Compliance, what is it?
Compliance, Truth, Mandatory or Statutory, name it what you will. It's important, very important. We in the Facilities Management / Service industry are responsible for managing clients space, services and assets. Professionals take care of your people and create great space, to think the unthinkable, make things, invent things, educate ourselves and care for our loved ones. Without Facility Management professionals, this would simply not be possible. Our clients trust us to manage buildings correctly, they trust us to understand the law and tell them the truth.
My personal interest in compliance comes from simply having and inquisitive approach to everything I do. Perhaps my consultancy background has trained me to ask the why question a little too often. When I have asked why and lifted the lid I’ve been met with “Oh No! I thought we were compliant!”
So, what sparked this blog? A conversation with Nick Fox, from a connection on Twitter. Neither of us could hold back our excitement of talking about something that we are clearly both passionate about.
We take our roles very seriously and we discuss how to change the perception and ask difficult questions. What is compliance? Those who follow my blogs and those that “Can Handle the Truth” will know this is a topic that I cover time and time again. Green RAG reports, 100% compliance, it appears to me that nothing ever goes wrong or takes time to repair. We can clean contaminated water supplies, change lift cables, repair fire alarm heads immediately, there is clearly no delay, no procurement, no authorisation and no planning. Let’s be honest from identifying a failure there will be time to rectification and generally a considerable period at that. In some organisations, it can take a month just to replace a lamp, so you’re kidding me if all compliance work can be done just like that.
Is compliance merely a loosely used word to detract us from digging deeper or to give us that warm feeling of assurance, or, worse still, a mechanism to avoid penalty fees that may be imposed. Whatever it is we appear to have a different meaning across the industry, that was certainly the view Nick and I shared. If compliance is a way of assurance we need to ensure that when we scratch the surface all is in order deeper down, just as an auditor would do for financial governance. There are clear rules for financial assurance that gives comfort to investors and clients. There are other levels of assurance such as quality control, ensuring the products that are being released meet with a standard. Other standards are beginning to creep into the FM industry apart from SFG20 and the recently introduced ISO 41011 /12.
Compliance is at this point in time, just as with a car MOT, that the thing in question was compliant at the time of inspection. Assurance, however, is no different to corporate governance providing accurate and current information to the stakeholders about the efficiency and effectiveness of its policies and operations.
Accurate implies:
Factual or truthful, or closely conforming to an objective standard ascertained through painstaking care or due diligence. Measurements or statements are accurate when they have been verified for their correctness.
Current implies:
Belonging to the present period (day, week, month, year, etc.) in progress.
Both would be correct if we had a definition for Compliance, there would be something to measure against.
It appears that the loosely used word in the Facilities Management industry is at best confusing and at worst misleading.
Is it:
An indicator that a scheduled PPM activity has been undertaken
An indicator that a scheduled PPM activity has been undertaken with no defects
Or merely to avoid penalties that may be defined in the contract
For me, it starts with what the owner or the person with ultimate responsibility needs to know on an exception basis.
I often see the number of inspections undertaken in a month against planned and reported as a RAG report and expressed as a %. Usually Green and 100%.
Being assured that your service supplier is covering the bases is one thing, but the status of each inspection is critical. Assets will fail and remedial work will be required. Some critical and some less so, but the reporting should be accurate and provide the reader with a sense of comfort and assurance that whilst all is not perfect it has been identified, there is management around it and the remedial works are being actioned.
Perhaps our RAG reports need to use other colours, such as Amber to indicate simply that the asset has been inspected and is under remedial.
An indicator that the inspection was undertaken is important or at least the exception and a defect identified. It is confusing and worrying if we do not disclose the status of the asset or system. We need a clear definition of the meaning of Compliance. We need a standard.
Suppliers and clients are interpreting compliance in different ways. What is a definable definition of Compliance in FM? I should point out that I make my living by undertaking assurance reviews and I am never disappointed. I wish I was. As soon as I ask for the records I shudder, 100% Green RAG reports and no context. Everything is just perfect. I am forever entering worlds where no problem ever exists and has ever been found.
You could argue at this point that if your building is always 100% perfect then there is a huge opportunity to save some money. An opportunity is only feasible by accepting a degree of risk. It's about managed risk and of course your risk profile.
Perhaps the contract encourages clients to impose penalties for anything less than 100%. Some clients may use this clause not to encourage “compliance” but with an alternative motivation to drive a revenue stream.
I recall a project where the criteria for bidding was onerous and the cost to comply and deliver excessive. The bid values were 10x what they should have been but the client just didn’t care. They had a budget in mind so whatever was bid was irrelevant as they had an opportunity to pull levers to ensure the contract value never exceeded the price they wanted to pay - an interesting, perhaps self-defeating, model.
We penalise Facilities Management organisations for returning compliance reports that are not 100% or Green. Red or anything less than 100% is a failure and penalties will be applied. Are we driving the wrong behaviour? Isn’t it about time we challenged this, looked at it differently and honestly. The world isn’t round, we are not perfect, there are imperfections everywhere we just learn to minimise it, live with it and react, assess and mitigate.
I’m calling out to all readers, FM leaders, clients and the industry in general. Celebrate being imperfect. Stand out and shout out I’m not compliant but unlike you, I’m celebrating it and doing something about it whilst the rest keep the risk undercover. Let’s peel back the cover and shine a light on true compliance. What is it? Answers in the comments, please.
