Compliance News to Know
Patriot Growth Insurance Services, LLC
Growth Capital for America's Best Insurance Agencies
Resources: HIPAA Privacy Rule
In April, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), the enforcement entity for Health & Human Services (HHS), issued a Final Rule that strengthens the HIPAA Privacy Rule by prohibiting the disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) related to lawful reproductive health care in certain situations. In June, OCR released several resources to assist Covered Entities in complying with Rule changes: a Fact Sheet, guidance on updating the Notice of Privacy Practices, a Social Media Kit, and a Model Attestation. Details below.
2nd Wednesday monthly at 1 pm EST?????????????????????????????????????????????
August 15 – Federal FMLA
September 11 - Cafeteria Plans & Nondiscrimination Testing
October 9th – HIPAA Privacy Rule ??
Compliance Reminders
Access the 2024 Benefits Compliance Checklist or ask your Patriot Advisor.
The Rundown
Benefits Watch Webinar
August 15 – Federal Family & Medical Leave Basics & 1 PM EST (60 min.)
Another FMLA basics webinar? Yes. Since States are enhancing the federal “floor” by offering various versions of paid & unpaid protected leave, let’s review the process. Join Patriot’s Benefits Compliance Counsel, Olivia Ash, for a one-hour webinar to outline the FMLA process. This month Olivia welcomes a guest Leave of Absence expert to reveal how federal leave interacts with state leave (or not), including a quick glance at current & upcoming leave laws.
HIPAA Privacy Rule – Reproductive Healthcare
Final Rule Changes
The [HIPAA Privacy] Final Rule strengthens privacy protections for medical records & health information for women, their family members, & doctors who are seeking, obtaining, providing, or facilitating lawful reproductive health care. – HHS
The Final Rule requires the following of health plans & Business Associates (BAs):
In a Nutshell: What does it mean to use or disclose PHI without a person’s signed authorization?
?Resources: HIPAA Privacy Rule
Per HHS Guidance: “Covered Entities, including health plans and, to an extent, their Business Associates, may use or disclose PHI, without a person’s signed authorization, only as expressly permitted or required by the Privacy Rule.”
Required by Law: The Privacy Rule permits plans to disclose PHI about a person without their authorization when required by law & as long as it complies with that law.
HHS Example: “An individual goes to a hospital emergency department while experiencing complications related to a miscarriage during the tenth week of pregnancy. A hospital workforce member suspects the individual of having taken medication to end their pregnancy. State or other law prohibits abortion after six weeks of pregnancy but does not require the hospital to report individuals to law enforcement. Where state law does not?expressly require such reporting, the Privacy Rule would?not?permit a disclosure to law enforcement under the “required by law” permission. Therefore, such a disclosure would be impermissible and constitute a breach of unsecured PHI requiring notification to HHS and the individual affected.”
Review additional applications of the Final Rule for other situations at HHS’ website.
Final Rule Resources
?Employer-Required Actions
What actions does the Final Rule require of plan sponsors?
Employer compliance with privacy standards include updates to the following:
Employers must comply with these updates & train the health plan’s workforce on the new use & disclosure restrictions & when an attestation is required by December 23, 2024.
Sources for additional compliance details with the Final Rule for employers & Business Associates: ?