A Comprehensive Guide to CSV Files vs. Parquet Files in PySpark

When working with large-scale data processing in PySpark, understanding the differences between data formats like CSV and Parquet is essential for efficient data storage, query performance, and scalability. In this guide, we’ll compare CSV and Parquet files, explore their strengths and weaknesses, and provide examples of how to work with both formats in PySpark.

1. What is a CSV File?

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a simple text-based format where each row represents a record, and columns are separated by commas (or other delimiters like tabs or semicolons). CSV files are widely used due to their simplicity and compatibility with many systems.

Characteristics of CSV:

  • Human-readable: CSV files are plain text, making them easy to open and read in any text editor.
  • No schema: CSV files don’t store metadata (like data types). This can make it harder to work with complex data structures.
  • Slower performance: Since CSV is not a binary format, reading and writing large files can be slow, especially for big datasets.
  • No compression: CSV files are typically uncompressed, leading to larger file sizes compared to binary formats like Parquet.

Example: Writing and Reading CSV Files in PySpark

Write CSV:

# Write DataFrame to CSV
df.write.csv("path/to/csv/output", header=True, mode='overwrite')        

  • header=True: Includes the column names in the first row.
  • mode='overwrite': Overwrites the existing file if it exists.

Read CSV:

# Read CSV file into DataFrame
df = spark.read.csv("path/to/csv/input", header=True, inferSchema=True)        

  • header=True: Reads the first row as column names.
  • inferSchema=True: Automatically infers data types for the columns.

2. What is a Parquet File?

A Parquet file is a columnar, binary file format designed for efficient storage and retrieval of large datasets. Parquet is optimized for performance and compression, making it a preferred format for big data processing systems like Apache Spark.

Characteristics of Parquet:

  • Columnar storage: Data is stored by columns rather than rows, which significantly improves query performance for analytical workloads.
  • Schema support: Parquet files store metadata like data types and column names, making it easier to work with complex data.
  • Efficient compression: Parquet files use advanced compression techniques, reducing file size and I/O costs.
  • Fast read performance: Since Parquet is optimized for read-heavy operations, querying large datasets becomes much faster.

Example: Writing and Reading Parquet Files in PySpark

Write Parquet:

# Write DataFrame to Parquet
df.write.parquet("path/to/parquet/output", mode='overwrite')        

Read Parquet:

# Read Parquet file into DataFrame
df = spark.read.parquet("path/to/parquet/input")        

3. When to Use CSV vs. Parquet

When to Use CSV:

  • Interoperability: CSV files are a great choice when you need to share data across different systems or tools that may not support Parquet.
  • Human readability: If you need to easily inspect or manually edit data, CSV files are preferable.

4. When to Use Parquet:

  • Large datasets: Parquet is ideal for working with large datasets where performance and storage efficiency are key.
  • Analytics and querying: Since Parquet is optimized for columnar access, it is the best choice for analytical workloads where you query subsets of columns.
  • Complex data types: Parquet supports nested data structures like arrays and maps, while CSV requires flattening these structures.

5. Best Practices for Working with CSV and Parquet in PySpark

  1. Use Parquet for Large-Scale Data: For performance reasons, prefer Parquet when working with big data, especially in a distributed computing environment like Spark.
  2. Schema Management: With CSV files, always explicitly define the schema when reading in Spark to avoid incorrect data type inference. For example:

from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, IntegerType, StringType

schema = StructType([
    StructField("id", IntegerType(), True),
    StructField("name", StringType(), True),
    StructField("age", IntegerType(), True)

df = spark.read.csv("path/to/csv/file", schema=schema, header=True)        

Use Compression for CSV: If you must work with CSV, consider using compression (like Gzip) to reduce file size and improve read performance:

df.write.option("compression", "gzip").csv("path/to/output.csv")        

Partition Data for Better Performance: When writing Parquet files, partition the data based on common query columns to improve query performance:


Row-based vs. Columnar Storage

In the context of Parquet files, the term columnar refers to how data is physically stored on disk. Unlike row-based formats (like CSV or traditional databases), where all the data in a row is stored together, columnar storage means that data is stored column by column. This structure is fundamental for query performance, compression, and analytics in big data systems.

Row-based vs. Columnar Storage

1. Row-based Storage (like CSV):

  • How it's stored: All the values of a single row are stored together.
  • Example: Suppose you have a table with three columns: ID, Name, and Salary. In row-based storage, each row’s data is stored consecutively:

Row 1: 101, "Alice", 5000
Row 2: 102, "Bob", 7000        

On disk, it would look like this:

101, "Alice", 5000
102, "Bob", 7000        

This structure is great for transactional systems, where you often need to access entire rows at once (e.g., when inserting or updating records).

2. Columnar Storage (like Parquet):

  • How it's stored: In columnar storage, values for each column are stored together.
  • Example: For the same table, a columnar format stores all values from the ID column together, all values from the Name column together, and all values from the Salary column together:

Column 1 (ID): 101, 102
Column 2 (Name): "Alice", "Bob"
Column 3 (Salary): 5000, 7000        

On disk, it looks more like:

101, 102
"Alice", "Bob"
5000, 7000        

Benefits of Columnar Storage in Parquet

  1. Efficient Querying:

  • In analytical queries, you often need to read only a subset of columns (e.g., only Salary or ID for all rows). With columnar storage, you can read only the relevant columns without scanning the entire dataset.
  • This significantly reduces I/O (input/output operations), which is one of the biggest bottlenecks in data processing.


SELECT Salary FROM Employees WHERE ID = 101;        

In a columnar format like Parquet, only the Salary and ID columns are scanned. In a row-based format (CSV), the entire row must be read to extract the Salary value.

2_ Compression:

  • Similar data types are often stored together in a column (e.g., all integers in a column), which leads to better compression ratios.
  • For instance, if the Salary column contains many similar values (e.g., 5000, 6000, 7000), Parquet can compress these efficiently using algorithms like run-length encoding or dictionary encoding.


  • Parquet can store repetitive values or small integer ranges using much less space compared to CSV. In CSV, every value must be stored as plain text with commas, leading to higher file sizes.

3_ Vectorized Operations:

  • Columnar storage makes it easier for PySpark and other query engines to perform vectorized operations, which process large batches of data at once rather than row by row. This further improves processing efficiency.

4_Predicate Pushdown:

  • Columnar formats like Parquet support predicate pushdown, meaning that filtering (using WHERE clauses) can be applied before reading the data. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be read.For instance, if you have a filter like WHERE Salary > 6000, Parquet can skip reading parts of the file that don’t satisfy this condition, which speeds up queries.


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