Vision is For Sale
Patrick (PJ) Fischer
28 years helping persons blind, low vision and visually impaired. | Francis Cache' Brand Builder | CEO - Accessibility dot Net, Inc. | Low Vision Rehab | Founder - Technology Airtime
June 3, 2021, Fischer Publishing has listed Vision Helperss? for sale with all proceeds going to the Braille Mission which is dedicated to helping children who are blind. The Goal of the Braille Mission is to get more people certified as Braille transcribers in literacy, math and music, and to help purchase braille displays for blind children.
Computer Vision is the hottest scientific field as it deals with how computers use cameras to receive information to make decisions much like the human visual system can do. To make this simple to understand, think about the basic computer model which is I-P-O that stands for Input-Process-Output. The most common input device is a keyboard and the most common output device is a monitor, while the Process represents the computer’s brain (often called Hardware) consisting of (to name a few parts) a processor, clock, RAM, ROM and software. It is the software (often called Code) that makes all the hardware purr like a kitten. When it comes to Computer Vision we use Cameras for Input that sense the world around them, and the Output could be the car we drive, or audio that was converted from any text - to speech, or a pair of intelligent eyewear that allows the Blind to see. Follow me as I introduce three of the most amazing products and while 2 are available now, the third is coming to market in 2021.
First product is the technology that provides adaptive driving which is the precursor to autonomous driving cars. As an example, the 2020 Ford Lincoln Navigator has cameras on it that scans the road ahead and detects if you are approaching slower traffic. The system can automatically brake and accelerate to keep you at your set speed or follow with the pace of traffic when speeds are below your set speed. Follow us at
Second Product is the technology that allows someone print-impaired to instantly read text from a book, smartphone screen or any other surface. As an example, the OrCam MyEye is a camera that attaches to virtually any glasses. A person has several ways to operate the camera; either by pointing, touching or voice recognition which instructs the camera to take a picture and then OrCam MyEye converts the text, in real-time, to speech. There is a second OrCam product called OrCam Read which is a hand-held device you hold that uses a 13 megapixel Camera and the same software and weighs only 1.57 ounces and is 4.8" x 0.98" x 0.51". This product allows persons with Dyslexia the easiest way to read print. Available at
Third Product is the technology that allows the blind to see. As an example, in 2021 intelligent eyewear will become available that use front facing cameras as input and software that provide the cameras image as output on the intelligent eyewear screens so persons legally blind can see to read, write, and live more independently.
It is the software (Code) that makes the hardware intelligent technology and these three products are the best example of AI - Artificial Intelligence! Computer Vision is Intelligent Technology that benefits mankind, and these three examples are proof! It is exciting where we are at, and where we are going, and everybody has a front row seat.
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