Composite Flight Program (FlyteOne)

Composite Flight Program (FlyteOne)

Composite Flight program

This program entails the purchase of a Cessna 172 partnership and

250 hours of flight time which is enough for the Private, Instrument,

commercial licenses and more. The cost for the buy-in, 60 hours of

flight training, instruction, FAA check rides and more

Aircraft buy-in $9,750 for a 1/16 position of the Cessna aircraft

$2,500 management fee

$2,200 FAA check rides for private, instrument and commercial,

books and head set

$3,000 for 60 hours of flight instruction

$20,250 for 150 hours of flight time in Cessna 172 and 100

hours of flight time in Cessna 182 or similar

TOTAL buy in $37,700.00

*Additional hours $69/hour dry. (for Cessna 172)

*Additional hours $99/hour dry. (for Cessna 182)

Cessna 172

The Cessna 172 is an American 4 seat, single engine

aircraft great for flight training and short flights for

business people who are needing to fly typically to

locations that are under 600 Nautical Miles. There

have been more Cessna 172’s built than any other


Cruise Speed of 140 MPH

Range 736 Miles

Cost new $275,000(R model) $307,500(S model)

Fractional cost of this aircraft opportunity $9,750

*Section 179 of IRS code allows for bonus depreciation and

deduction. Ask you accountant or tax professional how this

could work for you.

(Images depicted may not be the aircraft used for the training) Please Contact me for more information.


