inequitableness
In the above example, there are two weights: weights_area and weights_age. The training process consists of adjusting the weights and the partialness so the model can presage the correct price value. To accomplish that, you’ll need to compute the presage error and update the weights accordingly.
These are the fundamentals of how the neural network mechanism works. Now it’s time to visually perceive how to apply these concepts utilizing Python.