SEO Audit Report


Many SEO professional is doing an audit of a website only considering one or two variables like search ranking or backlinks analysis, but it is not called a comprehensive website audit report. A comprehensive website audit includes all accepts of website improvement starting from basic SEO & Server optimization to visitor insides. That can be more helpful for analyzing website compete for performance with the current to past data and that will also help to take decision for future. We perform website audit with all small to technical issues.

Here are some types of Website Audit with some checkpoints

SEO Audit: this is the very first step to go all Website audit. SEO audit is one of the most important factors for website audit report. This fundamental audit can help to improve your website performances. Which keywords brings more traffics and specific ranking of all your targeted keywords.

An SEO audit can help to take decision for further strategy alignment for getting more keywords ranking improvement. Example make a list of some certain keywords are more effective that other at directing traffics to your website. You can know about where your traffic in coming from at which content part. Now you can make a proper strategy for improving keywords like social media planning, videos, guest blogging, submitting articles and any other traffic generating strategies.

SEO Audit Checklist

Keyword research: Keywords you Targeting are relevance or not?

Content or On Page Optimization: Check the content of a website, what types of content is working or not working for your website and all factors on page optimization?

Strategy alignment: which aspects of SEO you focusing on?

 Paid Campaigns Audit

Most SEO organic and PPC paid campaign run completely different from each other. The result coming from organic keywords that not necessarily the ones that people are clicking on your paid search campaigns. Whenever you’re paid to advertise, you must be the focus on ROI (Return on Investment) because certain keywords may be produced traffic but not achieving your goals and you spending more dollars into vain. So it is very essential to know about keyword’s cost and achieving least targeted ROI.

An ineffective Paid campaign is major evacuate of your budget of Interment marketing, without proper tracking, you can easily run thousands of Dollars before you realize your error. So it is very important to audit your all PPC campaign either of Google AdWords or other paid advertisement. After an audit of your paid campaign, you will get knowledge of which keywords generate more profitable traffic and save more budget to go into the drain.

Paid Campaign checklist

ROI Calculation: What ROI you are getting with all your campaign?

Conversion Tracking: are you tracking all possible conversions for your paid campaign?

Opportunity Estimation: are there any other opportunity are your missing?

 Technical Audit

A technical audit is a concern with all aspects of your website usability and functionality. Technical factors are initial of your business website, you can’t ignore this in your compressive auditing of a website. And now it is more valuable than ever. A website should be fast loading and proper performing navigations with other pages. An ideal website loading time by various SEO tools is less than 5 seconds.

I an analysis of GTmatix more than 80% of the total website on internment slower loading time more than 5 seconds. And now search engine also gives the preference to more user-friendly & technically sound website. Like website should be mobile friendly, Google already updates its search also of Mobile site index first, other search engines also preferred mobile site as a ranking factor.

A technical audit will tell you how your website is performing across multiple devices and browsers and another crucial area.

Technical Audit Checklist

Website loading time: Is your site loading time fast enough? Check it: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/

Mobile Friendly: Is your website is mobile friendly? Test now! https://search.google.com/search-console/mobile-friendly

URL Indexed in Search Engine: See your indexed URLs in Google Search Console

Backlinks profile audit:

Backlinks analysis is another very crucial part of a Compressive Website Audit. Is inbound links analysis can tell you about quality and niche of website backlinks, bad backlinks are very dangerous for ranking in Organics SERP. Due to Google Penguin update, more SEO thinking Backlinks are no more important of SEO Ranking but it is the completely wrong consideration. Google and another Search engine still consider strong backlinks profile for ranking on SERP.

The different is that links must be good quality falls in your business type niche & authority backlinks because now day having low-quality links can harm your website ranking. This make is more important to know about where your links coming from.

Backlinks Audit checklist

Identify Quality of links: lint all backlinks of your website and intently quality of backlinks according to your factors.

Avoid Bad Backlinks: Make a list of all Bad links with analysis of all past backlinks data.

Disavow Spam links: And finally disavow all Spam links by Google Search Console.

Competitor Audit

Without comparing your website with you niche or industry competitors the Website report is not complete comprehensive report. You can analyze your current situation with your competitors it can help to identify the area where your competitor performing well and you can see where you exit in market share.

Competitor Audit Checklist

Identify your competitors:

Analysis your competitor backlinks profile

 Analytics Audit

Making sure that you are capturing all the data is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a website audit. To make key decisions for your business, it is imperative to make sure you are collecting accurate and reliable data

Here you are evaluating your current implementation of your Google Analytics Suite with a focus on ensuring that the data is as high quality as possible and thus reliable. You are looking for core problems in your implementation and configuration.

Including an Analytics Audit as part of a Comprehensive Website Audit ensure you are collecting accurate and relevant information in order to make business decisions to create positive outcomes.

Analytics Audit checklist

Verify GA installation — test Google Analytics install properly or not

Make sure there are not multiple tracking codes — Use one one GA Tag in One page/Website

Ensure all data is being captured correctly — Analytics is properly tracking and capturing


Tools for doing audit

Google Webmaster

Bing Webmaster

Google Analytics

Screaming Frog


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