The Computer of Viruses

The Computer of Viruses

Journal on the Computer of Viruses


Type of Article: Scientific Research Article


Programming Systems and Parallelism.

- (ITBPS) 2035-




PANKAJ KUMAR PATHAK1*, AADYA PATHAK1, Subhas Gautam2 ?Krishna Pathak3 Urvashi?Rathod4, Ashok Basnet5, Ganesh Regmi6 Lal Mani Acharya7 Arjun Pokhrel8 Urmila Shrestha (Giri) 9 Emma Dench10 Bibhav Adhikari11 Kumari Radha Kumari12 Anuradha Mishra13 Priyanka Singh14 Ashish Pathak15

1Department of Management, Tribhuvan University, NEPAL,

2Department of Management, Tribhuvan University, MMCN-TU, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.

3Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, BANKE SHIKSHYA CAMPUS, NEPAL.

4Department of Computer Science, Symbiosis International University, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA.

5Department of Management, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.

6Department of Education, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.

7Department of Education, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.

8Department of Education, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.

9Department of Administration, Mahendra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.

10Department of Admissions, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA.

11Department of Management, Little Angels College, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, NEPAL.

12Department of Education, Mahendra Multiple Banke Shikshya Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.

13Department of Administration, BANKE SHIKSHYA CAMPUS, Tribhuvan University, Nepalgunj, NEPAL.


15Department of Management, BANEPA COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT, Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, NEPAL.



*Corresponding author:

Pankaj Kumar Pathak

Department of Management,


Kirtipur, NEPAL.


Phone (or Mobile) No.: +977-(974) 232-5584

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ?










The Power of processor increases every time it receives positive inputs that can change the influence of viruses into positive running or their life is decreased by culling. The remains of the viruses need storage where we can review the characteristics, which may evolve again due to genetic reasons over evolution of time. The mutant can be either very attractive due to isolation over a long period during evolution. It is the arrival of new protocols, which may affect the development, or culling of the new virus. The knowledge of viruses and their active occurrence in the influenced network and its engagement to business stakeholders would require New resolution to allow the mutations in the system be released with the realm and resumption of the running programs with a bug-free environment. The virtual computer we use is full of viruses, which need domestic internationalization of government banking systems, and secure data mining help is required with our expert teams with understandings of compassion and love to combat threats over millions of carrier messages carrying useful information for our end-users of all estates and all boundaries. Our ethical users become happy when their programs runs successfully. Developing an algorithm to develop understandings in a system to support modern development of microprocessors and to best fit our artificial intelligence system in artificial neural –networks and in our computer based society. Our Computer Society should develop new computer networks in a new computer architecture to protect our intellectual property amongst concurrent computer architecture and computer communications.




The opposite of Viral is uninteresting, unexciting, and uninspiring. It should be clear the mutations of viral innovation/ creation/evolution /discovery should be harmless to humans and all living beings. While all laws are set during experiments the set of actions can be taken immediately to protect humanity and many living creatures around us. ?Our innovations should make the life of people interesting, inspiring and exciting. There always good program cells who takes the defense against virus which are very very harmful to our Programs. The defense system needs quick bell rings at the time of threat observed. The mighty hands should not be tied with tyrannical laws and it should actively open them to take recovery actions as swiftly as possible. One Day amidst my summer project in 2012 when the trail of viruses began when my computer was infringed by my colleagues specializing in Networks –and-Security and finally I am the output of their virus spread which gives me immense opportunity to thank them. However, they were never aware of my computer being attacked by the third and the fourth and fifth party attacks which led the meltdown of milestones over the decade to evolve with a solution in 2021. Learning is important in swimming whether it is ocean/Lake/Pool/bathing tub, etc. It was very difficult for me to swim through the situation where I took help of my supervisors and experts. The philosophical background of the study always acts as remedial eureka of arrivals of new ideas in complicated situation. Creation of new cryptography is essential to scan the viruses principally. The philosophical and sociological foundation of education is the major determinant in enabling the programmers to build a better system in all times.





Objectives: Innovate a new process model for Customer Value Analysis and their satisfaction.

