In past years as the proprietor of a business (namely a rural Hotel) where staff LIVE IN accommodation was a given and our customers both residential and drinkers were both male and female and in personal partnership often termed a "Married couple" in employment.

I am no stranger to conflict rising to so called "bashing" and have suffered significant injury in settling such conflict especially in the circumstances of LIVE IN MARRIED COUPLES where it was not uncommon for the warring parties TO MAKE UP the following morning while I was nursing bruises from protecting one from the other and it was not always the aggression of the male when one was involved and so I thought I might add some comment to for instance to the presenting on TV news a "protest " sign demanding that there should be no defence for a male accused if the complainant was a Woman.

Let us therefore commence with the fact that personal abuse in relationships was a fact during the 1960s and henceforth and in that period local Police were reluctant to attend because their "witness" had changed their mind when the matter was brought to Court.

So what is different in todays environment that warrants protest marches and a demand to ignore the fundamental of our justice system of innocence until there is substantial proof of guilt and what is the incidence of the abuse of Females as compared to Males

I have not researched the detail but in following MEDIA reporting the incidence of MALES murdering and bashing MALES is practically a DAILY EVENT and surely sufficient to warrant some protest marches (if that is a solution) to give the shooter or knifer "a GO" A recent report identified shooting deaths OF TWO MALES ALLEGED TO RESULT FROM A SEXUAL THREESOME.

Some other factors might be that Australia's population has grown hugely and the ethnic mix includes persons whose religion has an entirely different relationship to FEMALES.

But above all in each and every instance is today's prevalence of illicit drug consumption to the extent that I doubt that as well meaning as they might be there would have been a % of "USERS" within the marchers.

It is not understood that the description of "assassin" arose from the Cannabis drug HASHIS which was fed to individuals before they went out to commit an assassinations. There is no technical dispute that says today's modern illicit drugs not only undermine personal responsibility they introduce a role of aggression yet I have heard no reference to these dangers and rather that they represent an excuse for the abuse or murder committed.

This problem which could be bipartin is in my opinion a fundamental that would never be addressed until the taking of such drugs BECOMES AN OFFENCE.

There is no evidence that the threat of incarceration will prevent such drugged persons from committing their dreadful abuse and murder on MALES or FEMALES and our legislators must be aware that stacking Court Proceedings is not the solution to this tragedy that inhibits OUR SOCIETY


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