The Comprehensive Energy Psychology (CEP) certification program
From Dorothy (Didi) Firman, Ed.D, Director, The Synthesis Center: My dear friend and psychosynthesis colleague John Coan and I went to a psychosynthesis conference in Canada back in the late 1990’s and Martha Crampton, my primary psychosynthesis teacher and a student of Assagioli, was talking about the powerful emerging field of energy psychology. John, who has been a counselor at Elms College for many years, after teaching with me at the Center, has found his way from psychosynthesis forward and into Energy Psychology, this many years later. These circles seem to call us into furthering some of the original work of psychosynthesis. Assagioli himself, talked about energy psychology, or "psychoenergetics" as he called it, as the emerging fifth force of psychology. John shared with me: "Little did I know at the time that almost two decades later I would deeply resonate with energy work, specifically Comprehensive Energy Psychology (CEP). It is indeed powerful, and one of the beautiful things about CEP is that it easily integrates into psychosynthesis or any other framework people already utilize."
By way of invitation to all who might want to step into the further reaches of psychology and follow the breadcrumbs left by Assagioli and Crampton,
there is a CEP training in Albany, NY in October for which John will be a TA. The teacher is an amazing physician who fully integrates energy psychology into her family practice.
Here’s a bit more information about Comprehensive Energy Psychology:
The Comprehensive Energy Psychology (CEP) certification program is a professional training for established professionals in mental health, integrative medical/wellness care, healing, coaching and the allied helping professions.
While “tapping" or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) use the meridian system, CEP encompasses a broader range of methods that include meridians, chakras and the biofield. CEP also involves the use of muscle testing, a technique that is commonly used to receive biofeedback from the body. As with EFT, these methods can rapidly, gently and easily release trauma and stress from the body-mind system.
For more information or to check out other CEP training locations, go to;
As Dr. Assagioli said, long ago: " The aim of psychoenergetics is to investigate all forces existent in the universe and their interaction." Of course, the good Doctor saw ever larger and more comprehensive arenas to explore! I hope some of you will be able to join John for the next round of exploration!
And to hear a 2005 address by Martha on Energy Psychology, go to Vincent Dummer's incredible Psychosynthesis Resources archives for a video of her speech. (, under Presentations, Psychoenergetics: An Evolution of Psychosynthesis in the 21st Century (2005)
May the force be with us!