??To generate knowledge by undertaking evidence-based research and innovation activities for linking education for development

??To facilitate education policy formulation, planning and implementation

??To build institutional capacity in educational sector

??To disseminate and share research experiences and information

??To make one aware of viruses and virus scanning

??Habit of Data mining and analysis

??Swift Cryptography

??Motivation to youths for creation of algorithms.

??Intellectual security and storage of data

??Building implementation strategy.

??Originality of Data Integrity










Keywords: (PPHI), (PII), PDGI), (PI), (IPCD), (IGBD), (IIII-SD), (CCD).







Need of Parallelism: Parallel Computing is a form of computing in which large problems are often divided into smaller ones and then they are solved concurrently (in parallel) at BIT LEVEL, INSTRUCTION LEVEL, DATA AND TASK KNOWN AS PARALLELISM. The power consumption and high heat generation brings physical constraints and brings problem in frequency scaling. Therefore, Multi-core processors are used. Parallel computer Programs are concurrently written. There are various tasks and sub-tasks. Race conditions are used for communication and synchronization of the sub-tasks to reduce the problems and retain a good parallel program performance.

Parallel Computing is a algorithm or a?process of breaking the large problem into independent smaller similar and unlike parts and arranging them to execute one by one or simultaneously using single and multiple processors communicating through shared memory restoring the most relevant data inputs running within the time-bound with a provision of extended time -line bound for execution of the outputs and then combining all the most relevance positive inputs into a most relevant Completion of the Problem with a best solution to go well with..?The overall function of the algorithm is to produce measurable performance based outputs and utilization of cache memory.

The Computer of Viruses (Viruses)- The Conjunction of innovation and virus is always invasion over social calamities. Imagine millions of people of the world living in their ethical boundaries are connected to listen and learn with the person who leads the show in his/her time-slot appointed by the community. Whatsoever the experience is but the spread should be the best-skimmed cream nectar in the repository of the cells in the beehive. The nectar is always a medicine, which allows the viruses of all kinds to consume and pass through evolution of Time. Swimming is essential to dive and extract valuable minerals to decorate our living environment for adding an entertainment with purpose of living standards. We all know situations change over-time and life and death are ultimate destiny only. In between, it can be managed with entertainment and standards and interesting creations.


A virus can be of different nature over evolution of time. It depends on the ability of a Programmer to Program. It can be designed in an isolated environment and can influence the systems when they are designed to spread. Modern nature of a computer virus is to influence like a flu virus, which has a spreading nature from host to host. It can replicate itself through inheritance of the program. Just as flu viruses cannot reproduce without a host cell, similarly, the computer viruses cannot reproduce and spread without a disciplined/ skilled/ expert programmer who does the programming in a file or a document with intention of malice or love.

The computer virus is a code or a program written to alter the way computers work or operates in our environment and they are designed to change from one computer to another. They are legitimate programs, which can be operated by inserting and attaching a document that supports macros in order to execute the codes written on it by using cryptography. During this process the body and mind and soul of the computer programs are potentially caused unexpected damaging effects and the system is corrupted, killed, destroyed and or counseling is required to the developers to fix the problems by engagement of time and allowing the HEAT of the Programmer to be ICED with re-Evolutionization of a system to work with bugs free Environment.

Creeper, which was isolated within the realm of researchers, Elk Cloner was the first virus to be detected in the wild. Written in 1982 by a 15-year-old, it was a boot sector virus that infected Apple II computers. ILOVEYOU is considered one of the most virulent computer virus ever created. It managed to wreck havoc on computer systems all over the world with around $10 billion worth of damages.

??Klez – $19.8 billion.

??ILOVEYOU – $15 billion.

??WannaCry – $4 billion.

??Zeus – $3 billion.

??Code Red – $2.4 billion.

??Slammer – $1.2 billion.

??CryptoLocker – $665 million.

??Sasser – $500 million. The Sasser worm was written by a 17-year-old German computer science student named Sven Jaschan.

