Navigate Complexity As Bridges Of Consciousness For Constructive Social Change - The Good Life
By Lionel Yang August 2022 (Edited 23rd September, 2022)
Keywords : Organisational Change, Regenerative Models, Sustainable Development, Strategic Thinking
The purpose of this article is to extend the strength and depth of trans-disciplinary co-creation and its leadership practice via seeing through the future of its complexity. This article offers the imagination to see complexity as creative metaphors of "bridges of consciousness" for constructive social change, particularly for organisations to sustain the futures of complex changes.
Through this interpretive article, i am extending a trans-disciplinary dimension of "imagination" through John Paul Lederach, in my pursue in human science approach to entrepreneurial and organisational creativity via collective creation, which is based on the practice and methodology of hermeneutic phenomenology in Hegelian traditions, with extensions to Heidegger, Charles Taylor, Habermas, Paul Ricoeur and Van Manen, to come to the suit of co-creation semiotics for hermeneutic phenomenology for constructive social change guided by the internal good.
In this article, i offer to see the unknown future as space making of complexity, to see complexity as collective lived experience mediated by the mind, as the metaphor, and methodology of constructive social change through the imagination of trans-disciplinary co-creation and its leadership practice. ?I think it is time for us to look at complexity as a consciousness phenomenon as inspired by Edgar Morin's "complex thought" rather than computational one, in such offers the future as constructive social change of trans-discplinary co-creation. Complexity is not “unknown”, it is just the future that not yet exist, in re-paradigming consciousness as space maker, we embrace social courage and creative act as future’s navigator.
In proposing complexity is in correspondence with the good, i am aware that i am defending against the orthodox perception that who we are should be separated from what we do. Nevertheless, both phenomena of complexity and the good are universal, and human consciousness and imagination connects the good to the social construction. Thus, we ought to come to our own humility that the becoming of "better persons" should be the aim of any organisations' strategic thinking for future direction, purpose and identity.
"Moral Imagination" - Making Space For Co-Creation
"Moral Imagination"(Lederach, 2005) by sociologist?John Paul Lederach , the book that's ontologically resonates so seamlessly with my pursue in?#transdisciplinary (Yang, 2022b) ?#cocreation (Yang & Edvinsson, 2022) guided by internal good. In saying that i am held coherently by the Hegelian practice of hermeneutic phenomenology and its absolute good, as I also see phenomenological footsteps all over in this book, with profound interpretation of the role of imagination in retrieving the good.?
"Moral Imagination" arrives to centripetal like-mindedness of constructive framework for knowledge co-creation; i. to know one place in the world through others, ii. via the spiral of sense of collective self consciousness, iii. granulates towards becoming "better person".??
"Moral Imagination" is about constructive social change, the "capacity to imagine something rooted in the challenges of the real world yet capable of giving birth to that which does not yet exist.". As Einstein put it, imagination is knowing "everywhere, instead of the logic from A to B".?
What is "moral" is relational, beyond reasons and dimensional in intuition;
a. synchronicity - "requires the capacity to imagine ourselves in a web of relationships";
b. synthesis - "the ability to sustain a paradoxical curiosity that embraces complexity";
c. semiotics & systems - "the fundamental belief in and pursuit of the creative act;?
d. sensitivity - "and the acceptance of the inherent risk of stepping into the mystery of the unknown"?
Moral Imagination "invites the practitioner to suspend the need for tools, answers, technique...empirical evidence...replicable", instead, see the flow...and arrives to "the wellspring...lies invisible below the surface but gives life to a stream that trickle". "Flow" as the new way of knowing and thinking ahead.?
Lederach speaks about the needs of creative act for social change, i would go one step further to suggest the creative act requires co-creative leadership (Yang & Marina, 2020)
Co-creative?#leadership ?cultivates who we truly are for common good, "to find this deeper sense..our bearings, our compass...our way toward becoming...intentionally", based upon the common sense of the good. This centripetal capacity, as Lederach suggests, where "relationships create and emanate social?#energy ?and are places to which energy returns for a sense of?#purpose ?and direction". Our sense of self and identify in the world is this "force that pushes out and pulls in, and in so doing creates a “center that holds.”, the common good.?
The "social energy" could be interpreted as the level of?#consciousness energy for making space. "Imagination" of constructive social change is about space making in inviting co-creation, for the place we not yet arrived but through "discipline of stillness" of co-creative leadership (akin of a "consciousness gym"), creates a “center that holds” the common good for the becoming of who we truly are. (Diagram 1)
(Diagram 1 - Making Space For Co-Creation).
