Compose and the View system can work together side by side.
Compose and the View system can work together side by side.
By the end of this article, you'll be able to continue with the migration and convert the rest of Sunflower's screens if you wish.
What you will learn
In this article, you will learn:
2. Migration strategy
Jetpack Compose was designed with View interoperability right from the start. To migrate to Compose, we recommend an incremental migration where Compose and View co-exist in your codebase until your app is fully in Compose.
The recommended migration strategy is this:
Build new screens with Compose
Using Compose to build new features that encompass an entire screen is the best way to drive your adoption of Compose. With this strategy, you can add features and take advantage of the benefits of Compose while still catering to your company's business needs
A new feature might encompass an entire screen, in which case the entire screen would be in Compose. If you are using Fragment-based navigation, that means you would create a new Fragment and have its contents in Compose.
You can also introduce new features in an existing screen. In this case, Views and Compose will coexist on the same screen. For example, say the feature you are adding is a new view type in a RecyclerView. In that case, the new view type would be in Compose while keeping the other items the same.
Build a library of common UI components
As you're building features with Compose, you'll quickly realize that you end up building a library of components. You'll want to identify reusable components to promote reuse across your app so that shared components have a single source of truth. New features you build can then depend on this library.
Replace existing features with Compose
In addition to building new features, you'll want to gradually migrate existing features in your app to Compose. How you approach this is up to you, but here are a few good candidates:
In this article, you'll be doing an incremental migration to Compose of the Sunflower's plant details screen having Compose and Views working together. After that, you'll know enough to continue with the migration if you wish.
Compose in Sunflower
Compose is already added to the code you downloaded from the main branch. However, let's take a look at what's required to have it working.
If you open the app-level build.gradle file, see how it imports the Compose dependencies and enables Android Studio to work with Compose by using the buildFeatures { compose true } flag.
android {
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '1.8'
buildFeatures {
compose true
composeOptions {
kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion '1.3.2'
dependencies {
// Compose
def composeBom = platform('androidx.compose:compose-bom:2022.10.00')
implementation "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime"
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui"
implementation ""
implementation ""
implementation "androidx.compose.material:material"
implementation "androidx.compose.runtime:runtime-livedata"
implementation "androidx.compose.ui:ui-tooling"
Hello Compose!
In the plant details screen, we'll migrate the description of the plant to Compose while leaving the overall structure of the screen intact.
Compose needs a host Activity or Fragment in order to render UI. In Sunflower, as all screens use fragments, you'll be using ComposeView: an Android View that can host Compose UI content using its setContent method.
Removing XML code
Let's start with the migration! Open fragment_plant_detail.xml and do the following:
<!-- Step 2) Comment out ConstraintLayout and its children –->
<!-- End Step 2) Comment out until here –->
<!-- Step 3) Add a ComposeView to host Compose code –->
Adding Compose code
At this point, you are ready to start migrating the plant details screen to Compose!
Throughout the article, you'll be adding Compose code to the PlantDetailDescription.kt file under the plantdetail folder. Open it and see how we have a placeholder "Hello Compose" text already available in the project.
fun PlantDetailDescription() {
Surface {
Text("Hello Compose")
Let's display this on the screen by calling this composable from the ComposeView we added in the previous step. Open PlantDetailFragment.kt.
As the screen is using data binding, you can directly access the composeView and call setContent to display Compose code on the screen. Call the PlantDetailDescription composable inside MaterialTheme as Sunflower uses material design.
class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() {
// ...
override fun onCreateView(...): View? {
val binding = DataBindingUtil.inflate<FragmentPlantDetailBinding>(
inflater, R.layout.fragment_plant_detail, container, false
).apply {
// ...
composeView.setContent {
// You're in Compose world!
MaterialTheme {
// ...
Note: Sunflower uses Material design for colors, typography and shapes. To apply Material theming to composables, you'll need to use the MaterialTheme composable which provides default values. However, you could also use your own design system if you wanted to. See Design systems in Compose for more information.
If you run the app, you can see "Hello Compose" displayed on the screen.
Creating a Composable out of XML
Let's start by migrating the name of the plant. More exactly, the TextView with id @+id/plant_detail_name you removed in fragment_plant_detail.xml. Here's the XML code:
? ? android:id="@+id/plant_detail_name"
? ? ...
? ? android:layout_marginStart="@dimen/margin_small"
? ? android:layout_marginEnd="@dimen/margin_small"
? ? android:gravity="center_horizontal"
? ? android:text="@{}"
? ? android:textAppearance="?attr/textAppearanceHeadline5"
? ? ... />
See how it has a textAppearanceHeadline5 style, has a horizontal margin of 8.dp and it's centered horizontally on the screen. However, the title to be displayed is observed from a LiveData exposed by PlantDetailViewModel that comes from the repository layer.
