Compromises of the Interests in Business
Compromise of the Interests is a fundamental component of a successful business. It does not depend from what's area (Ukraine, Europe, USA, Asia, etc.) and business, it may be industry, entertainment, recreation, rehabilitation and ... financial services, investments!
Investments? Yes, an investment is a business, with the same basic structure and purposes as any other business. Purposes? Of course, as for any commercial organization, it is making a profit in any form.
Which to choose a project, Ukrainian or Non-Ukrainian, where to invest? This is undoubtedly a long and exhausting work ... analysis and expertise of the project, market research, analysis market, legal expertise, analysis and expertise of the economic environment and financial environment, analysis of the political situation ... Trust to the Holder of the Project, his Business Plan? His interests? Here a reasonable investor will think! Because even the EBRD, when considering lending, is hiring at own expense independent local and international experts for market analysis, development of Business Plan and analysis of the current situation of the company-borrower ... not skimp on this up to 200,000.00 USD, excluding the costs of Due Diligence.
Another participant of the Investment Business - Holder of the Project. Giving business to someone, get into a debt trap … Pay for processing fees or other fees? To the Investor? But he is investing and receives a lucrative business. I give him business, opportunity to earn and should for it pay to him up to invest \ funding …
The colliding their heads together? And stand aside, without liabilities ... but it's brokers, intermediaries, not consulting companies … does not work on the result, i.e. without the creation of the business, work for the one single transaction!
If an Investor is understood these positions and he knows that for the creation of profit need to pay, then this is the right investor-businessman and he is able successfully closed transaction and be a full-fledged business-player!
From the 2014 year (My a brief Article from 8th April 2014 - link below)
Best regards, Maksym Dolzhenko, Business & Investment Advisor