Compounding is your super power
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You are constantly bombarded with thousands of tips and techniques on success. One after the other, gurus and influencers strive hard to convince you that their $50 course could solve all your problems. Society often brainwashes you into thinking that success is about big leaps. But that’s not true. Success is not as complicated as they say. Success in anything can be attained if you learn one magical effect and make it work in your favor. If you master it, you will be unstoppable. Often you must have heard about this effect as something that is associated only with money. Most things in this world are a result of this effect: “THE COMPOUND EFFECT.”
Here is a very interesting youtube video that I made on one of my youtube channels.
What is it and how does it work?
The compound effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices. Time and consistency are the essence of the compound effect. Therefore, patience and smart choices play a key role. What’s most interesting about the process is that, even though the results are massive, the steps, in the moment, don’t feel significant. That is why people who start something new quit so early.
But the one who sticks to doing the right thing for a longer period wins the race.
In finance, the compound effect works like this:
You have $3 million stacked on your shelf for 31 days, and your friend Hamza got one penny that doubles every day for the same 31 days.
THE CHALLENGE IS: Both of you cannot touch this amount for the next 31 days.
On day five, Hamza has only 16 cents versus your $3 million. On day 10, Hamza has only $5.12 versus your $3 million. After 20 full days, with only 11 days left, Hamza has only $5,243, and you have those $3 million still stacked on your shelf. It’s only after the 20th day that the magic of compounding starts to be visible. On the 31st day, Hamza has a whopping $10,737,418.24 versus your $3 million that is still stacked. It’s that simple.
In the real world, there is no better example than Warren Buffett’s wealth to explain the compound effect. He started investing at the young age of 11 but made his first million only at the age of 32. He made his first billion when he was 56. Look at how compounding works: it took him twenty years to get to his first million, but it only took him 24 years to reach his first billion dollars. That’s the beauty of compounding. With time, the impact gets bigger, and the effort required is less.
But the good and bad thing about compounding is that since it works even when you are doing nothing, it can potentially work against you even when you are doing something bad.
So, in order to get the compound effect to work in your favor all the time, you must work on 5 key driving factors of compounding.
Five Factors of the Compound Effect
1. Choices: We all come into the world the same: scared, naked, and ignorant. After the grand entry, life is all about the accumulation of choices you make. Everything, even the slightest change in our life, depends on the choices you make. Better choices lead to a better life. But the biggest problem is not about the bad choices you make; the biggest problem is the choices you don’t make. Most of the time, you do not even know what or why you are doing something. Take 100 percent responsibility for the choices you make. Waiting for anyone to come and save you is fooling yourself.
Even in a partnership — romantic relationships or business partnerships — the responsibility is not 50/50; it’s 100 percent.
No matter what the economic situation is or who the prime minister of the country is, you will always have to make conscious choices about your life. By choosing to be officially liberated from past, present, and future victimhood, you hit the jackpot.
Don’t depend on luck either; you don’t become lucky by just becoming lucky. You become lucky when opportunity meets preparation.
Luck has a very interesting formula: Preparation (personal growth) + Attitude (belief/mindset) + Opportunity (a good thing coming your way) + Action (doing something about it) = Luck.
The best way to make sure that you are making the right choices is to track them. If you want to get out of debt, track your income and expenses. If you want to lose weight, track everything you are going to put into your mouth.
2. Habits: “We are what we repeatedly do” — Aristotle. A habit is an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary. 95 percent of everything you feel, think, do, and achieve is the result of learned habits! It’s your learned habits that make your life much easier and help you to live automatically.
Activities like brushing your teeth, showering, etc. are habits that you do without a second thought. If you had to make such small choices all the time, your life could have been chaos.
Similarly, many of you have also developed bad habits over time that are done without a second thought, like smoking a cigarette or sipping a couple of pegs in the evening.
The problem with building habits is that both good and bad habits take time to build. You don’t become a chain smoker by smoking your first puff from a cigarette.
You smoke one, two, or three cigarettes a day before you slip into chain smoking.
Similarly, you don’t become a marathoner by just buying running shoes and running occasionally. You become a marathoner by increasing your distance and speed gradually over days, months, or even years.
Though both good and bad habits take time to build, bad habits are easier to cultivate because the instant gratification we get from bad habits is far more exciting than the good ones.
Mindlessly scrolling through your phone over reels is more gratifying than watching a fifteen-minute informative video or reading a book. If bad habits gave us instant feedback like the last time you touched a hot stove, you know that you never did it again.
The older a habit gets, the deeper the roots grow, and the harder they are to uproot. Some get so big, with roots so deep, you might hesitate to even try.
Therefore, you must be very conscious about what habits you build.
Willpower is a myth. We are taught from a very young age that we fail at building habits because we lack the willpower and motivation to do them.
You must understand that both willpower and motivation are fair-weather friends.
They are never reliable, and they never come to you when you badly need them.
