Computer Science Courses You Missed (Part 5: Writing)
Why does writing merit a mention in this sequence on Computer Science? I hope you will find the answer in at least one of the three angles I explore.
The Classical Perspective
One well-known software engineering adage states that code is written once, and read many times. If you want your work to stand the test of time, your code will need to be clear and well-commented. Moreover, as you advance in your career, you will be writing design documents intended to guide and influence engineers and non-engineers alike; being able to produce such documents requires clarity of thought and clarity of expression. Taking a good writing class (or reading a book such as "The Elements of Style" and practicing your writing and editing) is therefore a foundational investment in your professional growth.
The AI-Is-Here View
Interestingly, I planned to write this post before the impressive, fast-paced emergence of LLM applications over the last year and a half. These days it appears certain that this latest wave in the development of AI technology will bring about a massive shift in our lives, and especially so in our workplaces. One reason why the advances have been so impressive is that they are starting to reach for the core of what we consider "general intelligence"; the raw training data that has enabled this quantum leap in unsupervised / semi-supervised learning is massive amounts of well-formed text curated from the Internet and other sources. If you would like to take a meaningful part in the AI revolution it would seem that recognizing and generating high-quality language as well as being aware of the nuances in expression are key skills you need in order to train AI and collaborate with it effectively.
The Commonsense Take
Language is an essential part of being human, and when we are mindful of how we express ourselves we get in touch with what sets us apart as a species. This is no different from taking the time to understand and master how your body functions in order to optimize your well-being (Outlive is a gentle and thoughtful introduction to that topic; I recommend it). By mastering your use of language you become "all you can be" as a thinking human being, and while some people can deliver a coherent speech without having to refer to written notes, for most of us writing is the most approachable path to formulating complex thoughts and editing them to perfection.
In summary, writing skills are a must whether you want to develop your best self, are considering the impact of AI on your career, or simply want to leave high-quality, maintainable code as your professional legacy. Q.E.D.