Comprehensive Look at the Statistics on Technology Use in Learning & Development
Technology use in education is becoming increasingly popular. Whether technology is used for education, or for managing students and campuses, it’s changing the way schools and education systems operate. To understand the sheer impact, it’s important to consider the statistics of technology use in education.
After experiencing a major disruption in education through the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of technology in learning has completely changed.
Here is a detailed look at some of the most important technology in L&D statistics to better understand how technology is being used and what kind of results it’s achieving.
7 Top Technology in Education Statistics
As technology becomes an increasingly important part of our daily lives, it also plays a major role in education today.
Here are seven top technology in education statistics to help gain a clearer picture of the current state of education.
Technology in Education Statistics: EdTech Industry Trends
To understand how technology is being used in education and how this technology is developing, it’s important to look at trends in the EdTech sector.
Here are five key EdTech statistics to know right now.
Education Technology’s Impact on Learning
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), published by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), reveals some of the most important data about technology in education.
According to this report, here are five key trends around technology in education statistics.
1.??The Device Used Plays an Important Role
According to the report, different devices produce a different impact on learning outcomes. Interestingly, the use of data projectors and internet-connected computers in the classroom directly correlates to grade-level better performance. Students that use tablets in the classroom tend to perform at half a grade level worse in every subject. The individual use of laptops in the classroom varies between subjects.
2.??Geography Makes a Difference in Technology Outcomes
When looking at technology in education statistics, the learning outcomes from technology use vary between different geographical locations.
For example, in all geographical areas outside of the United States, students who use laptops in the classroom achieve lower results than those who do not use laptops in the classroom. In the United States, however, students who use laptops perform better than those who do not.
Similar patterns can be seen with different devices and geographic locations.
3.??It Makes a Difference if Teachers or Students Use Technology
There is a clear difference in technology in education statistics around whether the technology is in the hands of the student or the teacher.
A general global trend is that educational technology produces better results when it’s only in the hands of the teacher. There are certain areas, such as in science, when students and teachers using technology together produces better results.
?If the students exclusively use technology devices, the outcomes are generally worse. Again, this also changes depending on the geographic area.
4.??How Much Time Spent On Devices Matters
The intensity of technology use also makes a difference. Students achieve better results from technology if they use it intensely, compared to those who use it sparingly.
According to the report, the optimal usage of technology in the classroom is either no use at all or more than 60 minutes of use per subject per week. There is no region where a moderate amount of time (30 minutes) achieves better student outcomes.
The idea behind this is that students achieve better outcomes when they have a stronger level of familiarity with the devices they’re using. They should either rely heavily on technology or not use it at all.
5.??Different School Systems Achieve Different Outcomes With Technology Use
Just like different geographic locations achieve different outcomes through technology use, so do different school systems.
The highest-performing school systems tend to achieve better results through the use of technology, while lower-performing school systems generally don’t fit in well with technology use.
School systems in Japan, the United States, and Australia are achieving the best results through the use of technology, while school systems in Asia and Latin America tend to perform lower through increased technology use.
Technology Use in Education for Teachers
Most technology in education statistics focus on educational technology and students. However, technology use in education can cover a broader area, with great technology solutions available for teachers, principals, and campus managers.
Beyond education, technology can be used to improve the way students and campuses are managed. This includes things like student information systems, student management software, and campus management software.
It’s important to understand that this technology is very easy to use and adopt, and it produces excellent results for all kinds of education.
Regardless of educational technology, using a solution like Diamond can improve educational productivity, enhance collaboration, and make managing a campus more efficient.
Looking at the technology in education statistics shows us valuable information about how education is changing. Technology clearly plays a major role in our day-to-day lives, and it’s becoming increasingly prominent in education.
From the classroom to the way L&D and students are managed, we simply can’t escape technology. Looking at these statistics helps to understand the best ways to utilize technology to achieve the best results.
?About Diamond Student Information System
DiamondSIS is a cloud-based student information system that incorporates all the critical data and functions of an institution into one compliant platform, managing all the administration online.
The system is easily accessible for users across various platforms and devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and PCs, and is simple to navigate for everyone.
?For more information, go to or call us at 213.545.2718.