The?#Imagination ?of?#Complexity ?- The Space Making of Trans-Disciplinary Co-Creation?
If the future is unknowable and complex, social change ought to be the human construct of trans-disciplinary co-creation, and it starts from the presence of phenomenological approach to future's complexity:?
“In the human sphere, you can not make a sharp distinction between theory and practice, the ideas in your head caused you to have the experiences you have in the world. but ultimately the experience in the world is the source of the idea. So in a human world, you are constantly in a hermeneutic cycle between the idea and experience of using them...” - (Checkland, 2012, 6.12)
Peter Checkland does not afraid to admit that he was a chemist/engineer turned phenomenologist for human construct that not yet exist, while most who proposed future change still stuck in the incompatibility of empirical mindset in seeing interpretive phenomena.?Checkland reflects that the intuition of see the world as complex dimensions requires "maturity".?(He was 81 years old in 2012). Many of the frameworks and solutions to today's sustainable change are based on old linear dimension to get from A to B and are (still) failing.
It has becoming clear "systems thinking" is not truly human consciousness without guided by the good. Checkland did suggest the outcomes of systems thinking are rich pictures, of which sailed his own half-hearted phenomenological journey to semiotics. In media ecology(proposed by Marshall McLuhan, extended by Neil Postman) where semiotics stands up as its own trans-disciplinary of media, technology of communication for impact on people, once again the good is placed as its regenerative root, even with "rich pictures"! If Checkland would have been a full phenomenology scholar back to the root of Hegelian traditions, he would have created an absolute Good SSM,
Could we really solve complex problems with single-dimension way of thinking? The answer is quite obvious, NO,?thus, why are we still sleepwalking into the empirical dogmas is not even "logical"!??
Perhaps we need "bridges", for what we can't see in the complex future to make space for the co-creative imagination.?
Perhaps the challenges with SSM (Soft Systems Methodology), which is based on "complexity" as world view, are the missing "bridges" of?#transdisciplinary ,?#cocreation ?and its?#leadership ?guided by the imagination of internal good :
a. Trans-disciplinary. As much as SSM aspires a human approach to complexity beyond the natural sciences,?it is missing the imagination to that could not be reduced to single-disciplinary, causal outcome.?
b. Co-Creation. As much as SSM is about constructive social change, but missing the intersubjective imagination to see the world as unknown and known through the trans-disciplinary co-creation with and through others.??
c. Leadership. You can't talk about humans as merely as epistemological creation (like almost all goal/objective-oriented frameworks) without the ontological flourishing that makes space for trans-disciplinary co-creation. And you can't talk about ontology without imagination of the absolute good. The practice of constructive social change requires co-creative leadership.?
We may also need "social energy" as Lederach suggested and its practice through "consciousness gym" in order to expand our creative capacity to build these "bridges" to see the unknown as human's complex co-creation.?
(Diagram 2)
Imagining Complexity
What Is Complexity? It is the phenomena of the quantum world view with many other invisible nuances that we have come to accept the future reality as "uncertain", "unknown", "ambiguous", "systemic" and other non-linear representations of what we can't see ahead of us.
In this 21st century, complexity is still being seen as the phenomena that could be measured through the past centuries Newtonian science, to atomise what we can't see in the future with measurement of past trajectory of A to prediction of the future B, this is also called logic. This analytical way of knowing reality, called reason, demands separation between who we are and what it is in the world (empirical) and desires its replicability (positivist).
But the Newtonian way of science and its single-dimension thinking don't work for social change that tends to be self organised, spontaneous and creative.
We can't see ahead of what not yet exist. Who we are, our consciousness and what it is in the world, the complexity, could not be separated as creativity of reality. Human consciousness, guided by internal good, has the capacity to construct the future. Hence, social change ought to be seen as complex construct of collective consciousness. To see one place in the world as unknown and construct through the uncertain joy of collection creation.
The correspondence between being conscious of internal good and the emergence of complex social change matures as bridges of consciousness in the world:
1. The Spiral. The complex construct arrives to its being in the world through absorbing trans-disciplinary(? ideas, ladders up as actions of co-creation(? and affirms its identity, direction and purpose as organisational change guided by co-creative leadership(
2. The Imagination. Each spiral that bridges to the next requires intuitive thinking, the capability to hold and construct dimensional trans-disciplinary, co-creative and leadership thoughts flourishes from the absolute good, and to construct the future that's not yet there. Complex imagination requires social energy and courage to see the world as web of relationship with multiple identities in each self of creative act.
