The Complex manifestation of Intelligence that we know of resides between our ears!
Remember the cartoon “Dexter’s Laboratory”? well, for the unfamiliar ones, Dexter is a young boy, who manages finances and builds a secret laboratory. His genius intellect helps him develop giant robot mechs, dimensional portals, and the nightmare-preventing dream machine. Wow, what a boy!
Now Dexter is not the only one with astounding brain intellect, there are many others in real life too who possess such powers. If we were to consider our scientists, astronomers, researchers, and people who are constantly contributing day in and day out to the future of mankind, we would all exclaim, “how in the world can they be so brilliant”?
The brain is the most important part of the human system, which keeps working continuously throughout life, from the time it’s in the womb to the time it reaches the tomb. This dexterous, wonderful, and magnificent organ helps us to control our body functions and helps us to interact with the world around us.
Importance of having a healthy brain
Maintaining a healthy brain will help your mind stay clear and active to continue to work, rest and play.
The importance of heart health has long been promoted, but brain health is just as crucial for our ability to think, act and live well. Brain health is about reducing risk factors, keeping your mind active, and getting the best out of your brain as you age.
?Some amazing facts about the Human Brain
?Factors that affect brain health
The brain changes throughout life, adapting to things we have learned and experienced. In a healthy brain, new connections continually develop and broken ones are repaired. As we get older, particularly from middle age onwards, changes can start to happen within the brain so that there’s a gradual decrease in mental capabilities. This is known as age-related cognitive decline.
Chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure together with family history and the way we live our lives have an impact on the healthy function of our brains. These factors can increase the risk of developing diseases like Alzheimer’s and?vascular dementia.
Mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, is a condition in which you may have some minor changes in your ability to think clearly and remember things.?
Dementia is the term used to describe a specific set of symptoms related to mental function. These include forgetfulness, difficulties with thinking and solving problems, impaired communication, and disturbing changes.
We can’t change our genetic heritage, but we can make lifestyle changes that can reduce the risk of developing dementia and mild cognitive decline.
?Maintaining a healthy brain
Brain training?Keeping the brain active is an important aspect of brain health. Challenging mental activities stimulate the formation of new nerve cell connections and may encourage new cell generation. Try crosswords, puzzles, crafts, and books to keep your mind alert and ready for anything.
Eat well?– A balanced diet can nourish your mind and your body.?products?with lower levels of sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats. Fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy oils from olives, fish, nuts, and avocados will help protect the brain.
Give up smoking?– Smoking increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. In research, people who smoked between ten and twenty cigarettes a day had a 44 percent greater risk of getting dementia. Giving up cigarettes is difficult, but it can help your brain stay sharp and healthy.
Enjoy alcohol in moderation?– Too much alcohol can increase the risk of dementia. Moderate levels of alcohol, under the government recommendation of 14 units a week, may help prevent memory loss.
Stay Social?– Friends and family can be good for your brain health. People with strong social connections tend to have lower blood pressure, a decreased risk of dementia, and a longer life expectancy. Studies suggest that?hearing loss, and the isolation associated with it, can be a significant contributor to cognitive decline.
Get quality sleep?– Sleep is a chance for our bodies to rest and repair the damage inflicted by daily life. It can be difficult to concentrate and function when we’re sleep-deprived, with most adults needing between seven and nine hours to perform at their cognitive peak.
Mindful: Anxiety and stress take a toll on your mental health, but they can also impact your physical and brain health, too. Regular meditation or mindfulness practice may help reduce the risk of worsening vascular health.?
Caroline Abrahams, director of Age UK said: ‘The changes that we need to make to keep our brains healthy are already proven to be good for the heart and overall health, so it’s common sense for us all to try to build them into our lives.’
A healthy lifestyle can help you prevent risk factors like high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. If you already have one or more of these risk factors, you may be able to make lifestyle changes that can reverse the conditions and help improve your brain health. If you do need guidance or assistance on how to enhance practicing good mental health, do get in touch with us today.
Stay focused, watch your lifestyle and transform happily!