??Covid 19/ Covid 20/ Covid 21 and so on. ( A human as well as a computer virus)



There is always a reason for creating something which involves streamlining all the sparks of ideas into a flow of parallel and then a single input and output oriented process by using single and influential multiple human bodies and their minds and cleansed souls.2 Our intention are of achieving Development of a System which uses artificial intelligence that restores most relevant actions and sets a guidelines to every user proceed their tasks within a time-bound or near beyond sometime extended assuring results will benefit human kindness and explore our universe more precisely.3It will enable our users to interact and evolve through time with best innovation and creation. “Brain” of Humans as well as the impact of network communication is to be revolutionized into a system, which does not harm the mutual relationship of humans with other living beings and objects around them.4


The Nonce/ Pedophile Programmer ?can be directed by a strong nascent circle algorithm which can determine and sense the communication?between the sender and the receiver without interfering between the Public Key and Private Keys users use to communicate when the malicious /tampering/ influencing code enters the targeted computers in the networks of communication. If the supervisor and Alert teams are to stay active about the threats, what a bot cannot ?recognize and the nascent team of Bugs recognition and filtering the bugs without letting users panic and mitigating the issues by communicating with the threat developers ethically to bring them to positive communication?and reprogramming the threats into opportunities which can enable the world with Software Solution Development of a System which has to serve billions of computers in a connected and disconnected environment. A programmer who programs the cryptographies is known as cryptographer. A professional Team of cryptographers can secure computer information technology systems and guard to all information by inception of new program with the evolving problem and spreading a Software Solution System with a nascent algorithm and ciphers to encrypt all the data, which is influencing the entire network in our global/ universal environment. At the same time, Cryptographers have high responsibilities and duties as a cryptanalyst. They Decipher with authorized government authorities and sometimes pro-actively formulate algorithms within the ethical boundaries of the authorities and create an algorithm visualizing the signals into a cipher text to decrypt information and make the change in information maintain the integrity.


Domestic Internationalization of Government Banking System, Data-Mining, and Analysis, Implementation of It-Strategy in the Industrial estate.

Debit The Receiver and Credit the Giver, Debit what comes in-Credit what goes out, Debit all the Losses and Credit all the gains-The three principles is the business and transcending the needs and implementation of ideas to amalgamate?the global society is what we call Entrepreneurship. The honesty is in the innovation and creation of products and services and producing them, which we define regardless of gender, religion, caste, creed, color-(Mutation), Sex-Orientation etc.

Small Countries in the world are very stringent in the ethical boundaries due to World War I and World War II with modern records and old scripts of invasions and stories of peasantry life of human civilization. Our Ancient History and Modern Politics brings the implementation of the banking system to a Long-Halt with opportunities undiscovered by ethical industries, which can produce to larger quantities of customer satisfying services and create opportunities in competing for Quality of Service (QOS) and Quality of life (QOL) giving a break to malicious creation of codes influencing individuals to survive in their ethical boundaries and grow.

Contentment and new desires are variants of new choices. Our services should correlate these choices with the understanding of developments and implementation of release projects. A release project over the common network can also be observed as a threat or an opportunity to millions of users online. A team should be alert towards malicious contravention at the time of releases and until the impact is under control or fixed.


More stress on professional cryptographers will return higher authentic cyber security by mutual understanding of greater responsibility with the challenging and stressful environment. Yes! It is less rewarding in the beginning but when discipline turns into skills and expertise than the job becomes highly rewarding. Cyber Security is important with the parallel developments of strategies to protect all data of governments from being theft and damaged by the dis-satisfied infants who access in the same environment and where bots fail to recognize the infants, which needs to be recognized and assisted by the online developers in a new pace of teaching learning environment. The data /nectar in the bigger cells of the Big-Hive?includes the sensitive data, Personal Identifiable Information (PII), Protection of Personal Health Information ( PPHI), Personal Details?and Genetic Information ( PDGI), Personal Information (PI), Intellectual Property and Creation Data ( IPCD), Individual Government Banking Data ( IGBD), Individual Influence on Industrial Information Systems Data ( IIII-SD), Common Communication Database ( CCD).

The management and administration of information Security and transparency on Security issues will enable decision makers 14 eyes Review mechanism with administrative measures of integrity with the available information resources and keep –track of infringements by introducing new and secure technology with nascent circle protocols and administrative systems. Integrity, confidentiality, and nomination of dissemination of confidential information to the nominees are essential with ease to access.