3. The Circle. Each spiral requires the phenomenological practice of collective self consciousness to flow in the world with and through others, to be sensitive, synchronous, synthetic and semiotic about complex construct of social change.
(Diagram 3)
The Yin Yang Dynamic (Diagram 3) :
a. The yin-yang works as hermeneutic reflection, for instance, when we interpret a meaning of our experience in the world, we can create tension of thought by moving in opposite direction or in a returning path to where the experience in the world brings a past thought in mind.?
b. Within the yang, there's a yin, and within the yang, there's a yang, the yin yang is in correspondence, not just one after another. For instance, while holding two dialectical thoughts, there's a possibility of reconciliation between the thoughts running in simultaneous manner.?
c. The yin yang is in spiral, meanings there's a reflective returning path from where it begins and come back to to see the same place a new.
d. The yin and yang has unique consciousness realm of its own, for instance, the yin in stillness and the yang in motion (akin quantum's wave/particle).?
e. combined the above of the yin yang dynamics and you get the underlaying dimensions for the Spiral, Imagination and Circle of constructive social change, guided by the good, for bridges of trans-disciplinary, co-creation and leadership in between.?
The Methodology To Navigate The Future Of Human Flourishing
To put methodology aside, the inquiry to human flourishing and the ontology in the social and natural world ought to consider the following:
a. The being guided by absolute good?
b. The futures of complexity as being in the world
c. The consciousness of constructive change as well as moral imagination ?
corresponds in between the good and complexity being in the world?
d. The becoming of being in the complexity world embracing trans-disciplinary dimensions, it’s co-creation in action and the leadership to see through its future.
This human centric approach to inquiry, particularly as being ontological to social science itself, is the phenomenological proposition of “consciousness is science”. There’s an underlying hermeneutic structure of lived experience upon our reflection, that, has a “push-pull” returning clarity. We begin each thought while holding other thoughts in stillness and in synchronicity, the synthesis returns to the same place anew. Thus, consciousness has a “spiral” structure grows in its palimpsest of complexity and?phenomenological hermeneutics manner. The hermeneutics are captured not only as what we see at it is, but its semiosis is ever constructive, humans never ceased to explore and imagine. What appears to be dialectical is the web of relationship interacting with our multiple identities for each creative act.?
If we put the above humanised context in making space for critical realism and its causative pursue, or even narrow down to empirical or positivist endeavours, one could see the separation of who we are and what we do is difficult to hold its center for sustainable social change if it is not guided by hermeneutic phenomenology.
From "Systems View of Life" To "Good Life"
What is a "Good Life"?
First, it has all the qualities of "systems view of life", written by Daniel Christian Wahl back in 2017 (Wahl, 2017)), to see reality as trans-disciplinary, co-creative and cultivation of its leadership. These three "bridges of consciousness" helps organisations to navigate future complexity as constructive social change.
However, a systems view of life does nothing to cultivate the wrong perception of phenomenological consciousness in the world, that, who we are and what we do are not separable as good life.
Without coming to the grip of our sense of self that the good is primordial of who we are as being in the world with and through others in co-creation, we will be subject of separation without the social as well as the natural world.
There's also the "moral imagination" of perception that guided every conscious action in cultivating the sensitivity to see the world as web of relationship, the synchronicity to see our place through others, making space for the synthesis of co-creative act and harnessing existential energy for social courage through communication of semiotic ecology.
The good life is the acceptance of the future reality that not yet exist is human construct that guided by moral imagination. This acceptance of re-paradigm our perception, matures through the spiral of bridges of consciousness, its trans-disciplinary, co-creation and leadership, corresponds in between the good and complexity being in the world.
The good life is more metaphorical appropriate for sustainable development and regenerative models of organisations as it put human philosophy as the center of holding the strategic thinking of change.
Critique Of Empirical World View Of Complexity
Complexity is often view as separated from mediation of the mind, but this outdated empirical view of complexity dehumanises good life. To Edgar Morin (Kelly, 1988; Morin, 1996; Montouri, 2008), this reductive view of navigating non-linearity must be re-paradigm (hermeneutically and phenomenologically) in order to interpret the ecological significance of complexity, authentically through trans-disciplinary and moral imagination of lived experience.
