Compress your timeline

Compress your timeline

I learnt something this week. Like the "lightbulb" moment.

I was being taught this my whole life, and it made sense on paper. But I never really felt it for myself in reality!

The quickest way to achieve something is to compress the time frame!

I did 43 intro calls, 17 demo calls last week. That resulted in me getting 2 new clients this week alone.

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I got 3 new clients in the last 3 weeks combined. I did about 15 intros/week

I got 4 clients in the previous 5 months combined! I did about 3-5 intros/week.

It's that simple. Elon Musk says if others are putting in 40 hour weeks and you are putting in 100 hour weeks and even if you both are doing the same thing - you'll achieve in 4 months what takes them a year to achieve.

You'll fail! I failed 41 times this week. I did not fail so much ever in a week.

I'm glad I did!

Marketing is numbers game! Period.

Outflow = Inflow. The more people you reach out to, the higher the chances you'll meet someone who needs your help.

Faster rate of outflow = Faster rate of Inflow. More people you reach in a week, more appointments and closes you'll have in a week.

REALTORS! The next time you tell me you need qualified leads, I'm going to ask you "How many unqualified leads did you speak to this week?". If you did not speak to enough unqualified leads, you will not have enough qualified leads!

Figure out how you are going to increase your outflow. Then figure out how you'll increase the rate of outflow. It's that simple.

[Eventually you'll get better at conversion, but this fundamentals]


