Complexity VS Simplicity
In Positioning, the marketing classic by Al Res & Jack Trout, they share the story of when they were asked to reposition the Catholic Church…
In the wake of the reforms of Vatican II it became apparent that “communication in the Catholic Church was haphazard at best” and this had a massive impact in terms of regular mass attendance and number of clergy, both of which had dropped massively.
So they examined what is the role of the Catholic Church in today’s world and came up with a shift from the previous “teacher of the law” to now being “teacher of the word” (check the book for the full details, it was an interesting process).
They said,
“This may seem like a very simplistic, almost obvious answer to a complicated problem”
....and it was. Yet I can see how it would have been effective - if it had ever been implemented…
But it was never adopted - to us humans often complexity is more attractive than simplicity. Why?
- Is it because we think it makes us look clever?
- Is it because we don’t believe things can be that easy?
- Is it because we’re procrastinating and self-sabotaging at some level?
Maybe all 3….
So I’m curious as to where you might be doing this in your business?
Are you chasing after a complex solution to getting new clients? To having current ones be more profitable?
Trying thing after thing.. Addicted to ‘shiny new object’ syndrome……
Or paralysed by procrastination and comparing what you’re doing to everybody else you see succeeding and not daring to fail….
It really doesn’t have to be this way….
There is a much more simple way to figure out YOUR best strategies and here it is…
?? You do what is fun and is based on your natural strengths and personality. ??
Does that sound too simple? ??
What if it was simply profound?
"Simplicity, of all things, is the hardest to be copied." Sir Richard Steele
Because this is what will have you in flow and focused, seeming like time doesn’t exist, confident that you can overcome any challenge because you are working in your zone of genius.
You’re going downstream, carried by the river so it’s easier….
Instead of battling upstream, causing stress and exhaustion… (Why would you even want to do that when there is another way? #confused)
Tomorrow I’ll share with you the 3 key elements that a service-based business can build around their talents to have a simple, yet effective and fun to run business.
?? Like this post and I’ll tag you so you don’t miss it - and let me know below what you find difficult or easy in your business…
#mycreativebiz #businesssuccess #positioning #businesscoach #simplicity