Who we are and what we do socially and constructively could not be account to positivist reductionism, but towards the uncertainty and ambiguity of complex construct. ?
Complexity must therefore be about the immersed good life of people’s collective experience:
1. Social construct.?
2. Self-other recursive interdependency.
3. Uncertainty as creativity.?
4. Social entanglement?
Complexity ought to be sociologically mindful to fit for purpose of organisational imagination to see complexity as constructive social change.?A machine view of complexity is regressive and doesn't progress from the problem of mind/body dualistic epistemology.
The simple-complex interdependency is in a non-separable recursive loop. I use yin yang recursive diagram (not just because i am a Chinese), because it has the ecological correspondence concept within it, the 2 small circles of the dialectic. Within complexity there’s simplicity, within simplicity there’s complexity, thoughts are hermeneutically coherent and non-reducible.?The simple-complex perception is intentionalised and re-imagined as the becoming being of self-other hermeneutics in the world.
Uncertainty of complexity ought to be seen as novelty and creativity, not constraint.?Uncertainty is build-in space for the recursive interdependent, self-other co-creation of social complexity. We can’t make sense of the future that doesn’t exist, we could only make space to invite others into co-creation.??
Complexity ought to be seen as social entanglement of recursive self-other hermeneutical co-creation.?I offer 4 phenomenological dimensions of authentic social entanglement : sensitivity, synchronicity, synthesis and semiotic for the intentional intuition of complexity and constructive social change.?Social energy and social courage are required for social entanglement. In such, complexity is existential, future's uncertainty is not seen as unknown of fear but transform as construct of complex social change.
The hermeneutic view of complexity is to navigate simple-complex phenomena as intuition in between unchanging and the changing. The order/disorder and single-complex signify the dialectic of unchanging-changing.?The unchanging-changing phenomenological intution offers both mental stillness needed to hold thoughts and others for synchronicity and mediated synthesis and semiotic for communicative actions.
The doing is the becoming of the being, who we are and what we do are not separable phenomenological experience. The good is primordial of who we are as being in the world with and through others in co-creation. Otherwise we will be subject of separation without the social as well as the natural world.
Being good is always the outcome of co-creation and constructive social change. Thus asking for co-creation is always the first step as no good could happen in a social world without doing-as-beings with and through others. Without co-creation, we are not becoming “better person” in the world with others. The opposite of good is zero-sum-game, unfortunately many still believe in the separation of good to only oneself but not with and through others. I’ve covered quite a bit about the challenges(Yang, 2022a) of co-creation in other articles (Yang, 2022b ; Yang & Edvinsson, Yang & Marina; 2022), i.e. the separative flaw of single-disciplined education, putting trans-disciplinary in action and the ontology needed for co-creative leadership.
Co-creation also requires “moral imagination” too and vice versa, and to come to imagine the complexity of co-creation in order to embrace social courage. And when these whole “co-creation framework” in the context of organisational change, the hope for “sustainable good organisations” becomes possible.
Checkland, P. (2012) "The Origins Of SSM".
Lederach, J.P, (2005). "The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace". Oxford University Press, USA.
Morin, E. (1996). "A new way of thinking".UNESCO.
Montuori, A. (2008) "On Edgar Morin Path on Complexity".
Kelly, S. (1988) “Hegel and Morin: The Science of Wisdom and the Wisdom of the New Science,”?The Owl of~j~e~u~?20 (I), Fall, 51-67_ (Morin as heir to Hegel and as exponent of the new sciences of complexity)
Yang, J.W. (2022a) "The Challenges with The Practice of Hermeneutic Phenomenology For Semiotic of Co-Creation".杨焱文/
Wahl, D.C. (2017). "From the ‘crisis of perception’ to the ‘systems view of life". This is an excerpt of a subchapter from?Designing Regenerative Cultures , published by Triarchy Press, 2016.].
Yang, J.W. (2022b) "Introduction To Trans-Disciplinary Education".杨焱文/
Yang,J.W., Edvinsson, L. (2022) "The Space Making Of Global Future Center (Trans-Disciplinary Co-Creation In Space )".杨焱文/
Yang, J.W., Marina, A. (2022) "Co-Creative Leadership In Sustainability Development and Regenerative Models - Trans-Disciplinary Education in Action".
CEO Entovation International, LLC Consulting
2 年Excellent piece of work. Very thoughtful and thought provoking. Next how to apply to a real situation.