As observing a LiveData is covered later, let's assume we have the name available and is passed as a parameter to a new PlantName composable that we create in the PlantDetailDescription.kt file. This composable will be called from the PlantDetailDescription composable later.
private fun PlantName(name: String) {
? ? Text(
? ? ? ? text = name,
? ? ? ? style = MaterialTheme.typography.h5,
? ? ? ? modifier = Modifier
? ? ? ? ? ? .fillMaxWidth()
? ? ? ? ? ? .padding(horizontal = dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_small))
? ? ? ? ? ? .wrapContentWidth(Alignment.CenterHorizontally)
? ? )
private fun PlantNamePreview() {
? ? MaterialTheme {
? ? ? ? PlantName("Apple")
? ? }
ViewModels and LiveData
Now, let's wire up the title to the screen. To do that, you'll need to load the data using the PlantDetailViewModel. For that, Compose comes with integrations for ViewModel and LiveData.
As an instance of the PlantDetailViewModel is used in the Fragment, we could pass it as a parameter to PlantDetailDescription and that'd be it.
Note: In a production app, a ViewModel should only be referenced by a screen-level composable. If child composables need data from a ViewModel, it is best practice to only pass data that child composables need rather than the whole ViewModel. See Screen UI state for more information.Composables don't have their own ViewModel instances, the same instance is shared between the composables and the lifecycle owner that hosts that Compose code (either Activity or Fragment).
Open the PlantDetailDescription.kt file and add the PlantDetailViewModel parameter to PlantDetailDescription:
fun PlantDetailDescription(plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel) {
? ? //...
Now, pass the instance of the ViewModel when calling this composable from the fragment:
class PlantDetailFragment : Fragment() {
? ? ...
? ? override fun onCreateView(...): View? {
? ? ? ? ...
? ? ? ? composeView.setContent {
? ? ? ? ? ? MaterialTheme {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PlantDetailDescription(plantDetailViewModel)
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
With this, you already have access to the PlantDetailViewModel's LiveData<Plant> field to get the plant's name.
To observe LiveData from a composable, use the LiveData.observeAsState() function.
Note: LiveData.observeAsState() starts observing the LiveData and represents its values as a State object. Every time there would be a new value posted into the LiveData the returned State will be updated causing recomposition of every State.value usage.
As values emitted by the LiveData can be null, you'd need to wrap its usage in a null check. Because of that, and for reusability, it's best to split the LiveData consumption and listening in different composables. So let's create a new composable called PlantDetailContent that will display Plant information.
With these updates, the PlantDetailDescription.kt file should now look like this:
fun PlantDetailDescription(plantDetailViewModel: PlantDetailViewModel) {
? ? // Observes values coming from the VM's LiveData<Plant> field
? ? val plant by plantDetailViewModel.plant.observeAsState()
? ? // If plant is not null, display the content
? ? plant?.let {
? ? ? ? PlantDetailContent(it)
? ? }
fun PlantDetailContent(plant: Plant) {
? ? PlantName(
private fun PlantDetailContentPreview() {
? ? val plant = Plant("id", "Apple", "description", 3, 30, "")
? ? MaterialTheme {
? ? ? ? PlantDetailContent(plant)
? ? }
PlantNamePreview should reflect our change without having to update it directly since PlantDetailContent just calls PlantName:
Now, you've wired up the ViewModel so that a plant name is displayed in Compose. In the next few sections, you'll build the rest of the composables and wire them up to the ViewModel in a similar way
More XML code migration
Now, it's easier to complete what's missing in our UI: the watering info and plant description. Following a similar approach as before, you can already migrate the rest of the screen.
The watering info XML code you removed before from fragment_plant_detail.xml consists of two TextViews with ids plant_watering_header and plant_watering.
? ? android:id="@+id/plant_watering_header"
? ? ...
? ? android:layout_marginStart="@dimen/margin_small"
? ? android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/margin_normal"
? ? android:layout_marginEnd="@dimen/margin_small"
? ? android:gravity="center_horizontal"
? ? android:text="@string/watering_needs_prefix"
? ? android:textColor="?attr/colorAccent"
? ? android:textStyle="bold"
? ? ... />
? ? android:id="@+id/plant_watering"
? ? ...