Data Mining & Analysis (DMA)

Frequently revising the peculiarities in social communication and addressing them with opportunities to grow by making them competent in the business environment will mitigate the anomalies in data mining process. It is therefore, The Data Mining is a process to understand the patterns and finding the correlations within the cells and hives of small data sets or large data sets to scale and predict future outcomes. There is always evolution in techniques to extract the nectar with broader harvesting of information and implementing them to increase revenues, utility cost based implementation and executing of data-mining process with disciplined, skilled and expert workers in teams who are equally responsible to improve customer relationships and reduce the risks of attacks or isolates the users from the attackers and many more. The Data Analyst needs a 14 eyes view for exploring and decision making to transform cleaning process by modeling the data into a reason for evolution of new services giving new changed taste to the users in our independent evolutionary time. Hence, it enhances our Decision and follow-up.

Implementation of IT-Strategy in Industrial estate.

In this universe for us, THE EARTH looks like a BIG-DOT surrounded by many small dots. When a Device is launched against gravity of the big dot then we see by our technology what we see in our computers due to the systems we have invented. In this Big-Dot, we have estates with boundaries in which we disseminate our carrier messages to reach from one estate to another estate. Our Manufacturers needs a reason to live regardless resources available around them. It is due to lack of understanding the actual resources adding more resources as assets to depreciate and one click technology infrastructure makes the difference in their income curves. Always a new evolving mechanism is required to produce more efficiently and effectively with equal distribution of products and services and dissemination of balance of incomes minimizing the overheads and maintaining the integrity. The Discrete and Repetitive Manufacturing systems needs synchronization of It-Infrastructure in communication with the expert team which connects their logistic management components and gives ease of access to their customers adding value in the customer value chain. However, there will always be some genetically inherited users who might give different inputs while they are dis-satisfied.

Both in Countries with small Boundaries and Large Boundaries needs to exercise Development of IT-Infrastructure with political authorities over all actions that take place over the social media affairs. A political unit of people needs the performance of certain functions for actions governing bridge between the banking and industrial estates. A government will not run by tyranny but with love and compassion of public with their ease of access to the resources of production which facilitates growth and development of their families. The Development of infants should not be ignored with the choices of community laws governing actions and forces, which protect individual data. Therefore, A Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strategy consist of principles, vision, mission, objectives, strategy, and tactics relating how to use them over every situation. There always exists an independent plan, which acts during High-Threat Infringements when they are attacked by the invaders. There the ICT Strategy is a Digital Virtual Vision with industries enabled by technology.

How to recover customer goodwill?

Enabling Domestic Trade with ease to logistic management and shipments of product and services. Enabling instant data-mining and scanning data with results, data re-processing and creating a data repository will give foundation to customer goodwill to enable them trade in high mutual relationship. "Learning is important while swimming in any environment"- The learning and enhancement of evolution of standards will enable customers turn into stakeholders picking masterpiece from the nature as their harvest for sustainable life.

Customer Value Analysis

Identifying the issue and spring-out into the action pro-actively with cryptographies and strategy to recover in a short period returns the best Customer Value. The Work should be genuine and harmless and it should be swiftly delivered to the service providers to take quick actions. The actions to resolve the problem must be explained clearly.

Invasion of heart is essential than invading the whole environment. In Whole Environment, we all are equal participants in the production cycle. More we participate and more and more we accomplish growth with resources to sustain life. For good health of Humans organic and natural growth is required and in production house the frequency mapping, Bugs free fragmentation of the program to process in multiple micro processors, utility of energy consumption, and actions are essential.



