Complexity, Concerns and Curriculum: The Steep Impact on Learners and Learning.

Recent research by YouGov suggests that the price of the COVID-19 school disruption is steep particularly around the impact on learners and learning.

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70% Seven in ten Americans (70%) are concerned about children not having learned what they should have learned to be ready to start a new academic year.

65% say they are concerned that teachers will have to spend too much time addressing learning gaps across children.

The recent paper Education Reimagined notes that schools needed to focus on health & safety, wellbeing and quality learning through a lense of equity.

In the YouGov findings, 66% Two in three (66%) are concerned about schools not being able to keep students physically safe and six in ten worry schools won’t be equipped to address student emotional needs.

People are worried about resurgence

Six in ten feel school closures will happen again next school year due to coronavirus or a similar situation and 65% are concerned we have not learned the best ways to teach students in a distance-learning environment.

A plurality (48%) say schools should consider having teachers live-stream lessons so that no matter where students are, their learning will not be disrupted.

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