? ? android:layout_marginStart="@dimen/margin_small"
? ? android:layout_marginEnd="@dimen/margin_small"
? ? android:gravity="center_horizontal"
? ? app:wateringText="@{viewModel.plant.wateringInterval}"
? ? .../>
Similar to what you did before, create a new composable called PlantWatering and add Text composables to display the watering information on the screen:
private fun PlantWatering(wateringInterval: Int) {
? ? Column(Modifier.fillMaxWidth()) {
? ? ? ? // Same modifier used by both Texts
? ? ? ? val centerWithPaddingModifier = Modifier
? ? ? ? ? ? .padding(horizontal = dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_small))
? ? ? ? ? ? .align(Alignment.CenterHorizontally)
? ? ? ? val normalPadding = dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_normal)
? ? ? ? Text(
? ? ? ? ? ? text = stringResource(R.string.watering_needs_prefix),
? ? ? ? ? ? color = MaterialTheme.colors.primaryVariant,
? ? ? ? ? ? fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold,
? ? ? ? ? ? modifier = centerWithPaddingModifier.padding(top = normalPadding)
? ? ? ? )
? ? ? ? val wateringIntervalText = pluralStringResource(
? ? ? ? ? ? R.plurals.watering_needs_suffix, wateringInterval, wateringInterval
? ? ? ? )
? ? ? ? Text(
? ? ? ? ? ? text = wateringIntervalText,
? ? ? ? ? ? modifier = centerWithPaddingModifier.padding(bottom = normalPadding)
? ? ? ? )
? ? }
private fun PlantWateringPreview() {
? ? MaterialTheme {
? ? ? ? PlantWatering(7)
? ? }
Some things to notice: in Compose 1. 2.1, using pluralStringResource requires opting in to ExperimentalComposeUiApi. In a future version of Compose this may no longer be needed.
Let's connect all the pieces together and call PlantWatering from the PlantDetailContent as well. The ConstraintLayout XML code we removed at the beginning had a margin of 16.dp that we need to include in our Compose code.
? ? android:layout_width="match_parent"
? ? android:layout_height="match_parent"
? ? android:layout_margin="@dimen/margin_normal">
In PlantDetailContent, create a Column to display the name and watering info together and have that as padding. Also, so that the background color and the text colors used are appropriate, add a Surface that will handle that.
fun PlantDetailContent(plant: Plant) {
? ? Surface {
? ? ? ? Column(Modifier.padding(dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_normal))) {
? ? ? ? ? ? PlantName(
? ? ? ? ? ? PlantWatering(plant.wateringInterval)
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
If you refresh the preview, you'll see this:
Views in Compose code
Now, let's migrate the plant description. The code in fragment_plant_detail.xml had a TextView with app:renderHtml="@{viewModel.plant.description}" to tell the XML what text to display on the screen. renderHtml is a binding adapter that you can find in the PlantDetailBindingAdapters.kt file. The implementation uses HtmlCompat.fromHtml to set the text on the TextView!
However, Compose doesn't have support for Spanned classes nor displaying HTML formatted text at the moment. Thus, we need to use a TextView from the View system in the Compose code to bypass this limitation.
As Compose is not able to render HTML code yet, you'll create a TextView programmatically to do exactly that using the AndroidView API.
AndroidView allows you to construct a View in its factory lambda. It also provides an update lambda which gets invoked when the View has been inflated and on subsequent recompositions.
Note: AndroidView allows you to create a View programmatically. In case you want to inflate a View from an XML file, you can do it using view binding with the AndroidViewBinding API from the androidx.compose.ui:ui-viewbinding library.
et's do this by creating a new PlantDescription composable. This composable calls AndroidView which constructs a TextView in its factory lambda. In the factory lambda, initialize a TextView that displays HTML formatted text followed by setting the movementMethod to an instance of LinkMovementMethod. Finally, in the update lambda set the text of the TextView to be htmlDescription.
private fun PlantDescription(description: String) {
? ? // Remembers the HTML formatted description. Re-executes on a new description
? ? val htmlDescription = remember(description) {
? ? ? ? HtmlCompat.fromHtml(description, HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT)
? ? }
? ? // Displays the TextView on the screen and updates with the HTML description when inflated
? ? // Updates to htmlDescription will make AndroidView recompose and update the text
? ? AndroidView(
? ? ? ? factory = { context ->
? ? ? ? ? ? TextView(context).apply {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? },
? ? ? ? update = {
? ? ? ? ? ? it.text = htmlDescription
? ? ? ? }
? ? )
private fun PlantDescriptionPreview() {
? ? MaterialTheme {
? ? ? ? PlantDescription("HTML<br><br>description")
? ? }
Notice that htmlDescription remembers the HTML description for a given description passed as a parameter. If the description parameter changes, the htmlDescription code inside remember will execute again.
As a result, the AndroidView update callback will recompose if htmlDescription changes. Any state read inside the update lambda causes a recomposition.
Let's add PlantDescription to the PlantDetailContent composable and change preview code to display a HTML description too:
fun PlantDetailContent(plant: Plant) {
? ? Surface {
? ? ? ? Column(Modifier.padding(dimensionResource(R.dimen.margin_normal))) {
? ? ? ? ? ? PlantName(
? ? ? ? ? ? PlantWatering(plant.wateringInterval)
? ? ? ? ? ? PlantDescription(plant.description)
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
private fun PlantDetailContentPreview() {
? ? val plant = Plant("id", "Apple", "HTML<br><br>description", 3, 30, "")
? ? MaterialTheme {
? ? ? ? PlantDetailContent(plant)
? ? }
At this point, you've migrated all the content inside the original ConstraintLayout to Compose. You can run the app to check that it's working as expected
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