Therefore, you have to look beyond willpower and motivation and focus on your why-power.
Every time you try to develop a habit, you have to associate your why-power with it. Why is that habit so important to you?
The stronger your why-power is, the longer the habits will last. It is your why-power that will keep you going during your toughest times.
Your choices are only meaningful when you connect them to your desires and dreams.
The wisest and most motivating choices are the ones aligned with what you identify as your purpose, your core self, and your highest values.
If you want something, you must know why you want it.
A well-defined goal is your trump card to success.
Define your goals clearly. The clearer your goals, the faster you will get there.
If you are not making the progress you would like to make and can make, it is simply because your goals are not clearly defined.
Something almost magical happens when you organize and focus your creative power on a well-defined target. The person who has a clear, compelling, and white-hot burning why will always defeat even the best.
Know who you want to become.
The best way to build a lasting habit is to associate it with a routine.
The bigger your goals, the stronger your routine must be.
A routine is something that you do every day without fail
For example, brushing your teeth is a routine.
Every big goal can be achieved if you create a routine to support it. Routines are important because they help us to keep going even when we are not motivated.
While creating your routine, you must be conscious about one thing: Start with easy steps. The biggest mistake people make when they start to create a routine is to start too big. It’s human psychology. We want instant results, and when we don’t get them, we quit.
Whenever you are starting a new routine, make sure you start slow and easy. Pick one area and focus on it for 21 days.
For example, if you want to lose weight, don’t start by starving yourself to death and spending hours on the treadmill.
Instead, start by skipping sugar and junk foods, and walk for 15 minutes a day.
Build from there.
3. Momentum: Once a new behavior has been established, you must create a routine to support that habit.
It’s not your fault that you can’t stop when you start something.
Newton’s law of inertia says an object in motion will remain in motion unless that object is acted upon by an outside force.
The same is true for you. Once you are in motion, it’s easy to keep moving. Once you get going, you might even find it difficult to stop.
But the key here is to take the first step. Getting started is the hardest part.
So don’t start big; start small. It will be less painful to start that way. And once you start, you build momentum to keep going.
We all have experienced this: whenever we start something new, the first few days or weeks are the hardest. Your body and mind revolt against you.
But once you have passed that phase, you get better. This is because you are building momentum.
The compound effect also works on momentum. The power of momentum is the most important factor in any aspect of life.
Just like in cycling, when you are taking off, you have to paddle hard, but once you build up the momentum, paddling gets easier, and you can take off your feet from the paddle and still keep going.
In the same way, momentum in life takes time to build.
All you have to do is get started. Get that momentum working for you!
The biggest reason why people don’t succeed in life is because they don’t get started. Or they start, and they give up before they build momentum.
4. Influences: Everything you have learned in your life is learned by influence. Since childhood, you have learned to walk, talk, and eat by observing your parents and teachers. You learn how to behave in a society by seeing how people around you behave.
The biggest influencer of your life is the environment you live in. If you want to live a good life, you have to have an influence that matches your goals and aspirations.
Just like garbage in and garbage out, you are always influenced by the things you surround yourself with. You will always get influenced by:
Input: The input that you put in your brain is the same as what you feed to your body. If you put junk food into your body, you will become a mess; similarly, if you put junk information into your brain, you will not get good results. Your input includes the news you listen to, the podcasts you hear, and the books you read.
Associations: The associations you make and the people you hang out with are critical. Whether you want it or not, the people you hang out with will influence your thoughts and actions. Just like the saying goes, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” If you spend time with people who motivate you and inspire you, you will be a better person. If you spend time with people who whine about everything in life, you will end up as one of them.
Environment: The environment you live in will also shape your future. The biggest example is how children of immigrants become more successful in life because they see their parents struggling day in and day out, and they don’t want to live like them. So they work hard. They get inspired by the struggle of their parents, and they become successful.
Therefore, if you want to be successful, you must be very careful about what influences you. Your life is shaped by the input you get, the people you hang out with, and the environment you live in. Therefore, you have to be very careful about these things.
5. Acceleration: The compound effect is not only about working consistently but also about working hard. The harder you work, the bigger the compound effect will be. The compound effect is like climbing a mountain. The higher you go, the harder it gets. But once you reach the top, you can see everything clearly. In the same way, the harder you work, the more successful you will be.
For example, if you are working on a project, you can work hard for 8 hours a day, and you will get results. But if you work for 10 hours a day, you will get more results. The more effort you put in, the better results you will get.
But the key here is to work hard in the right direction. You cannot climb a mountain if you don’t know the right path. You have to work hard and smart. The smarter you work, the better results you will get.
The key to success is to work hard and smart in the right direction. The compound effect will work in your favor if you work hard and smart consistently over time.
The compound effect is a powerful tool for achieving success. By making small, smart choices consistently over time, you can create radical change in your life. Embrace the process, and let the magic of compounding work in your favor. Share this wisdom with a friend and apply it to one area of your life to see the power of compounding in action.