We give buildings energy certificates and band them from good to bad, we measure working environments as excellent because they have a ping pong table. How about encouraging organisations to publish compliance because we know it’s not 100%. We need clients to stop penalising for not receiving a report that is all Green or 100%.
The key to compliance is to have identified, captured it and have taken all relevant management measures and then monitor and report until rectified. Perhaps the Green should be for identified and Red for ‘in service’ awaiting the next inspection!
Define Compliance? Replies in the comment box, please.
Technology Enthusiast |Team Leader |Achiever |Coach| Manager| Business Development|Digital Transformation | Contract Management | Cloud | AI | I.T Security
6 年Hi Richard You do raise some provocative thoughts . Coming from the IT world and having been involved in the IoT world (where we both met) when one thinks I automatically think of M&V (measurement and Verivication) and the various protocols -in particular IPMVP that does at least apply to an area where the FM industry is getting more and more involved -namely energy Management. Establishing some sort M&V protocol for teh FM industry with as much automation as possible would be the very essence of any 100% green RAG dashboard. and basically achieving compliance Deployment of IoT devices and gathering of data can be part of "an evidence based approach" that would allow you to meet compliance based on a SOW. Thus producing a RAG report that is closer to green than amber or red . would , though require the establishment of an M&V protocol based on measurable things !! Food for though as to what these things could be !!!
Property Compliance / Health & Safety Manager
7 年Hi Richard, compliance it's self shouldn't be too hard to define. I guess the struggle is to understand it within the context of Facilities Management. There are so many different interpretations of its meaning generating in false assurances from reporting methods mentioned in your blog. The industry lacks a shared understanding and common vocabulary. To me it is about adhering to industry norms, typically associated with external regulation and practice but also inclusive of internal organisational standards throughout the life cycle of a premise. Too often the terminology gets translated into a narrow band of activity which gears reporting around planned maintenance activities alone. Comprehension and applicability are essential elements for organisations to understand. Your comments around reporting methods are interesting. I have recently conducted a study around differing methods such as manual approaches against supportive technologies. Reliability and Truth were some of my key outputs. Happy to catchup for an exilerating discussion around compliance at any time! Best wishes Pav
Delivering technical and operational excellence.
7 年Richard - provoking article and you raise plenty of good points about penalties at the expense of reality or truth. There is plenty on this topic among the line of the duty holder principles - clients 'blaming' FM providers for non compliance can be a very one sided argument - especially when funds are limited and 'Hobson Choice' positions are put in place about what tasks to clear and when. I'm not sure the standards approach is required though. There is already a plethora of guidance out there and of course it depends what your service provision is for. The character and nature of your site will obviously drive your compliance needs and this is my main point - FM managers must be able to relate their site back to the design intent. For in doing this you will be better placed to understand the risks for non compliance and the mitigations for it. More often than not, this risk analysis needs to be done in conjunction with your client - not kept away from them therefore masking the need for interventions of funds. Luckily my current client very much understands this and I am never afraid to tackle engineering or design related issue where compliance may be compromised. I also feel that the building services industry has been short sighted in reducing compliance managers over the years - I get that they might not have been viewed an income generators - but my take is that they are most definitely good insurance policies. A good compliance manager will and should be your professional conscious - ethics in engineering is a good thing. Speak truth unto power!
Head of Property & Facilities at Bevan Brittan LLP
7 年Good article Richard, I believe that compliance starts with knowing what you have to keep compliant, i.e. credible asset data. Then having a priced PPM plan using suitably competent people for complex tasks i.e. Fixed Wire Testing and capable people (suitably instructed) for low level tasks i.e. Fire Bell testing to cover statutory and best practice assessments, tests, inspections, this should include a variance for findings "Remedial Actions". Then executing the plan and storing accurately the relevant Certifications, Risk Assessments and Competent Persons Reports/Worksheets as evidence including any arising from remedial works . A RAG status does not necessarily have to be all Green 100% this is an unrealistic position in a complex estate, after all you don't always have the paperwork immediately after a PPM event for instance. It is being able to demonstrate suitable and sufficient planning around the non compliances and where necessary mitigation, this could be an asset isolated to prevent harm and a date of the remedial fix. Dashboard reporting showing 100% green may look great to the C Suite but I would respect a FM who showed a more realistic view, who demonstrated a true knowledge of effectively managing their estate, where they have non compliance and have a demonstrable and credible plan to rectify non compliances without the potential of harm occurring in the interim. I know that there is always massive pressure to show perfection in this arena, and compliance is the cornerstone of managing a safe workplace, but frankly that pressure can have the effect of driving the wrong behavior and related reporting, the truth always comes out so best to be the one to deliver it in periodic reporting with the confidence you have it all well accounted for.
Head of Land & Property - National Gas
7 年Great topic and one I have always questioned suppliers on. Often the issue revolves around reporting and how the follow up tasks are captured and evidenced. No evidence equals no compliance it's as simple as that from my point of view. There's little point doing the initial compliance tasks if client and suppliers do nothing with the findings. Your MOT reference is a great example. You go for an MOT, you have faulty brakes highlighted yet the garage issues you with an MOT and allows you to drive off with a risk of a brake failure.....