When experience turn into the requirements of sprouting new radiant seeds for germination of new ideas to daily inputs and continuous growth then the incenses turn into health, Education aptitude, technology ( Heat) the elements and requirements of the program cools the elements with invention, creation, evolution (ICE) within the time-boxes to produce new potential arrivals for life of the system.5 The fear of failure cools (ICE) the radiant and the successful dream heats the radiant to grow and grow and grow and grow to the optimum level of inspiration and evolve the needs to inherit for a new generation in a nascent circle. It returns the highest value from the harvested positive valuable resources.6

The whole universe can be conquered but only by good deeds to restore and memory to cache for communicating and solving smaller to larger problems with a vision and mission and objective and strategy (VMOS) for an industrial growth in any area to make the physical evidence impactful for future generation.?It takes years for a superior granule solution to be accessible to understand and use by users even if it does exist or to be explored in smaller countries where people cannot develop pace with the rising need of industrial productivity improvement of standards and living styles. It is truly a long term vision where the innovation reaches and touches the next generation youth in good health with technology and a sustainable life which will make them mentor to set up a legacy with most relevant restored data to cache for the next generation and so on.7 The mutual understanding of the problem solving team would create supervisors and the testing team and the test users will confirm nascent growth of the System. It will create a chain of new sensory networks with high security to execute the service to the needful users.8




Requirement Analysis through online reviews of targeted customer preferences, Personal Visits with Questionnaire, Students survey , Site visits in rural and urban areas to understand peoples preferences, Communication with international peerage to rate quality of service standards over the social media like Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Gmail and Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook. Review Analysis of SEO, SEM, ORM against requirement Search, and Preferences of the users and their requirements. Both Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques were used to map the requirements of a new system where customers look for safe and soft communications. Empirical methods of measurements were used to map the requirements of next generation with the help of our Super Senior Citizens in rural and urban living environment and use of Computer Communication Systems.



The central tendency and measures of variations of production output estimate is explained by the input variables of the model.




The Power of processor increases every time it receives positive inputs that can change the influence of viruses into positive running or their life is decreased by culling. The remains of the viruses need storage where we can review the characteristics, which may evolve again due to genetic reasons over evolution of time. The mutant can be either very attractive due to isolation over a long period during evolution. It is the arrival of new protocols, which may affect the development, or culling of the new virus. The knowledge of viruses and their active occurrence in the influenced network and its engagement to business stakeholders would require New resolution to allow the mutations in the system be released with the realm and resumption of the running programs with a bug-free environment. The Computer Virus has high potential to kill users programs and data and their psychology. Most of the time they cause loss in data and steal personal intellectual properties and information. They often cause physical damage to the computer or devices they enter. Our ethical users become happy when their programs runs successfully. Developing an algorithm to develop understandings in a system to support modern development of microprocessors and to best fit our artificial intelligence system in artificial neural –networks and in our computer based society. Our Computer Society should develop new computer networks in a new computer architecture to protect our intellectual property amongst concurrent computer architecture and computer communications.
















I, PANKAJ KUMAR PATHAK would like to take this opportunity to thank Symbiosis International University-Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (SCIT) - for providing me an opportunity to work in the industry and perform Dissertation as part of the curriculum. This, undoubtedly, is a very significant and encouraging aspect about the whole curriculum. The learning in this period has helped me enhance my knowledge about the domain. It would not have been possible to complete this project without the support, guidance, and patience of the following people. It is to them, I owe my deepest gratitude.

???????????I thank Director Professor Dr. Ram Krishnan Raman and Deputy Director Dr. Dhanya Pramod of SCIT-SIU for their consistent motivation and support. I am thankful to everyone for providing me an opportunity to intern with their company. I am also thankful to them for trusting me with such an important project and that too independently despite being inexperienced. I am also indebted to them for their continuous guidance and support and their belief in my abilities to deliver the projects.

???????????I am thankful to Professor Dr. Urvashi Rathod my mentor and Guide, for her continuous guidance throughout this period. Her valuable inputs from time to time and suggestions were always a great help. She is a source of knowledge for me in my project and her insights were invaluable towards my overall learning. I am thankful to Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation-Nepal Copyright Registrar's office for issuing me certificates of registration of work and completion dated on 2069/10/2(B.S.). I am thrilled with the authorities of Tribhuvan University Service Commission and its Constituent Mahendra Multiple Campus-Nepalgunj. I am gratified with Research Gate for issuing me DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31065.85602 and publishing my work and creations. I am grateful to my connoisseur my father and my mother and all our family members.






Funding: service charges received by the NASCENT CIRCLEs OF THE PEERAGE.

Conflict of interest: Business Analysis Circle and income received from return on security investment circle.

Ethical approval: OPEN PUBLIC (WE)!


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Date: 4/3/2021




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