Be Computer Wizard - Shut Down, Restart, Log Off, Lock Screen Using Keyboard Shortcuts
What’s up good people? Hope you are cracking well! Well in this today’s lesson I gonna teach you 4 keyboard shortcuts that you can use to manage your PC more modishly. I promise soon I would show you something smarter than this and you are going to be simply Talk of your Office with your cool stuffs! But before smarter you need to be smart enough. Correct? Okay so let’s dive into the fun part…
So what we are going to learn today?
1. Keyboard shortcut to Shut down PC
2. Keyboard shortcut to Restart PC
3. Keyboard shortcut to Log off from your current account and
4. Keyboard shortcut to Lock the screen
Now the question is why should you learn keyboard shortcuts when you can do stuffs through mouse clicks? Well as I said to be more “Modish”! Whoa! Do you mean only smart? Not really! In fact, when you learn to be different in a way which is effortless and less time consuming you become efficient in others eyes. When you become efficient I call you smart. Gotcha? Okay so let’s learn the stuffs…
Be warned these keyboard shortcuts are only for Windows O/S. Hopefully these will work from Windows 7 to regardless of Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. But if still you see something inconvenient or even problematic please don't hesitate to complain in comment section. Alternatively you can shoot me an email too. I will try my best to help you and address the situation. Let's learn the techniques...
1. To shut down your PC just press Windows key then Right Arrow key and then Space Bar.
Windows + Right Arrow + Space bar
2. To Restart your PC, press Windows key then Right Arrow key twice and finally R key.
Windows + Right Arrow + Right Arrow + R
3. To Log off from your current account, press Windows key then Right Arrow key twice and then L key.
Windows + Right Arrow + Right Arrow + L
4. To Lock the desktop, press Windows key and L key simultaneously.
Windows + L
If you struggle to use keyboard shortcuts, I would recommend you to keep practicing every day. Once you will get familiar with the shortcuts you will never touch the mouse again. Because working through keyboard shortcuts are always efficient and time saving.