Compliance you can count on w/ IEM - Going way beyond wearables
Photo: Melanie Gonick/MIT

Compliance you can count on w/ IEM - Going way beyond wearables

It' no secret that wearable tech is all the rage. From the Fitbits of the world to the far dafter Pavloks and a whole spectrum of stupidity and genius in between, wearable technology now allows you to monitor your bodily functions like never before. It's now literally possible to wear your heart on your sleeve.
Well, your heartrate at least.

But given that wearable tech only comes in contact with skin, it has its limitations. Which is why scientists took the adage 'the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach' and applied it to technology. Say hello to the next tech set to revolutionlise how you monitor your health: swallowables.

Catch News (5/16/2016)


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